A Summers Kiss Ch.16

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(A/n sorry for being gone so long~! I had some personal stuff going on and I was just lazy lol- anyways can you guess who Isis is going to kiss~? Hehe, no cheating~!)

⚠️-cursing I think I don't remember but probably

"Sounds fun, right?"

The students pause before yelling in shock. They yelled and shouted in protest- they knew she was strong, but one v. 10? It was clearly unfair.

This only made Isis more enraged. She balled her fist, and she could feel her sharp fingernails dig into her palms despite the leather gloves. Only a few noticed this- some thought she was scared. They should thank their lucky star that they didn't say that out loud.

"She doesn't need your damn pity- you bunch of damn nerds! Umi can handle herself!" Katsuki shouted angrily to the worried crowd.

"Yeah! Isis-sama is super strong- she can do anything!" Asmodeus added while they all quieted down.

Isis breathed out, pushing down the ball of burning rage that was bubbling in her throat. Nezu paid no mind to the students in the slightest but looked up to Isis,

"So you think you can do it? You could just leave and take the failing grade."

Isis chuckled darkly while crossing her arms and lifting her chin pridefully.

"As the Bushida heiress, it'd be embarrassing to have the word fail used in me. So the answer is obvious~. Besides, I've been dying to prove how inferior you all are to me~." Isis said before she gave a sadistic laugh while black electricity sparked off of her body.

There was a mix of reactions throughout the crowd. Some scared, some impressed, but unfortunately, a few were...um...aroused.

She gave one more hum before walking into the building, "See you in the final match~."

As her shoes quietly padded the floor while Dominic appeared, sending a smirk to the rest of them. Then he quickly caught up with Isis, who continued to stand tall. Soon the rest of the students walked into the building, either coming up with a plan or preparing themselves.

Isis took her medicine to keep her nerves calm and closed her eyes while Dominic stood behind Isis. She accidentally slept through most of the matches until Dominic woke her up when she had to go.

Isis's steps were inaudible as she walked down the hallway, her heart racing in excitement. A small smirk appeared on her face, her heart was pounding up until the light of the entrance was in her sight. Isis took a deep breath and stood tall as she walked into the arena; her face held confidence and tranquility. Dominic walked behind her as the two walked through the false city, when a minute of theyre five-minute head start was left, they saw the runaway entrance.

About 15 feet away from it, Isis snapped her fingers, and a throne like a chair appeared with a small table with teacups and a cake. The people in the observatory room deadpanned at what their classmate was doing. Katsuki, however, smirked in pride of his girl- wasn't it evident that she was cocky?

God, how he loves this side of her.

She sat down in her red cushioned and gold-rimmed throne while Dominic pours some tea. As the last 30 seconds were almost up, Isis waved her hand with black smoke surrounding it. The sunny sky was soon a dark overcast of think and ominous clouds. The ground was now covered in shadows.

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