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I had always known he was dangerous but never had he fully shown me so openly as today.

I had to dig deeper into my little pond of lies. I had to find a convincing one. One that made him believe I wouldn't try anything stupid or go against him.

"I don't know,Victor."I bit ny lower lip as I made sure to appear deep in thought. If I agreed right away,he would know I was only acting.

"Honey,all this wouldn't be happening if you hadn't messed with my nephew.He thinks you're perfect,you do have your
flaws but in his eyes,you're perfect in every way. You make him a better man,Jessica and that makes me appear as the villain in his eyes. I need you to hurt him so he can see that you're no different from the rest of us. I want him on my side again."

I had no hand in Daniel's behavior towards him,if only I could tell him. Victor had to be the most disturbed vampire I had ever met. How could he expect Daniel to love and support him after he had made him watch his father die?

"I never meant to come between the two of you. I know it wasn't your fault that my parents are dead. It's Jason's."I said with tears blurring my vision. It wasn't entirely true,it wasn't entirely false either,maybe that is why tears fell so effortlessly.

"I'm glad you know now,my dear. I don't understand how that boy's mind works,hey.

"Where's Daniel?"he asked suddenly.

"I don't know, "I shrugged.

"You think I'm a fool,don't you?"he said with a smirk.

"You're lying to me. If Daniel cannot stand me in his head,I don't know about you." He said as he looked into the depth of my eyes.


"Fine,I'll do it. Just hear me our first." I said as I fought to get him out of my head.

"Daniel is coming here. I want you to kill Vladimir before he arrives." He said,holding my eyes in his.

"Yes,my lord."I bowed as I reached for my knife.

"Rosinah,it's time." Victor whispered and after a few seconds,Rosinah entered with Daniel's father chained. Silver weakened and paralyzed the strongest of vampires and turned them into helpless targets.

"An apple doesn't fall far from the tree indeed. Your son has followed in your footsteps. He has fallen for a mere mortal,I always taught him not to be like his father but who was I kidding? Betrayal and disobedience runs through his blood vessels. See,that's exactly why hybrids should be terminated,a vampire's vessels must be empty. Today,he will see just how dangerous humans are." Victor told his brother.

"Remember,blades do not affect an immortal at all,unless it pierces the heart or removes the head." He said to me.

At this time,I didn't know why I had to kill Vladimir but I knew I just had to. I couldn't listen to his pleadings,my ears had become completely deaf to his cries but I wasn't immune to the familiar pair of green eyes. In them,I saw memories of Daniel and I. The way he had trusted me. The way he was prepared to do anything just to protect me. The way he never succumbed to his thirst for my blood.He endured the pain for me. This was how I repaid him? I couldn't kill the only thing he had left in this world. I could not take the only thing he had away from him. I knew better.

"Do it,Jessica!"he shouted at me impatiently. The pain intensified as he grew angrier. It was the like the more I resisted,the more likely he would crush my brain completely.

"Stop being this stubborn!" His eyes turned into blood red. His dark vessels were terrifyingly mapped out on his crystal snow face. As fear gnawed at my insides excruciatingly,I aimed the knife to his right thigh. Unfortunately,he ducked.

I retreated like a coward until my back hit the wall as he walked towards me.

"You fool! I will never die from such a weak attack. My nerve endings are more sensitive than yours which significantly improves my reflex action and balance."he said through gritted teeth.

"My lord,he's here,"Rosinah told Victor.

"I see you don't want to make this easier,"he barely paid attention to Rosinah. I shrieked when he grabbed me by the neck and pressed me against the wall.

I wanted to cry out but I couldn't,his grip was too tight,I could feel my own veins bulge.

I could feel his nail that felt like a huge piece of glass slice through my flesh. His tongue licked my blood.

"Mmh,O negative,tasty,"he said with a smile. I closed my eyes as Conard's lessons flashed into my mind. I could do it,he was a monster and that is why I felt no ounce of hesitation when I pushed my knee against his groin.

"Idiota!,"(Idiot) he hissed but did not budge. Of course,all those moves would only work on younger and weaker vampires,not one who was over one thousand and five hundred years.

A wave of regret and disappointment seemed to aid in sucking more air out of me.

"Daniel!"I used all my strength to call out to him when Victor's fangs eventually dug into my skin.

Somewhere through the bite,I felt no pain.It was,in a very strange way,pleasurable.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion when Daniel broke in,running towards us,shouting a no.Victor loosened his grip on me and my body pummeled,hitting the hard cold floor.

He shot two injections at him before he flew out of the window with Rosinah. He almost had him-Almost.

I could see him coming up to me and put my head on his lap. His lips,I could see moving but didn't hear a single word. I could feel the pang of guilt when a tear fell off his eyes. I had betrayed his trust.

His emerald eyes once again endowed my heart with love. I may have not gotten Victor but I got something better-Daniel's love.

When I was young,my dad always told me that Revenge was in the hands of the creator and that it was best not to be like the one who did you wrong. Today,I realize it is the fate of every Angel of Revenge-becoming just like your enemy and I may have not gotten Victor. He and his friends may still torment humans but I do not feel at all disappointed in myself. If I had not taken this path,I wouldn't have met Daniel. It may have not been my intention to be happy when I embarked on this journey but as i lay here with him beside me,our hands interlocked,I realize It is my happiest moment-taking my last breath next to the one I love.

"I-love-you-so much,"I finally said before slipping into nothingness.

Until another messed up Revenge plan.

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