To the mall!

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"You guys go first, I have some work to do," Elisabeth said, turning towards them. "I'm running late for a meeting. I'll ask Jacques to pick you up. See you guys later!"
She ran off to her car and drove back to her meeting.
"Being a noblewoman is hard..." Ash said, watching the car disappear into the distance. "Anyway, where do you wanna go?"
Saiki shrugged. Ash thought and got an idea.
"Have you ever been to a mall?" Ash asked his ancestor.
"What's that?" Saiki asked, confused.
Ash squealed in excitement and dragged Saiki off towards the nearest Metro. He rode to the Metro station nearest to the mall he wanted to go to. And when they arrived, he dragged Saiki out and ran towards the mall.
"What is a mall?" Saiki kept asking. "Ash, tell me!"
"You'll see," Ash said, still dragging him. "And I'm sure you'll like it."
Saiki just followed. He thought about the word 'mall' and tried to wonder what it meant. He thought about a similar sounding word which was 'maul'. And how shocked he was.
"Are you taking me to a zoo?" Saiki asked, much to Ash's surprise. "Are you gonna throw me to some hungry wild animal?"
Ash stopped in his tracks when he heard that. He turned to his ancestor with a confused look on his face.
"Come again?" Ash said, confused.
"Well, are you dragging me to a zoo so that you can throw me to some starving wild animals?" Saiki asked again.
"What makes you think that?" Ash asked, still confused.
"Well, you said you wanted to go to a maul right?" Saiki said with a shrug. "Doesn't that mean to be torn apart by wild animals?"
Ash snickered and eventually started laughing uncontrollably. He was even rolling on the ground.
"Why are you laughing?" Saiki asked, looking at the laughing Ash with confused and hurt look on his face. "Did I say something wrong?"
"You did," Ash said, getting up. "It's not maul, it's mall."
"Sounds the same to me," Saiki said, scratching his head.
Ash chuckled again and pulled Saiki towards the mall. They arrived at the mall and Saiki looked up at the colourful building in front of him.
"Is this what a zoo looks like in the future?" Saiki asked, looking at the gigantic building with automated glass doors.
The doors opened when a man stepped in before them and a waft of cool air hit them on their faces. Saiki rubbed his arms, shivering.
"Why is it so cold?" Saiki asked. "Is it a giant refrigerator or something?"
Ash snorted and said nothing, leading him towards the doors. It opened and Ash pushed Saiki in first. Saiki panicked and immediately teleported away behind Ash.
"What?" Ash said, surprised. "Go in!"
"Ash, please, don't lead me into this ice dungeon!" Saiki begged, clinging to the surprised Ash for dear life. "I'm your ancestor, please don't do this to me!"
"Ice dungeon?" Ash said, confused. "What are you talking about, Psych?"
"I know you're leading me into an ice dungeon," Saiki said. "You think I didn't realise how cold it was in there? That's it. I'm going back to my time."
He started walking away but Ash pulled his hand, dragging him back towards the mall. Ash was surprised to see Saiki tightly close his eyes in fear.
"Dude... it's not what you think," Ash said, trying to hold back a chuckle. "It's just a shopping centre."
Saiki opened his eyes in surprise. He looked around the building he was in and was surprised to see people walking around as if nothing was up, carrying shopping bags, laughing and talking as they entered shops and sat around on the benches.
"Oh..." Saiki said, realising. "It's just a shopping centre? I thought you were trying to kill me!"
"Geez, you're worse than an ostrich in a city!" Ash said, smirking as he shook his head. "Never expected you to be like this..."
They started walking around the shops. Looking into the windows to find anything interesting.
"You have money on you, right?" Ash asked. "If you don't, I'll give you one of my credit cards."
"What are those?" Saiki asked, surprised.
"Just take whatever you want and give it to the cashier together with the stuff," Ash said, taking out a plastic card. "They'll take care of it. But be sure to retrieve the credit card."
Ash gave him the card.
"If they ask you something like pin or wave, just say wave," Ash said. "You can speak french, right?"
"I guess..." Saiki said. "I can't speak much, but I think I can understand."
For some reason, Saiki felt really cold walking around the air-conditioned mall. He imagined that every breath he took clouded in front of him but in reality, nope. 
"Why is it so cold?" Saiki asked, rubbing his arms.
"Umm... it's air-con?" Ash calmly stated. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."
Ash dragged him around to the stores and started buying stuff. He bought clothes, accessories and of course... manicure supplies.
Saiki got some too.
"Are you feeling hungry?" Ash suddenly asked Saiki, his hands full.
"No, why?"
"I am!" Ash exclaimed. "Come on, lets get a smoothie."
He dragged his ancestor to a smoothie bar and ordered a chocolate smoothie.
"What about you?" Ash asked Saiki.
"Uh... what flavours are there?" Saiki said, looking up at the menu.
"What flavour do you like?" Ash asked.
"Uh... fruit?" Saiki said.
Ash pointed to the fruit smoothie menu and Saiki paled.
He seriously did feel like an ostrich in the city...
'So many to choose from...' Saiki thought, staring at the colourfully decorated board.
Ash sighed and decided to order a mango smoothie for him.
They sat down on the bar stool and started drinking it. Saiki had a brain freeze since he slurped the cold beverage too quickly.
"What's happening to my head?!" Saiki panicked. "Something's eating its way up inside my brain!"
"No, you drank your smoothie too quickly and your brain's frozen," Ash deadpanned.
Saiki gave a shout of fear, making Ash laugh.
"Chill, dude, it'll wear off!" Ash said. "It's only for a while. Just put your smoothie down and wait for it to go. After that, drink it slowly don't slurp it up like water. Got it?"
Saiki nodded and put his cup down, gripping his head. He looked around while waiting for the pain in his head to go away. Ash started telling him about his school and things like that.
He was talking about how he dealt with Matthieu on his first day of school.
"Yeah and I landed on his shoulders and threw him to the ground!" Ash proudly said. "And the teacher walked in at exactly that time! It felt so good! But I was careful enough to not use my powers though."
But Saiki wasn't paying attention. He had spotted something and his eyes widened in panic.

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