Karaoke time!

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"Wanna go for Karaoke?" Athena asked suddenly. "It would be fun! Group Karaoke!"
Kyo agreed, together with Shingo. Of course Shingo would agree if Kyo did.
"Terry?" Kyo asked the blond man.
"Sure," Terry said with a shrug. "Sounds fun."
"I was thinking maybe we could bring King, but..." Athena said and motioned towards King who was sharing a bowl of Ozoni with Ryo. "You know what, Nako? You wanna come?"
"Sure," Nakoruru said. "If Rimu can come, then sure."
"Yeah and I'm bringing Scott," Terry said. "The poor kid's been a little depressed about his father lately."
"Sure," Kyo said. "I don't mind. Yagami? You coming?"
"Me?" Iori snorted. "Karaoke? Me singing karaoke? No chance, dude."
"Aww come on, Niisan!" Aiko urged. "Come on!"
"Yeah, Iori," Benimaru said. "I'm coming too. We can sing together."
Iori processed the thought for a bit and agreed, especially since Benimaru is gonna be in the same room with Aiko.
"Who else wanna come?" Athena asked.
"Oh oh me!" Kula said excitedly. "I wanna come! But I have a question. What's a kara okay?"
"Basically, it's a centre where we sit down and pick instrumental music to sing," Aiko explained. "So we sit and sing together with our friends."
"Wait so we just sit and sing?" Kula asked, surprised. "What kinda songs?"
"Anything," Aiko said with a shrug. "Whatever song you want."
Kula thought for a moment. Sitting and singing with a large group of people that you weren't that close with sounded really strange, especially since it was in public.
"You know what, no thanks," Kula said. "I rather have ice cream."
"Figures..." Kyo said with a chuckle.
So they all said goodbye to the K' team and went towards the Karaoke bar. But thing is, despite eating so much, they all felt hungry.
"Let's go to Restaurant L'Amor," Terry suggested. "The food there is pretty good."
"Didn't King work there as a bouncer before?" Kyo questioned as they walked towards said restaurant.
"Yep," Terry said. "And she was kinda scary too. She almost threw me out once, thinking I was the one that beat up some drunken guy when in reality, I was just stopping a fight."
"I can imagine," Iori said. "Alright, lets eat. They have pork roast right?
"I think they do," Terry said. "Come on."
They went in and had their dinner. The karaoke bar was across the street.
"You guys go first, I wanna go buy something," Iori said. "I'll meet you guys there."
They agreed and went to the karaoke bar, including Aiko. Iori was actually thinking of an escape plan. He would definitely lose interest halfway through the song so he decided to make an escape plan.
He was gonna go. But he was planning to leave halfway. But he couldn't just leave, right? So he made up a plan.
He realised that the karaoke bar was a corner lot and there was an alleyway next to it. Wherever there are alleyways, there are stray cats, right?
It wasn't new for him to go feed stray cats, so that seemed like the perfect plan to Iori. He was gonna do just that.
He went to the nearby convenience store and bought some cat milk before heading off to the karaoke bar across the street. Terry waited outside in case Iori lost his way.
"Great, you're here," Terry said when he saw Iori walking towards him. Then he spotted the plastic bag that Iori was carrying. "What's that?"
"Milk," Iori simply said. "Come on."
"But they serve milk at the bar," Terry said, confused. "You didn't have to buy it..."
"That milk isn't suitable for cats," Iori said. "Come on."
He threw the plastic bag into the trash and put the milk carton under his long coat.
Terry scratched the top of his cap and led him in. The others were already at the booth.
"So what song shall we sing?" Athena asked, scrolling through the songs. Her eyes brightened when she spotted something. "Guys. There's Song Of Fighters II!"
The BOF members made excited sounds. Athena grinned and clicked on it.
"Hah! I can sing it too!" Shingo said happily. "But wait... we don't have Shermie, King and Choi."
"I can do Shermie," Nakoruru volunteered.
