M.T yanderes interlude-pt.8 Smile!

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⚠️- cursing, high key sad and lowkey romantic and cliche

Mirio Togata
Isis hasn't smiled in years, I mean who would after being chained up in a cave for three years. She was walking around in the rain when she spotted the old playground her and Katsuki used to play at, rusted with fond memories.

She walked over to the swing set and sat on the one on the far right, it had a good view of her childhood window if you were swinging high enough. Though she didn't swing, she just sat there with her long hair on her lap, she hated being dirty. Especially when the luxury of being clean was so easily accessible to her now.

She glared at the ground, in the corner of her eye she caught sight of a blonde head of hair.
Her eyes widen as she quickly turned her head, desperate to know if God could just grant her once chance meeting with her old friend.

She slouched when she saw it was a completely different boy, her heart cracked a bit as she realized

God never was on her side. Why would they? A vessel of evil and misery was what she was, who would want to help that?

'But isn't that God's whole deal? To forgive everyone? What did I do that needs to be forgiven though? Just genetics I guess, bad luck.'

She took another look at the blonde boy walking down the sidewalk, even though it was a rainy and muggy day he trotted as if it was the sunniest day ever.

She gazed at him a bit longer, envying his optimism, wanting just a bit of it. The boy Isis dubbed 'over-optimistic fool' caught her looking at him, the two had eye contact for a second, dull green one that lost the sparkling gold in it a while ago and big blue ones.

Isis looked down to her right, finding a rust spot to become her new favorite thing to look at. She figured the happy fool would go on with his day, well happily. However, could this guy really leave a sad looking girl alone in the rain, without a jacket no less?
So the optimistic fool trotted right over to her. Isis, still not looking up from the rust spot, had her face slowly twisted with annoyance as his obnoxious steps came closer.

Couldn't he just went about with his happy day and leave her alone.

Guess not.

"Heya! I'm Mirio Togata, what are doing out here in the rain, it's pretty cold."
He said hovering his umbrella over her, getting his back wet in the process.

She slightly lifted up her chin in acknowledgment and said with a monotone voice,
"Nothing, and it's not that cold. I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Her rude tone didn't bother the slightly taller boy, he didn't budge either.
"No can do! I'm going to be a hero, and what hero would leave a girl out in the rain looking all sad, huh?"

He said putting his free hand on his hip to give emphasis.
She scoffed internally, hero her ass. Hero's were nothing but fakes who get the money and fame and dipped. Like Endeavor or the one who put her through almost ten years of pain, the great and amazing Taiki Bushida. Sarcasm very much intended.

"Then go 'hero' somewhere else, like I said I'm fine Mr.Hero."

She said meeting his eyes with spite clear in her eyes. Mirio would be lying if he said her glare wasn't intimidating, but how was he supposed to save a million people if he couldn't at least help this girl get out of the rain?

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