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It was now Sunday evening and as nervous as I was about officially meeting victor, I couldn't wait to get hold of every single detail about his shady dealings because I honestly couldn't stand a week with these monsters. The sonner he got back, the sooner I could report back to Christian.

Although I wasn't sure whether he'd grant me access to his study, I hoped he'd at least let me into his room, maybe there, I would find something to use against him.

"Are you sure you don't want a sip?"

Christy asked as she drank from her glass full of red liquid.

I put my hand over my chest trying to digest what she'd just asked.

I breathed out a no which I wished to take back when she looked at me with narrow, suspicious eyes.

"Okay, suit yourself."

She continued drinking the blood with her scrutinizing eyes shifting between mine and the magazine in front of her, making me very uncomfortable.

"Uhm, where do you keep the pots?"

I wouldn't drink that blood but my stomach growled crazily in hunger and I couldn't stand it any longer. It wasn't anomalous for a half human to crave human food, right?

"Pots, for what? We don't cook."

Probably not.

"I completely forgot, sorry."

I could see she wanted to laugh hard at whatever my face showed her but she quickly contained herself. Knowing me,my face had become pale.

"You should see the look on your face right now. I knew you'd want to cook, which is why I burrowed some pots and food from Ian"

I could feel colour returning to my cheeks.


What could he possibly do with pots and human food?

"Ian's human"

"How long has he been working here?"

"Three years now"

And they hadn't killed him?wow.

"Surprised huh?Come on, we're not that bad"

"Uh, never said you were. Thanks for doing this for me, it's very thoughtful of you"

I genuinely thanked her.

"Open the top cupboard doors"

I slipped off the high chair and did as instructed. The box was surprisingly sealed and I cut off the tape and took out a frying pan.

"The oil?"

"Right where you found the box"

Christy watched me as I carefully poured the oil into the pan.

"You're a very weird vampire,you know?"


I corrected, not sure where this was headed. Weird was not good and I wondered whether my performance by far had not fully convinced her.

"Don't you have cravings for blood?"

"Of course I do, why do you ask?"

I asked with my eyes still set on the frying pan.

"It's just that, I've not seen you drinking blood. It's only normal for a vampire to drink about fourteen glasses a day"


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