Returned for pride

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Kasumi (Todoh) was walking around South Town with Malin.
"I'm hungry..." Malin said. "Shall we go to Pao Pao?"
"Sure!" Kasumi said. "Hey those rolls you gave me the other day we're really tasty!"
They went straight there and had their lunch. Richard was glad that they paid this time.
A young girl suddenly walked in with her pet marten.
"Hotaru!" Kasumi called. "Over here!"
The girl smiled and came to them.
"Hi!" The girl greeted. "It's so nice to see you!"
"Yeah it's been a while," Kasumi agreed. "Anyway, how's your brother?"
"He's fine," Hotaru said, helping herself to one of the croquettes that Kasumi offered. "He's training his heart out."
"He needs to loosen up," Malin said. "He's too... murderous towards everyone..."
"I agree," Hotaru said. "Even if stranger just asked him for time, he grunts at them!"
"Poor strangers..." Kasumi said with a laugh. "All they wanted was the time."
They talked while they ate. Hotaru soon left, claiming that her brother was waiting for her outside.
"I have to leave," Hotaru said, getting up. "Niisan is waiting for me outside."
She ran out with her pet marten, Itokatsu.
"Sweet girl, isn't she?" Kasumi said, eating. "Anyway, what are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing much," Malin said with a shrug. "You have any plans?"
"Nope," Kasumi said. "Wanna hang out?"
After having lunch, they went to the mall. They shopped around until it was night. They had their dinner too.
They were walking back to their homes, when they passed a karaoke centre.
"Wanna go for karaoke?" Kasumi asked, a smirk on her face. "It's been a while."
Malin didn't reply. She just pulled Kasumi in, definitely agreeing.
They paid for the karaoke session and were walking towards their room. They were excited and were discussing about songs they would sing together, laughing at how they would sound like.
They heard singing coming from the occupied rooms. They were laughing at the tuneless voices that came from one room.
Then they passed a room where a deep, but curiously high-pitch voice came. It was a male's voice, singing a slow song. Kasumi's eyes widened at the familiarity of the voice. She stopped in her tracks.
"What is it, Kasumi?" Malin asked, seeing how Kasumi was reacting.
"That's dad!" Kasumi said, pointing to the room. "It's him! I'm sure of it!"
She went towards the door and started banging on it. Upon realising that it wasn't locked, she opened the door and ran in. Malin went after her.
Kasumi was dismayed to find the room empty. The music was still playing and the microphone was left on the floor. The window at the back was open, letting the cool night air in.
"Dad?" Kasumi called. "Dad! Where are you?"
She searched around the room. Malin watched, surprised.
"What is it, Kasumi?" Malin asked. "What are you looking for?"
"Dad was here, I'm sure of it!" Kasumi said, frantically searching. "He was singing here!"
"Kasumi, there's no one here," Malin said. "Come, lets go to our booth."
They went to their booth. Malin tried to cheer Kasumi up by playing her favourite song.
"Come on, sing!" Malin said, pulling her up. "Come on, Kasumi!"
They sang together and ordered some drinks since their throat often became dry from singing too much. They sang and sang and decided that they should leave.
Kasumi was still a little paranoid while walking home with Malin.
"Are you sure it was your father?" Malin asked.
"Yes!" Kasumi assured. "It was his voice I heard! I know his voice. He has a nice, deep, but still high-pitched singing voice. It was him!"
"I'm sure it was someone else, Kasumi," Malin said. "Or maybe, your dad just wanted to go to the bathroom and left abruptly?"
Kasumi shrugged and continued walking. They arrived at the Todoh home.
"Bye Kasumi!" Malin said, walking off to her home. "See you tomorrow!"
"Bye!" Kasumi said, waving at her as she unlocked the front door to go in.
Kasumi went into her porch and took her shoes off before going in, her hands full of bags. Shizuko was watching tv with Mizuho.
"You're late," Shizuko said, seeing her daughter come in. "Where did you go?"
"I just hung out with Malin," Kasumi said truthfully. "We went for lunch, dinner, shopping and even went out for karaoke."
"Your father loves to karaoke too," Shizuko said, her face turning sad. "When is that man gonna return...?"
"I have a feeling he won't be long now, ma," Kasumi said confidently. "I heard his voice when I went with Malin. But when I went to check, there was no one there. Well, he left."
"He will return," Shizuko said. "But not before he regains his pride."
"Yes..." Mizuho agreed. "Anyway, Kasumi. We saved you some dinner."
"I already had dinner with Malin," said Kasumi. "I'll eat it for breakfast instead."
She went to the kitchen and put the food away in the fridge. She still thought about the voice she heard when she went to karaoke with Malin.
She couldn't mistake his voice. She was sure it was her father.

Ryuhaku Todoh had returned to South Town, ready for his revenge. He wanted to go straight to the Kyokugenryu Dojo and defeat Ryo to restore his pride but found it closed since it was too late.
He could've barged in and defeated him, but at the same time, he wanted Ryo to feel the same humiliation he felt when he barged into his dojo and defeated him in front of his students.
Ryuhaku wanted to return home but decided against it. He wanted to make his presence known at South Town with his pride fully restored.
So he decided to live in a hotel for the night and ambush Ryo the next day. But he was kinda bored. He looked up some stuff to do in South Town and found that there was a karaoke centre not far off.
"I should go there and loosen up a bit," Ryuhaku said to himself. "Lets see if I still have it in me."
So he went there and booked a solo booth for himself.
He sat alone and looked for songs to sing.
He started singing and loved the feeling of singing solo. He was kinda impressed at how he didn't lose his ability to sing even after years of not singing.
Just then, he decided to sing Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears. He started singing as it was his favourite song to sing.

Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find you

Acting on your best behaviour
Turn your back on mother nature
Everybody wants to rule the wor-
Just then he heard voices coming from the corridor.
"That's dad!" He heard a familiar voice say. "It's him! I'm sure of it!"
It was Kasumi. She had come there with Malin.
Ryuhaku started panicking. He didn't want his daughter to see him before he regained his pride!
He frantically searched for a place to hide. He spotted a window. It was apparently the only booth with a window.
Ryuhaku ran to it and opened the window. Luckily, the karaoke centre was only on the second floor. He climbed out and held onto the ledge. He heard Kasumi banging on the door.
He jumped and crouched as he landed, right before Kasumi opened the door. A couple was walking by and looked at him in surprise when he landed in front of them.
He excused himself and ran back to his hotel room. He was relieved when he closed the door behind him.
He heaved a sigh of relieve and sat on his bed, burying his face in his hands.
"I'm gonna beat you, Kyokugenryu!" Ryuhaku said with determination. "I will beat you up in front of all your students! Then I'll show you what Todoh-Ryu Aikijutsu is!"

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