A boring but eventful day

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"I am bored..." K' said, letting out a puff of air. "Got anything to do?"
"Nope," Zayn said, leaning back on the couch with a sigh. "Kriz and Max are so mean though. They just left us behind!"
"Not as worse as Kula and your Isolde though," K' said, leaning back. "So bored..."
"The giants are out too," Zayn sighed. "What should we do?"
K' shrugged and stuffed his face with beef jerky for the hundredth time. He took a piece and offered it to Zayn.
"Pass," Zayn said, pushing his hand back. "I'm not really into meat..."
"Just try one," K' insisted. "It's good. You're not getting enough meat."
"And you're getting too much of it," Zayn countered, taking the piece. "You should try more fruit."
"First Kyo says I need more fish, and now you say I need more fruit?" K' said, eating another piece of beef jerky. "Boring..."
"So what do you wanna do?" Zayn asked, leaning on the armrest of the sofa. "Any idea?"
"Sleep?" K' suggested. "I dunno, man, I have no idea what to do..."
"Why don't you call Iori?" Zayn suggested. "He's always got something up his sleeve. I don't think anyone could get bored with him though. Remember the incident at the club?"
"He's busy with his band," K' said, letting out another sigh. "They're rehearsing for the music fest tomorrow."
"Wow!" Zayn said admiringly. "Why didn't you tell me? We should go!"
"Yeah but he's probably gonna be playing all of his boring jazz songs," K' said, turning over to the other side. "You know how he's obsessed with Jazz right?"
"Yeah but I thought the others played other instruments?" Zayn pointed out. "Kyo plays the electric guitar, Nakoruru plays the keyboard, and Terry plays the drums right?"
"Yeah..." K' said. He sat up and grabbed his phone. "You know what, we're going. The festival's free."
"Hah!" Zayn said excitedly. "It would be like watching a concert! But it's free!"
K' had nothing to do and decided to post the fact that he was bored in social media. Terry saw it.
"Your sulky friend is bored," Terry said from the backseat of Iori's car. "He posted that he's rotting at home with the beef jerky he's eating."
"Beef jerky...?" Iori said, driving. He pictured a bag of beef jerky, and then a certain someone else's face appeared. "You mean K'?"
"Yep," Terry said. "That's the one. The dude needs someone to talk to..."
"He's getting too much meat," Kyo said, putting his hands behind his head. "Oh and by the way, his birthday is coming up."
"When?" Terry asked.
"This weekend," Kyo said. "I mean... not tomorrow, it's on the nineteenth."
"Next Sunday?" Terry said, thinking.
"Yeah," Iori said from the front. "Ralf's doing something."
"Ralf Huh..." Terry said with a smirk. "Something tells me it's gonna be something... weird."
"You bet it's gonna be weird," Kyo laughed. "He's using Krizalid as the guinea pig."
"Poor guy," Terry said with a chuckle. "He just came back from the dead and he's already being forced into something stupid."
Iori decided to drive off to K's home. K' was awfully bored with Zayn and was only too happy to have company. Only... he had too much company now.
"Hey, wanna talk about your problems?" Terry said as soon as he saw K's annoyed face. "Come on, I'm listening."
K' just glared at him and shook his head.
"No need to play counsellor now," K' said, annoyed. "I've never been the talkative type, and now's no different."
Aiko was just awkwardly sitting there. Iori decided to introduce her properly to K' and Zayn.
"Guys, this is Aiko," Iori said, putting his arm around her. "My one and only little sister."
"Hi!" The two of them said together.
"Hi..." Aiko said, a little shy.
"I heard what you did to Benimaru," K' said, smirking. "I like it. He's always been a constant pain in the behind..."
"You know him?" Aiko asked, surprised.
"Know him?" K' scoffed. "We were forced to team up with him!"
"That must've been a pain..." Aiko said, shaking her head. "But yeah... I can barely count the times when he showed up at our doorstep with flowers and chocolates."
