Scary Monsters Pt.3

Start from the beginning

"Burying?" The boy said.
"Yeah. It's my job as an undertaker." Deuce said.
"Undertaker..." The girl said.
"Uh... Ugh... Me..." A voice said.
"Eh? Where's the voice coming from?" The girl said.
"Uwah! Look under your feet!" The boy said.
"...Me.... Help me...!" Ace cried.
"T-There's people..." The girl said.
"There's people being buried!?" The boy said.
"Uh... Get me out of here! Hey you! Please help me!" Ace shouted.
"Just be quiet and get buried!" Deuce said. They couldn't do anything as this was acting. The two were terrified by this. They wanted to believe it was fake, but then Deuce turned on them. While running, the two ran into Cater who was acting. He had multiplied too.

Hel was just amused as it all went down. She even offered some of her skeleton soldiers to help. They raced off after Deuce and Cater scared the living daylights out of them. One dorm down, six more to go.

-At the Coliseum-

"Wait! Put the treasures back!" A student shouted.
"Damn it, we lost them... Where are you! Come out! Hey, let's search over there!!" Another said before the two rushed off. There was a warning sign as well that they ignored to take pictures. The two were all about having a wish granted. They wanted to follow the trend. They took pictures at different angles with the treasure. Leona and Ruggie were watching them smugly with six of the godlings and the three humans. Jack was the one leading. Time to hunt.

The treasures turned to sand before their eyes. They tried to take more, but the same thing happened with more of them. The boy wanted to leave, but the girl couldn't move. Neither could the boy. They then lost the ability to speak. Two students rushed up. One looked around. "Where did they go..."

The two recognized them. The other student looked at their dormmate. "We should find them faster, or else something bad is going to happen. These visitors didn't know anything! They might become a sacrifice for the 'curse'! I didn't know a real treasure would get mixed in with the replicas...!"

"Even though the pirate has become a ghost now, they won't forgive anyone who touches their treasures. If anyone does so, the vengeful spirits will take their life..."

"There are some customers that went missing in the colosseum now! It must be the curse of the pirates!"

"(EHH~~~~~~!!??)" The two thought.
"Even though we set up a sign that warned them not to touch the treasures, I can't believe they ignored it!" The student said.
"They will get attacked by the ghost pirates! We must find them! HEY, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Another shouted. There was no sound.
"...No response. Let's search over there!" The student said.
"Yeah!" Another said. The two desperately wanted to call out, but couldn't. The two left. The duo that ignored them could finally move and speak now. They thought they broke the curse. They were so wrong. They ran off with them watching.

The two then heard the sound of metal. Multiple sounds of metal. A voice called out. "You guys..."

"W-Whose voice is it!?" The boy said.
"You dirty thief..." Multiple female voices said.
"T-Thief!? What do you mean!?" The girl said. Metal answered them
"You never know... What the pirates went through when they collected the treasures... Sometimes we sink during storms... Sometimes we collapse when we don't eat or drink for days... We must keep sailing even when we lose a friend... Yoooo... Hoooo..." Multiple male voices said. The sound of metal continued.
"Are they... The ghost pirates!?" The boy said.
"But I thought they had forgiven us!?" The girl said.
"We're prepared for this. We will sacrifice our lives to protect the treasure... How about you?" Ten voices asked. The sound of metal got closer.
"The voices are getting closer to us!" The girl said.
"Where are you!?" The boy said.
"You try to steal the treasures we collected... (metal scraping).... THAT MEANS YOU'RE READY TO FIGHT WITH US!!!" The ten shouted.
"KYAA!! THEY'RE HERE!!!" The boy cried.
"IT'S THE GHOSTS!!!!" The girl said.
"I'll let you know... What will happen when you touch our treasures! GAO!" Jack shouted. The others followed his lead.

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