"I can sing King's parts!" Aiko said, raising her hand.
"I'll do Choi, I guess..." Terry said, a little disappointed. "Well, I definitely sound better than him."
"Question," Iori said, raising his hand. "What is this 'Song Of Fighters?'"
Everyone gasped and looked at him in shock.
"YOU DON'T REMEMBER?!" Kyo exclaimed dramatically. "GUYS! He doesn't remember!"
"...am I supposed to?" Iori asked, confused.
"You bet you're supposed to remember," Terry said. "Dude, we played the song a few years ago, remember?"
"Oh that ridiculous thing," Iori said, annoyed. "You know what, you guys sing. "Scott, you can sing my parts."
Scott immediately shook his head.
"No, sir," Scott said, panicked. "I can't sing very well."
Athena selected the song and they started singing.
"The day continues Fighting! Fighting!" Everyone began. "As the festival heats up it won't be stopped. All Right Go! Go! Guts and Dreams!"
"In a real battle when the soul burns," Kyo sang.
"If you decide to get in a charismatic pose," Benimaru sang. "Thank you!"
"Give your heart courage," Athena sang. "If you're in a pinch smile."
"Go to Hell..." Iori sang, annoyed. "Hmph! This is getting foolish. I'm heading home!"
He actually stood up to leave but Aiko stopped him. It was all a part of the song but it was also real.
"Hold it!" Aiko said. "Ah... You gotta have fun."
"Ah..." Terry sang. It was Choi's part, but he sang instead. "From here on it's Showtime! Buddy boy!"
"Ah... We'll give you support," Nakoruru sang, reading the lyrics.
"You're getting closer to that dream than yesterday," Shingo sang. "Definitely more therefore."
"It's always a hard work out Tension! Tension!" Everyone sang together. "We'll be strong fighters together. Party with no complaints Hey! Hey! Guts and Dreams!"
"Don't always stop right away," Terry sang. "Delighted!"
"Of course you'd win if you wake up ready," Aiko sang.
"Go!" The girls exclaimed.
"Someday you might get admiration," Shingo sang. "Burn! Just kidding."
"Make a name for yourself and I might want to kiss you," Nakoruru sang. "Chu!"
"Ah..." Kyo sang. "Hold your head up high. Eat this!"
"Ah... Stay lively," Athena sang. "Come on! Perfect!"
"Ah... Hold on if you're lucky," Benimaru sang, smirking at Aiko. "Cute lady!"
"Definitely more therefore," Athena and Shingo chorused together.
Iori couldn't stop himself from laughing. This was getting too ridiculous to him. He stood up and walked out.
"Oh no, Iori..." Athena called out to him.
Terry nudged Scott to continue Iori's parts instead. Scott gulped, got up, and ran away, to join Iori.
"Mr. Yagami, wait!" Scott called, running out the door after him.
Iori turned around and looked at him in surprise.
"Scott?" Iori said, surprised. "Why aren't you joining them?"
"I don't want to," Scott said. "I can't sing. And I don't want to either, especially not in front of people I'm not even familiar with. And there's a professional pop idol! I'm gonna sound terrible in front of a bunch of professional singers!"
Iori chuckled.
"That's what I used to think too," Iori admitted. "But my band mates forced me to sing, and here I am now."
"You didn't like singing either?" Scott asked, surprised. Iori shook his head lightly. "Wow... okay then. By the way, where are you going?"
"To the back alley," Iori said, pointing back with his thumb. "I wanna feed the cats there some milk."
"You actually do that?" Scott asked surprised. "I didn't know you were an animal person, Mr. Yagami!"
"No one believes until they see it themselves," Iori said, turning around. He glanced back at the young boy. "Anyway, you wanna come too?"
"Yes!" Scott exclaimed. "I love cats! And dogs too. I love all animals."
Iori agreed and took him along to the back alleyway.

King Of Fighters Fanfiction X Dead Or AliveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin