T.S yandere interlude pt.11 My Savior

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Tomura Shigiraki
It was raining when he met her, it was cold and wet yet the hot blood that oozed out of him brought no warmth. It only brought the adolescent boy fear of death, the fear, and numbness crawling towards him after each kick he got. He looked up and saw gray, it's always been gray for him, well gray or red.

His glossed over eyes looked up to the boys around his age yelling taunts to him and delivering hits to the frail boy. He silently pleaded for it to stop but his chapped lips were sewn shut with the threads of fear and pain.

His vision was getting darker and darker as the light hazy gray of the clouds were turning into a darker shade.

"Oi, what are you guys doing to him?"

The kicking stopped as the young and feminine yet demanding voice yelled out into the ally way. The boys who were kicking stopped and spat something to the girl. The boy on the floor didn't know, he just looked at the girl, even though she was cloaked she shone a color he has never seen before.

He blinked and saw the girl run to punch and knock down the three. She looked at the boy on the floor with an emotion he often saw but it was mixed with something entirely new. She picked him up with ease and walked away.

He never had been saved before, no hero, no outside force, not even his own family.

Once she had found a place with some sort of shelter that was away from the public she sat him down and took off her jackets leaving her in only a tank top and loose pants. She draped the big coat over him and sat down on the damp bench next to him.

"A-aren't you c-cold?"

He shakily asks in a hoarse voice despite him clinging to the warmth the cloth brought.
She looked at him with a blank face, her slightly dull green and gold eyes boring into his red ones.
She suddenly smiled a bright smile,

"It's okay, don't worry about me. You must be hungry, right?"

Her sudden outburst startled him but was brought some relief at the replacement of the happy feature instead of her cold ones.

"I-I....yeah I'm hungry but I'll be okay. Here take your coat back-"

He was cut off as she gently sat him back down,
"It's fine, really. In a couple of minutes, I'll have my energy back and I can take you back to where you live. Here have some food."

She handed him a warm tea and a sandwich that she made appear out of nowhere, he took it and didn't say anything. He didn't live anywhere. Once he took a bite of the food he ate the rest quickly and gulped down the drink. Isis looked at him with a slightly surprised look as she started to piece together some theories. She suddenly stood up and felt around the boy's torso. This surprised him as he flinched away with a red face.

"What- what are you doing?!"

She looked at his face, then his shaggy hair, and the dark circles he had along with his skinny form that had defiant ribs.

"What-....what are you looking at.."

She concluded that he most likely either had a bad home life or it simply was dead. Like hers, this saddens her as she realized she got somewhat lucky that she immediately had a place to go after what happened to her.

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