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"Are you sure you want to do this,young lady?"

Christian asks behind me as we jog through the dense forest.

"I don't want to but I really don't have much of a choice"

I'm surprised he's asking when we both know he doesn't give a damn about what happens to me. He's no different from his beloved friend, they're both liars, traitors and I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one that's sent him and if he thinks I will be manipulated into doing what he wants, he's going to be highly disappointed.

"Okay, just be careful"

I stop and turn to face him. Maybe I haven't heard correctly. I'm sure surprise and suspicion are now visibly consuming my face when he asks,


"Are you not going to shout at me?"

He sighs

"I cannot force you to see things my way. If you feel like this is what you need to do, I have no right to stop you"

He says ever so innocently that one would swear he's being sincere but I know very well that the word does not exist in his vocabulary. He is an excellent liar and I'd be a fool to believe him. I mean he didn't hesitate to betray his own friend,who am I?

"Oh thanks",

Is all I manage to say.

"There's something you need to know though"

He starts after a few seconds of silence.

"Marcus probably wouldn't like this but I think you have the right to know what you are capable of"

"Oh not this again!"

I wish I could just fall into a deep sleep and forget about all this. This ridiculous talk about my gift has become tiring.

"just listen to me, Jessica. It's important that you know this. Your have the ability to inhibit your scent,commonly know as invisibility. You should know,if you do not practice hard enough and have mastery over your body,you cannot rely on it. You'll be vulnerable to your enemies.



Although I was highly disappointed that my gift wasn't as exciting as controlling people's minds, I knew it was something quite big to have attracted the eyes of bloodsuckers and I knew it would come in handy for I needed Victor to be confused about my kind. I would deceive him,he wouldn't know he was under one roof with a human enemy.

"Should I get you something while you wait for him ma'am?"

The polite servant asked as I made myself comfortable on Victor's couch. I had seen beautiful houses but none of them compared to this, not even Marcus'. If only his heart was as good as his taste.

"No, thank you"

"Should you need anything, dont hesitate to call, I'll be right behind that door."

He exited and I was left alone in this huge room that reeked of royalty, funny enough. It was a vampire's house, I had expected it to reek of blood.

I was dead tired that I felt like sleeping but I had been warned by Christian that vampires never slept, no matter how tired they were, well, I was "half- vampire" so maybe I was allowed to sleep but I wouldn't risk raising suspicion. I couldn't risk my chances of blending in so I kept myself busy with the magazine that was on the coffee table instead. I was reading a magazine, how ridiculous!, I thought, but after a few minutes, I realized it wasn't so bad after all, it was actually very entertaining.

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