K.B Yanderes interlue- pt.2 Promises

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⚠️-cursing, mentions of suicidal thoughts

Katsuki Bakugo
Isis had invited Katsuki over for lunch that day, he was over to her place relatively quick considering how she lives down his street now.
As he got to her door he checked his breath, as if he was about to be kissed, and know k on the door.
The extra named 'Dominic' opened the door let him in as the two glared at each other. Dominic lead him upstairs to a room with a white door.
When he opened it his eyes narrowed at how bright it was, in the middle of the room he saw Isis looking out the window, his heart stopped at how stunning she looked and it was just a look at the back of her head. She turned her head and smiled at him, Isis got up and walked to him,

"Thank you Dominic for bringing him, you're dismissed."

Dominic bowed and took his leave. The two remaining in the room walked to the middle of the room and sat down, Katsuki looked, well glared, at the tea and held it as one would a cup of coffee.

Isis gave him a playful smirk and told him he was holding the cup wrong when he said
'I don't give a shit'
she laughed at him, despite his yelling her laugh brought a swarm of butterflies in his stomach.
Isis and Katsuki talked and ate, soon they both went quiet, just enjoying each other's presence, with Katsuki stealing a few glances of course.

However, Isis looked down with a distraught look on her face and nervousness boiling in her stomach. He noticed this and said,

"Hey what's wrong Umi.."

She took a breath in and looked at him right in his eyes with slight intensity,
" Katsuki, you know I trust you, right? I-I want to tell you what happened to me while I was away, something else too but you know this could be dangerous. So I need you to promise me that what I say in this room stays here, only three other people know this so, I don't know it just feels right to tell you but if you don't want to know the-"
Katsuki cut her off.

"I promise, I'm not a dumbass, and yeah I-I trust you a lot too. So get on with it or whatever."

She smiled at him but then her face changed to a solemn one as she started,

"I'm-....im not exactly human, apparently I'm just a vessel of something more dangerous, more monstrous than anyone can imagine. Taiki knew this because he used to be one too, a vessel for the Demon King's power. I know it sounds crazy, it was to me too but then I started to think, why was I so powerful, my horrible appearance too. The horns, the wings, and fangs. The more I thought on it the more it made sense, once it did what he told me only made me more terrified of myself. If I wasn't careful I could-"
her voice gave out for a second, Katsuki, who was surprisingly being a good listener, put his hand over hers giving her the will to continue.

"I could hurt a lot of people around me, and I would like it. I don't really want to go into detail of what I could do, I barely know myself. Anyway Taiki, he-he took me to a cave, up high in the mountains and it was dark, so so dark. Taiki- he, he brought me to the back of the cave, I didn't know what was going on I was only 12, he chained me up. The chains were so heavy and cold I could bearly move,
it was suffocating.
He told me it was so I could control it, he never said what it was, and I still don't really know what he meant by it. Taiki left me there for three years I barely had any food. It was either scolding hot or freezing cold, Ayaka would sometimes come up and feed me and give me water, but that was rare.
All that was there for me to do was try to use the chains as weights for training,
other than that my 12-year-old mind went crazy, thinking what did I do wrong to deserve that. I wanted to die so badly,
but Katsuki,
I remember you.
I remember how sad you would be and the promise I made you. So for 1,305 days, I endured it, I was so scared, Suki. I really thought I'd die before I was able to get out, I tried to get out but the chains, the goddamn chains were so strong. Once I got out I hated Taiki, but Ayaka took me to get washed up. When I was alone I saw my self in a mirror, I- I looked like a monster, my eyes were black with red irises and my nails her black and sharp, my ears pointed. My reflection was so ugly and terrifying, I still-"

Katsuki cut her off, shocked, and horrified at what she went through he couldn't handle her saying anything else about herself. He went up to her and kneeled down in front of her sitting form and held her, crying along with her.
She sobbed into his shoulder, the memories of the darkness still make her wake up in a cold sweat, it was just less than a year ago she got out of her personal hell after all.

"You're not a monster, you're not ugly either Isis. You're so much more, your gorgeous, wonderful, and you make me, and others so happy. Too happy to be a monster. I don't want to hear you say dumbass things about yourself, especially when they're not true at all. I'm here too, you don't have to be sad anymore, or at least right now you don't. I- I know me saying this won't make the years go away but, right now I'll hold you. I'll protect you, it'll always be bright with me, I promise..."

Isis whimpered and nodded into his shoulder, sobbing harder and holding him tighter. She was still horrified about what has happened to her and no doubt she will continue to be shadowed by it for the rest of her life, but Katsuki actions made her feel safe at that moment.
She didn't know if it was the way he cradled her till she fell asleep, or maybe it was what he said. Whatever it was her sobs slowly turned into quiet breathing as she fell asleep in his strong arms.
Katsuki held her, holding her warmth close to his as he made a promise to himself

'No matter what, I'll be your light like you were mine. You'll be mine Isis, no matter who has to go'

(I cried on this one while writing it man, also all the scenarios I'm going to write are cannon in this story but they don't exactly place specifically in any part in the story, some will be flash backs but ill tell you then anyway bye~ next up Todoroki)- also that's why she doesn't have ripped abs, she's had malnutrition for years, if that didn't happened she'd be really tall too, like 6 ft. Sucks to suck I guess, but poor Isis I feel bad for doing that to her

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