Where's Iori?

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"We are happy to announce that the Crow, South Town's notorious serial killer, has been caught," the newscaster said. "He was caught by a popular bass and saxophone player, Iori Yagami from Tokyo, Japan. He also happens to be well versed in ancient Japanese martial arts."
"Is this really happening?" Krizalid said in surprise. "Iori caught a serial killer? Iori Yagami?"
The others shushed him, their eyes glued onto the television screen.
"Yagami appeared to have been in the alleyway behind SingSong Karaoke Bar with a teen boy, feeding the stray cats with some low lactose milk," the newscaster said.
"Typical Yagami..."
K' was shushed.
"The suspect has reportedly been lurking around the town, unable to find a victim," the newscaster said. "He appeared to have been overjoyed when he came across two cat-loving people alone in an alleyway.
"Yagami appeared to have intimidated the criminal with his appearance"
"With his flames," Zayn added.
"—and have petrified the criminal," the newscaster finished her sentence. "The police arrived to find an out-cold criminal and teen boy with Yagami. Yagami states that both of them have fainted out of shock."
"For some reason I can already imagine what happened," K' said, picturing everything clearly. "And I think it's kinda the same reason why the kid fainted."
"Who's this kid again?" Krizalid asked.
"I think it's that dude that tagged along with Rock," K' said. "He's my age, by the way."
"That poor kid..." Zayn said with a smirk. "But I think Iori was trying to defend him."
"Police officer Kevin Rian arrived on site and attempted to take the suspect into custody, but was taken aback when said criminal tried to stab him with a vintage dagger," the newscaster reported. "But fortunately, our local police officer managed to be quick on his taser and paralysed him before escorting him to the nearest police station. The dagger appears to be stolen from an antique store in Central City. The dagger would serve as crucial evidence."
"Poor shopkeeper," Maxima said with a smirk. "I hope it's insured though..."
"The criminal also appears to be Freeman, a past criminal in South Town who's body was never found," The newscaster said. "This piece of evidence has been given by Hong Kong based detective, Hon-Fu, upon interrogating the Englishman."
"Isn't that the Jackie Chan guy with nunchucks?" K' asked, confused. "Looks like Jackie Chan, fights like Bruce Lee?"
"Yep," Maxima said. "He finally learned to speak English, I think."
The newscaster then went on to talk about the festival from the night before.
"Yagami has some serious explaining to do," K' said. "Come, he lives in the room next to ours."
He rushed back to his room and knocked on the adjoining door.
No answer.
He knocked again.
No answer.
"Open up, Yagami, or you're gonna regret it!" K' exclaimed, banging on the door. "Oi! Open up!"
But no Yagami came. He tried the knob and saw that it wasn't locked. He opened the door and went in to see a messed up bed and a neatly made one, followed by clothes on the ground. There was a pile of laundry near the bathroom too.
"Where did he go?" K' said in surprise.
The others came in too. K' took his phone out and started calling his red-haired friend.

Iori was still at Pao Pao Cafe, happily eating his casserole.
"You're gonna pay for your meal, Terry?" Richard asked, serving some of his signature large empanadas to him. "Or are you looking to play janitor again?"
"Don't worry, Rich, I've got it covered," Terry said. "The money from the events we've played in really paid off."
"You're a lucky wolf, Bogard," Richard said, playfully shaking his head. "You better get a steady job, wolfie."
"Oh come on, being a drummer is a steady job, Rich," Terry said, grabbing his cutlery. "I'm a musician!"
"Yeah whatever," Richard said, rushing over to the kitchen.
"Where's Rock?" Iori asked.
"At home, with Andy," Terry said. "Those two idiots thought it was a good idea to scare Scott even more."
"Don't worry about them, kid," Iori said, addressing Scott. "They're just whackos that have nothing better to do."
Scott chuckled slightly when he heard that.
Iori's phone started ringing.
"It's Dash," Iori said, smirking at his phone.
"Who's that?" Vanessa asked.
"K-Dash," Iori said. "You should know him, you were his teammate."
"Oh that kid," Vanessa said, remembering the sulking young man. "Why is he calling you?"
"Probably noticed how I'm missing in action right now," Iori said before answering the call. "Sup Dash?"
"Oi where are you?" K' shouted, loud enough for everyone at the table to hear. "You owe us an explanation."
"For what?" Iori asked, speaking in a lower voice.
"You're all over the news, dude!" K' exclaimed again. "You caught a serial killer?! When did this happen?"
"Right after we left you guys and went for Karaoke," Iori said, forking a piece of meat. "I got bored of the karaoke and decided to go feed cats in the back alleyway. And then this happened."
"Who's that kid that was with you?" K' asked.
"Terry's new friend, Scott," Iori said. "You met him, right? You guys were hanging around with him at the music fest."
"Yeah and he was darn pale, even back then," K' said. "Poor guy, he only looked better after eating that crepe I gave him. Also, he fainted? Iori, what did you do?"
Iori chucked and told him while munching on his food.
"Are you eating?" K' asked.
"Then hang up, loser," K' said. "I don't wanna disturb your meal."
"You're the one that called me, loser," Iori said, much to the amusement of the others. "Okay bye I wanna eat my casserole in peace."
He hung up and stuffed his phone into his pocket.
"It's all about you, Scott," Iori said, grinning. "My friend was asking about you. By the way, Kevin? He also told me something about me being all over the news. What did you do?"
"Those reporters..." Kevin groaned, annoyed. "All I did was tell them that you caught him and stuff. I refused any interviews but somehow someone managed to pry..."
Terry started coughing.
"Hey, are you okay?" Mary asked, concerned. And then she looked worried. "Uh oh... wonder where I got that from..."
Terry started laughing.
"Something tells me Bogard had something to do with it..." Iori said. "Terry?"
"Fine, I did," Terry admitted. "All I did was tell my neighbour that Scott was there when Yagami captured the murderer. I didn't expect her to go tell the police!"
"Is it Mrs. Arlington?" Mary asked, remembering the plump middle-aged woman that lives next to Terry.
"No wonder..." Mary said. "Terry, tell anyone besides that lady. She's South Town's number one gossip queen. She even runs The Talk of South blog."
"Wait, are you saying that my next door neighbour is the disgusting owner of that blog?!" Terry asked in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've Power-Waved her!"
"You and your Pawaway and Pawatah," Iori said, shaking his head. "You know, I never knew you actually meant Power Wave and Power Dunk?"
The others started laughing at Terry's annoyed face. It was one of the rare moments where Terry is the one being annoyed and not annoying others.
"This is gold," Mary said, laughing. She took her phone out and took a picture of annoyed Terry. "A very rare moment."
Scott was kinda surprised. He had never actually seen Terry being made fun of.
"Alright, where do you wanna go after this?" Kevin asked Iori. "We still have plenty of time left."
Iori shrugged and looked at Aiko, who also shrugged.
"Plan B," Kevin said mysteriously.
They ended up taking him to National Park. Well, they enjoyed, considering Iori and Aiko both loved animals. Speaking of which, his cats were safely with Honoka. She came in once in a while and made sure they were okay, took them out for walks, and played with them.

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