Childhood pt.2

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( warnings: cursing and katsuki and izuku are a Lil possessive but not like "wow Lil guy your literally a baby" kind ya know?)

See, while Isis was sick, Izuku 'befriended' Katsuki. Well, Katsuki just wanted more followers for the two of them. Anyway, Katsuki and his 'friends' made their way over to her house and rung the doorbell. Isis was actually going out today, so it was convenient, she had a little red dress with yellow boots and a yellow bag.

"Suki!...oh, hello to you all as well...who's the green-haired boy?"

She didn't like Katsukis followers; they were mean and were just there for Katsukis growing ego. However, the new boy looked different.

"I'll introduce you later. Let's go to the park!"

They all go in line with Katsuki in the front and Izuku at the back, and Isis goes to Izuku. (much to Katsukis disappointment, he knew she didn't like his followers, he just liked showing others that you were his, so after you meet Izuku, it shouldn't be any different. Right?) Anyway, back to Isis and Izuku.

"Hi! I'm Isis Katsumi; what's your name?"

"O-oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya. Kacchan said you have a quirk! What is it!"

Izuku was pretty surprised that the pretty girl that kacchan claimed was 'his Umi-chan' was talking to him! Though he was starting not to like how Kacchan 'claimed' her.

"Oh, its teleportation and's nothing flashy..."

Isis interrupted his train of thought, "What about you? Do you have a quirk yet?"

"o-oh no, not yet,..anyways do you like heros? All Might's the coolest, isn't he?!"

'He seems nice, I guess, maybe we can friends' ,Isis thought

"I really like The dragon hero Ryuku. I usually play as her too! I also like the Equipped hero Yoroi Musha....but yeah, who doesn't like All Might.", She said with a small giggle at the end.

That caught the attention of a certain explodo boy. Why was she laughing? Come to think of it; she should've left that extra a while ago!

"OI! Were at the park! Umi, you're the hostage, kay!"

This grabbed her attention away from Izuku (which saddened him)

"Suki, you know I don't like being the hostage...I'm always Ryuku...."

Did he not think she was good enough to be a hero anymore? What changed? What was up with him? These thoughts raced through her head.

Well, I'll tell you what was going on in his Lil head. He wanted to show her how cool he was and save her and get Umi to kiss him and say, "You're my hero!" his fantasy somehow went you guys getting married but let's not talk about that.

"Well, then I'll just go play on the swings instead...have fun."

Wait, she wanted to leave him? That's worse than her talking to the damn extra!

"FINE! can be Ryuku..."
For the next few weeks, they all played, and she was talking more to Izuku, which made Katsuki mad, but he had an idea to show everyone that the two of them belonged to each other.

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