A talk With an Annoying Old Man Ch.10

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KiwiTheOtaku1311 this for you girly~💕✨👏

(Cannon Dominic i drew is up there^^ eat children love y'all~💕✨👏)


"Everyone has their costumes, right?"

The class stood in front of Aizawa at the train station, ready to go to their internships. Aizawa told them to be respectful as Isis could feel a few pairs of eyes on her. Once they were dismissed she walked to her left.

"Oi, Umi!"

She turned around to be met with a pair of strong arms around her. Her eyebrows go up in surprise as Katsuki held her tightly.

"Be safe, and...you can come talk to me whenever got that you idiot."

Isis smiled a bit and nodded in his shoulder as she hugged him back with one arm. She released herself from the hug and said her goodbyes. What she didn't see when Katsuki turned around was several glares directed to him, as well as the smirk he sent right back.

'That's right you damn nerds, she's my girl.'

When Isis kept going the way she needed to she saw Uraraka and Izuku talking to Tenya. They were finished talking when she got close to them, so she just waved bye to the both of them and caught up to Tenya.

"Train to Hosu? Mind if I sit with you?"

Isis said when she walked beside Tenya.

"Yes- I mean no, I don't mind, but y-yes you may sit with me."

Tenya mumbles out slightly with a blush. Isis smiled and the two walked on the train. Tenya insisted she have the window seat and him the aisle, she smiled a bit from amusement but complied.

She pulled out her phone after receiving numerous needy text messages from Keigo- or Hawks. She sighed and gazed out the window, Tenya tensed up with nervousness. Suddenly Isis got an idea, she grabbed her phone and her red nails clicked against her screen. When she was done Isis tapped Tenyas shoulder to get his attention. She showed her screen that had a game of chess on it.

"Wanna play?"
After a 7 to 0 game in Isis's favor, the train stopped. The two walked out but before Tenya could walk away from Isis she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Tenya, don't be reckless. The last thing I want is someone else who I care about dead on the pavement, okay?"

She said in a hushed tone close to his ear, he paused before nodding hesitantly. He couldn't look her in the eyes before Tenya turned his back to walk away. Isis's eyes lingered on his broad shoulders before turning away to go her respective way.

Isis looked at a shaded area from a pillar. She waved her hand around as the shadow started to move,

"Follow him."
Isis got out of the black car and looked up to a rather tall building, it was the hotel Keigo and her would be staying at. She walked up to the front desk and she smiled from the pleasant surprise of an old friend.

"Kiwi-Chan! I didn't know you had a hotel in Hosu if I did I would've brought flowers for you. Of course, they wouldn't be able to hold a candle to your beauty."

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