Fighting crime?!

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"The criminal also appears to be Freeman, a past criminal in South Town who's body was never found," The newscaster said. "This piece of evidence has been given by Hong Kong based detective, Hon-Fu, upon interrogating the Englishman."
"The reputation of Englishmen in South Town has been drastically deteriorating," Billy said, disgusted.
"Well, you're one of it too, Bill," Lilly pointed out. "You're the one that started it, actually."
Billy took a deep breath and let it out.
"Yeah but there's that Jenet idiot and her Lilien Knights," Billy pointed out. "They're English too, technically. And now this Freeman idiot."
"Yeah and I don't see any reason for Jenet to steal, actually," Lilly said. "She's really wealthy."
"I heard that it's actually a disease..." Billy said. "She's a kleptomaniac..."
"True," Lilly agreed. "So what are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna make up for my gangster days," Billy said. "Let's do something!"
"What do you wanna do?" Lilly asked, interested. She thought it would've been better if there was popcorn around to munch while listening to Billy's idea. "Bill, tell me!"
"I'm gonna start fighting crime in South Town!" Billy said, much to her surprise and amusement. "Yeah! Might as well use these fighting skills for good!"
Lilly tried really hard to hold back her laughter, but failed. She ended up laughing so hard that she fell off the couch and ended up rolling on the floor, laughing. Literally.
Billy frowned when he saw her reaction.
"Just you see, Lill," Billy said, grabbing his staff. "I'm gonna trash all the criminals in South Town. If I had done this before, Yagami wouldn't have gotten the fame."
Lilly snickered again.
"So that's what this was all about," Lilly said, amused. "Bill, you're so lame..."
"Oh yeah?" Billy said sarcastically. "Just you see, I'll catch all the criminals of South!"
He was about to walk out the door. Lilly just said something, causing him to change his mind for the moment.
"I'm making potato frittata for dinner," Lilly said, smirking.
Billy immediately put his staff down and walked back towards her, defeated.
"After dinner," Billy said, going to the kitchen. "I'll help you."
Lilly chuckled and got off the floor. She straightened her dress and followed Billy to the kitchen.

In the meantime, Kyo just woke up. He was pretty startled, waking up to his mother's naginata pointed at him. He quickly retreated and was shocked when he realised that it was Shizuka.
"Gah! Why ma?!" Kyo asked in shock. "Are you trying to kill me?!"
"No, I was trying to wake you," Shizuka said, sheathing her naginata. She unsheathed it again when she spotted Saisyu's foot protruding out of the blanket next to Kyo. "Oh wait, now there's your father."
She unsheathed her naginata again and pointed it at her husband. He did not seem to notice it so Kyo decided to smack his backside.
Saisyu woke up and prepared to fight whoever it was that hit him from the back. But he jumped at the blade pointed at his face and reacted in a similar way his son did.
"Gah! Why Shizu?!" Saisyu asked in shock. "Are you trying to kill me?!"
Kyo started laughing at him. Shizuka pointed her naginata at her son, silencing him.
"You reacted the same way, young man," Shizuka pointed out. "This just proves how alike you two are."
Shizuka sheathed her naginata while Kyo had a staring contest with his father.
"I am not like this loser..." Kyo said, staring at his father.
"You're right, Kyo," Saisyu said, staring into his son's eyes. "You're much more of a loser than I've ever been."
This made Kyo angry. He turned to his mother for backup.
"Ma, look at him!" Kyo said, pointing to his father with his thumb. "He says I'm more of a loser!"
"No no, he's got a point," Shizuka said philosophically. "At least he graduated high school and studied up to college. Unlike someone who barely graduated and never went to college!"
"But ma, I'm a successful musician!" Kyo reasoned. "And I represent the country in MMA!"
"Yeah he has a point, there, Sai," Shizuka said, nodding. "He's still well known for that."
"Hah!" Kyo exclaimed, pointing his finger at the annoyed Saisyu. Then his gaze fell on his mother's naginata. "Also, when did you bring that? I don't remember seeing you holding that when we came here in the spaceship..."
"Well she didn't, I did," Saisyu said, rolling his eyes. "She stuffed it into my bag instead..."
"Anyway, what's for breakfast?" Kyo asked, getting off the bed to freshen up.
"You mean brelunner," Shizuka said.
"It's way past breakfast, too late for lunch, and almost dinner," Shizuka explained. "You two slept like dogs! But I don't blame you, our time zone is very different and yeah since we didn't really have a flight here..."
"What time is it?" Saisyu asked, scratching his beard.
"Almost five..." Shizuka said. "Go get dressed guys."
Saisyu realised that Kyo was dangerously close to the bathroom and quickly scrambled to get his things. But to his dismay, Kyo managed to reach the bathroom first, resulting to an exasperated Saisyu.
He sat on the bed again and turned the television on.
And behold! The evening news was on. And who should be shown?
Iori Yagami.
The reporters had somehow caught him when he was trying to leave Pao Pao Cafe and had swarmed around him.
"Sir, can you please tell us what happened last night?" A reporter asked the redhead. "What were you doing when the murderer showed up?"
"Uh... I was feeding stray cats?" Iori awkwardly stated.
"Aww, such a sweet young man!" The reporter cheerfully told the camera, earning a disgusted look from Iori. "And then? What happened after that, Mr. Yagami?"
"The dude showed up and I fought him, the end," Iori said dryly. "Now please, let me go. I'm running late for a performance."
Iori elbowed his way through the crowd of reporters and headed off to the police jeep. Scott was staring at the reporters, his mouth agape. Iori pulled him away into the truck.
Kevin quickly drove away.
"Get out of my property or order something, you punks!" Richard shouted at them, running out of his cafe with a ladle in his hand.
"Unfortunately, Mr. Yagami is too busy to tell us the full story," the reporter stated. "Well, this is Yolanda Garry signing off from the South's News."
"What the heck did I just watch?" Saisyu asked himself, shocked. "Shizuka, can you explain to me what just happened?"
"The Yagami kid caught South Town's serial killer," Shizuka explained. "Poor boy, the reporters have been looking for him since morning, and they finally found him."
Kyo came out of the bathroom, confused at what his parents were fussing about.
"What's going on?" Kyo asked, wiping his hair with a towel.
"Yagami managed to catch a serial killer," Saisyu explained.
"Oh yeah he told us last night," Kyo said, remembering how Iori emerged with the unconscious Scott. "He got bored of karaoke and went out feeding the cats with that kid. He came across the whacko and scared him with his flames. Some lunatic he is! All Yagami did was set himself up on fire and he fainted! What a coward..."
"Kyo, why didn't you tell us this?" Shizuka asked, reaching for her naginata again.
"I was too sleepy," Kyo said to his defence. "I got back and immediately fell asleep. Besides, Yagami himself didn't really make a big deal about it. He told us the story as if he was talking about an uneventful day at school or something. Anyway, I'm hungry."
"I bought you guys something at the shop downstairs," Shizuka said. "Eat it, it's there, on the table. We can go out for dinner later."

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