His Sincerity Ch.18

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'Isis, Isis, Isis, she's going to be at the camp too. I wonder if she'll like my surprise?'
Isis stood outside chatting and flirting with the girls who were giggling and swooning. They were about to board the busses; class 1-B walked to the busses as well.

"I'm so pumped! I've been waiting for this trip all semester. What do you think, Isis?" Uraraka said with a cute smile to Isis.

Isis hummed and thought for a second, "Well...it'll certainly be...beneficial."

She patted the smaller girl's head, who blushed a bright pink with a small giggle. Some of the girls glared at her, but then she went off with Kaminari and Mina, who were cheering for camp. Suddenly it was as if a heatwave went over Isis alone; she felt like doubling over from the lightheadedness and her burning throat.

Quickly grabbing her handkerchief Isis turned away from the group and coughed painfully into the cloth. Looking at the white now blood-stained handkerchief Isis looked over to Aizawa, who was eyeing her worriedly. They shared a look, and he motioned his head towards the bus as if to say she should rest. Isis nodded and looked back at the girls who had pitying expressions.

'Not you too, Momo...'

"Nothing to worry about, my princesses; it's only a little seasonal sickness, I'm sure. I'm going to go rest on the bus; I apologize for cutting this short~."

Before any of them could say anything, she briskly walked towards the bus with Dominic following. Several of her classmates looked at her with worry on their faces, including some from 1-B; she was quite popular.

On the bus, Isis sat breathing heavily with some water while holding her throat in pain. Dominic was on his way with her medicine. She knew it probably wasn't good for her to be doubling or tripling her doses, but she was a doctor, and she had to be and look her best this week.

Isis felt the bus get heavier and glanced up to see Tenya. She looked to the side in slight shame, his eyes furrowed in worry.

"Isis, are you alright-"

"I'm fine, Tenya, it's nothing," Isis said firmly.

He pursed his lips, thinking for a second before walking closer to her in robotic-like movements, "Isis, I understand that you're strong; however, it's my duty as class rep- no as your friend..to be concerned about your health."

Isis looked up blankly to him and gazed into his dark blue eyes with her emerald ones. She huffed out of her nose and gave a charming smile,

"Tenya, I'll be just fine. I promise I'm not going anywhere! Can't get rid of me easily~."

He blushed and was filled with relief that she was finally looking at him in the eyes now. But there was still some worry lingering in him; he walked over and sat down beside her.

"You know...you don't always have to be 'fine' with me, Isis." He said, sincerity glossing his eyes.

Her lips part as her eyes widen, gazing into his beautiful eyes. Her face softened,

"You..are a mystery to me, Tenya Iida..."

He chuckled a bit, looking away with a blush,

"I can say the same to you, Isis Katsumi."

They laugh a bit mad before the class loaded the bus; Dominic brought Isis her medicine. As everyone got into their seats, it was quickly chaotic throughout the whole drive. Tenya was yelling at everyone, and everyone was causing some kind of trouble besides the people who were sleeping or just trying to stay out of the whole thing.

Soon they all got to the 'Rest stop,' and the class got off the bus to stretch.

"You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, did you?" Aizawa said to the class as suspicions started to rise.

"Heya, Eraser!"

A car door slammed shut.

"Long time no see."

Two very brightly colored women in frilly cat costumes started their theme song,

"Your feline fantasies are here. Say, 'meow'!"

"Purrfectly cute and catlike girls!"

"You can call us the Wild, Wild Pussycats!" The two finished in unison with a small and grumpy looking boy beside them.

The class looked blankly at their theatrics while Isis gave a closed eye smile, happy to see her old friends again. Aizawa explained that they would be training with them for the summer. Izuku got quick to fanboying as he explained every fact about them he could think of. However, when he got to their age, it struck a nerve in Pixebob.

The class focused on the pro heroes Isis went over to her kid-brother.

"Hey Ko-chan, did ya miss me?" She said, crouching down while holding something behind her back.

His eyes light up, and he quickly gives her a hug wrapping his arms around her neck, "Umi.." he said with a muffled voice.

She laughed happily and patted his back; however, he looked over her back and saw the present she was hiding. Smiling a bit her, he continued to hug her. Kota missed her so much.

Picking up the boy, Isis held him up with one arm and showed him the expensive-looking wrapped box,

"I got you something~ have you been good to Mandalay, though?"

He kept quiet but pouted and looked away.

"I'll take that as a no." She said cheekily while making the box disappear.

Shinso watched her fondly as she playfully argued with the small boy. He wondered if he could start a family with her and if he would be able to see her like that every day.

She looked over and smiled at him, but something was off about it. The students started to get nervous after seeing that the camp was far away in the woods. Isis took her place beside Aizawa,

"Oh, but it is right~."

Her classmates ran towards the bus, excluding Shinso; before they could make it, Isis used her power to lift them all and throw them off of the ledge. She giggled as they all screamed in fear and confusion,

"Training has already begun!"

Shinso sweatdropped and flinched a bit at how sadistic she could be. Even Kota was a bit frightened. The dust settled, and Shinso asked, pointing to himself and Isis,

"Why aren't we going with them?"

"For one, Katsumi will be a mentor along with the rest of us," Aizawa explained.

"Oh, and don't worry about you doing what they're doing; we'll have plenty of fun ourselves, Shinso~," Isis said ominously.

'Oh no...' Shinso thought with a blush.

(Thanks for reading~! Votes and comments are appreciated~!🗿🤟💕)

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