"So he's after you now, huh?" K' said with a chuckle. "Poor you..."
"He even told her that he loves no one but her," Iori added with a grin . "He was drunk, by the way."
"That's what he did when he was drunk?" K' asked with a chuckle. "You should've seen Kriz when he was drunk!"
"What did he do?" Terry asked, interested. "Come on, tell me!"
K' begrudgingly did. He never really liked Terry for some reason. Terry started laughing when he heard the story.
"Butter sandwich crackers?!" Terry said between laughter. "Oh my gosh! And then?"
"He fainted," K' ended. "I came home after... after hanging out with Iori and he suddenly confronted me and then he fainted!"
"And then he was ambushed by some Russian guy," Zayn added. "He thought Kriz was Donovan just because he stole Donovan's stuff."
"He stole his stuff?" Terry asked, confused. "Why?"
"The dude woke up in a forest with nothing but the clothes on his back," Kyo said. "He walked around, found a car full of stuff with a note stating that whoever finds it can just take it. So that's exactly what he did. Donovan even left some of his bank cards behind."
"He literally won the lottery," Terry said with a chuckle. "Good for him too."
"You should've seen him back in Ireland," Iori said, drinking some apple juice. "You would've suspected him for a stalker!"
"He was wearing that same coat when he was ambushed by that Russian guy, by the way," Zayn added, eating some grapes. "That's what made him look extra suspicious."
"Talking about me, I see?" Krizalid suddenly entered the conversation. "That explains why my ear was so itchy."
"You believe in that sorta stuff?" K' said, weirded out. "You're so lame."
"He's the lamer you," Iori said with a smirk. "Or maybe you're probably gonna be like that when you're a 29-year-old?"
"Stop it..." K' said, annoyed. "Anyway, where's Max?"
"Going out on a date with Diana," Krizalid added to their surprise.
K' was drinking some juice and when he heard that, he spit his drink all over Iori.
"What?!" K' asked in shock. "What?! What the WHAT?!"
"You heard me," Krizalid confirmed with a nod. "They're dating."
"Give me a moment," K' said, his eyes wide with surprise. "I need to process this."
K' looked really startled as he imagined Maxima and Diana dating, getting married and having kids (which was quite impossible since Maxima was a cyborg) and acting like proper parents.
"This isn't happening," K' said, shaking his head dramatically. "No! This is NOT happening!"
To their surprise, he clutched his head in pain and fell forward. Iori, though wet with grape juice and K's saliva, caught hold of him before he hit the table.
"That was a bombshell for him," Iori said with a grin. "Does anyone have a tissue? Anyone? Oh great..."
"I do," Terry offered. "Here."
"Thanks," Iori said, leaning K' back on the couch before taking the tissue that Terry gave him. "Look at him! He's so pale!"
"I never knew this is how he'd react," Krizalid said, surprised. "Well..."
"I think he needs some sleep," Aiko said. "Niisan told me he was an insomniac."
"So he is," Krizalid agreed. "He's always doing something at night when I'm trying to sleep."
"What does he do?" Zayn asked.
"I have no idea," Krizalid said, shrugging. "Sometimes the glow of his phone screen could be seen from under his blanket, sometimes he'll be doing something at the table, sometimes he'll just be sitting down, or shifting around in bed, stuff like that."
"He needs to relax," Terry said. "Hey, send him for a counselling session. I'll do it for free."
"Anything but that, please!" K' suddenly woke up from his shock. "I would not be caught dead having a counselling session. Especially not with you, Bogard."
"Gosh..." Terry said with mock hurt. "That hurts really bad."
"Eww..." K' said, annoyed. "Anyway, how was your rehearsal?"
They laughed and told them about Iori's fake Blood Frenzy. K' laughed really hard when he imagined Iori suddenly going berserk only to carry Kyo out to the bathroom to laugh.

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