T.A yanderes interlude-pt.9 Happy

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No warning

Amajiki Tamaki
Isis had gotten entrance tickets to a popular botanical garden, she knew her cute elf boy friend liked those kinds of places so she invited him. His answer wasn't exactly straightforward, a lot of stuttering but Isis got the main idea that he wanted to go.

So that weekend she got her car and made Dominic drive to the front of his house to pick him up. Isis texts him that she's outside and a bit later he comes out in casual clothing in him normal slouched stance. Dominic got out of the car to open the back seat door so Amajiki would sit by Isis.

"G-good a-a-after-noon Umi-Chan..."
He said embarrassed and slightly gloomy.

"Hey Ama-Chan, you excited about the garden, I hear there's a butterfly exhibit, if I recall correctly you're fond of butterflies."

Amajiki shakily nodded as he placed his hands in his lap slouching, trying to make himself smaller.

'I-I'm so close t-to her...'

He started to get hot out of embarrassment, Isis noticed his sweating and casually turned the AC on higher for him.
Isis tried to talk to him some, he only nodded and responded quickly trying not to stutter. He's usually not alone with Isis, normally Mirio was around or Neijiere was there too. He didn't think his heart could take being so close to Isis, so he used the window as his 'wall'.

Once they got to the garden Isis lead Amajiki to the entrance. However, she held his, now sweaty, hand on the way there. Steam started to go out of his ears as his face was glowing red, Isis couldn't deny that she liked how weak she could make the taller boy but she didn't want him to pass out either.

She let go of his hand to let him cool off a bit as they walked and took in the beautiful scenery, well Isis was, Amajiki was staring at the ground taking quick glances in her direction.
They found a bench with a nice view of the lake and all the water flowers. Isis sighed a bit, Amajiki looked upset and nervous. She knew she could be intimating, but that was only when she wanted to. She was certainly not trying to intimidate the cute boy next to her.

She looked at the bench, the lake, and the sky that was starting to get cloudy. Isis looked at Amajiki and realized this was probably what Togata felt when he first met her. Suddenly she got an idea, she stood up abruptly
"I'll be back in a second."

Amajiki blinked at the now empty space where Isis once was.
Did he just get stood up? No no Isis would never do that, right? Though he would probably deserve it, huh...
He had a stream of insecure thoughts, when three minutes had passed he was near tears. Luckily she appeared with a box and candied strawberry on a stick.

"Here, your probably hungry so I got you takoyaki."

She handed him the warm box that had a lot of really good looking food in it. Amajiki quietly thanked her as she sat next to him trying to not make a mess of the sweet treat she got.
She quickly ate it up and put the sticks in between her gums and inner lip, Isis tapped Amajikis shoulder for his attention.
When he looked over at her he blank-faced with a slightly agape mouth.

"I resemble a walrush!"
Amajiki closed his eyes and quickly reopened them to make sure he was seeing this right. Isis however took his silence as unamusement, she took the sticks out from her mouth and said slightly sadly.

"What's wrong Ama-Chan, you've looked upset all day. If you didn't want to come today you didn't have to..."

Amajiki only looked down sadly and said, "I-I don't know why you put up with someone like me.... you're so much greater and brighter than I could ever be. You're so much like Togata, and I'm so gloomy all the time. Y-you should be w1with people who make you happy...."

'So that's what this was about huh'

Isis stood up in front of him gently caressing his cheek and holding his hand,
"Amajiki, don't put yourself down like that. Believe or not but I was a lot like you, in no way was I always this amazing person you make me out to be. Togata saved me, when he met me he wouldn't let me leave him until I smiled, I thought his optimism and determination was ridiculous and foolish. Though he didn't give up the whole day, he didn't even know my name, that was the day when I truly understood how important it is to be happy.
Everything that had happened to me up till around then, I believe I deserved it that it was some sort of punishment for something I did. After I met Mirio I slowly started to realize that I didn't deserve anything I didn't work for, and I definitely didn't work for all the bad things that had happen to me. Though sometimes I still think like that, and it's okay as long as you live happily okay?"

She smiled gently at the boy and rubbed a stray tear from his eye,

" You make me happy too, Amajiki. Don't forget that."

He nods and leans into her comforting hand and holds back the hand that held his.

"But you know you really are a cutie when you blush, why wouldn't I like to be around you."


(Okay so I googled femdom and how to be a gentle dom and three p*rn sights pulled up and I wanna cry-)

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