The hangover

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Saiki POV
A headache made its way into my head as I moaned and rubbed my forehead. It was unbearably painful. What exactly happened last night?
Three guys came in and shoved a bottle of... something down my throat. And after that... what happened?
I struggled to open my eyes in such a brightly lit room like this. Where am I?
I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a face.
My face was starring back at me with a smirk.
I shrieked as I shrunk back, hugging my legs.
"Gosh, I didn't think you'd actually lose your mind over some rum!" A woman's voice said. "Well..."
It took me a while to recognise my surroundings. I was in a nice room full of people and it took me a while to explain the face in front of me.
It was Ash.
Drat! They found me! But how?
"How did you find me?" I asked, relaxing a little.
"It isn't hard," Ash said with a smirk. "Also, you owe us an explanation."
I tried to just teleport myself away, but that headache of mine isn't allowing me to. These guys planned well...
"Yeah, your thoughts are definitely disrupted," Ash said with a smirk. "Great idea, Monsieur Rugal."
"Well, what can I say?" The female Rugal said with a smirk. "It's all in the experience."
"No kidding..." I said with a scowl.
"We still need to make sure that he's okay," Elisabeth said. "Monsieur Saiki, have this bouillabaisse. It will help you feel better."
She held out a tray with a steaming bowl of some sort of soup. It smelled good and looked tempting. But what if they're trying to poison me?
"And no, it doesn't contain anything bad," Ash's old butler said. "It is made of the best quality of seafood and spices. We would never think of poisoning you."
"Why...?" I asked.
I immediately felt like an idiot after asking that question.
"It's because if you die, I die too," Ash finished. "Also, that's the only reason we're treating you well. If not, I'd be strangling you myself."
I just quietly accepted the bullastuff and started to eat it. It was really hot, but it tasted really good. It helped to clear my mind a little.
"It's really good," I said awkwardly. "Thank you."
Wow... I- the leader of Those From The Past, The One who Rules Time- am feeling awkward around these youngsters?!What's happening to me?
"Why are you here, in this time and place?" Elisabeth asked, sitting down on the sofa next to me. "I don't think you have any business here..."
Oh great... I guess I'll be hearing that eventually.
"I just came here to apologise," I said. "I've done so much damage that cannot be undone. That's why I'm here to try and make amends by giving you all a small token of apology."
"But why?" Ash asked. "Also, why did you stalk Adalene? That was just really messed up!"
"I tried to see if she was really the one for you," I said. "I spied on her, noting every detail! I never knew that girl would notice me following her! And most of all, I never thought she'd suspect you!"
"You found her every detail?" Ash asked in surprise. "Betty, he's worse than you!"
"What kinda stuff did you find about her?" Elisabeth asked.
Well, I'm not really sure. I wrote the stuff down in my notebook, but that's back in Shion's place...
"It's all in my notebook," I said. "Together with the new riding crop I got for Elisabeth."
"You got me a new riding crop?" Elisabeth asked. I nodded vigorously. "Thanks, I guess..."
"I was gonna get something for Mr. Adel too," I said. "But I never made it since..."
"Since we brought you here before you could," Ash finished. "Well, I guess you deserved this."
I did now, didn't I?
I didn't say anything. I just looked down and ate the soup that these people gave me. I need to have enough strength to teleport. I need to get out of here, quick.
"You need to get back to your time," Elisabeth said. "I can't risk losing Ash again."
"Nothing will happen to him, I assure you," I said. "I have everything under control in my time. It would be as if I never left, don't worry."
I finished the stuff they gave me and watched as everyone left after warning me. Now, only Ash, Elisabeth and their old butler were left.
Even though I finished the soup, I still felt as if I was beaten up by twenty people. I tried to teleport, but the headache wouldn't allow me...
I finished the water they gave me and stood up, trying to take the tray with me. But my legs felt so wobbly that I couldn't stand up properly.
Elisabeth caught the tray before it fell while Ash managed to catch hold of me.
"You better get some rest," Ash said. "That rum was no joke."
"Ya don't say..." I said, trying to stand up properly.
"Yeah and I'm saying you should get some rest," Elisabeth said. "Ash, lead him to the guest room."
Ash pulled me rather roughly up the stairs and towards a room. He unlocked the door and led me in.
"Okay, Monsieur Passé, this is your room," Ash said. "Get some rest and go back when you feel well enough. Or else I won't be born."
He waved and left the room.
I sat on the bed and looked around the room. This bed feels a lot comfier than Shion's couch.
Wait a minute... SHION! Oh great...
I ran out of the room and went after Ash.
"Ash!" I called after him.
He stopped and turned to me.
"What is it?" Ash asked.
"I need to tell Shion about my whereabouts!" I said. "She'll be looking for me!"
"Eh, Elisabeth already told him," Ash said lightly. "He said he'll drop by with your stuff later."
Him? Ash thinks that Shion is a guy? Actually, I'm not really sure. Shion looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, acts like a guy, fights like a girl, wears a cheongsam- by the looks of it- but her other clothes are quite guyish, I guess...
"You guys are efficient," I said, surprised. "Anyway, thanks."
"For the hangover or for the bouillabaisse?" Ash said with a smirk.
He seriously reminds me of me when I was his age.
"Both," I said, returning the smirk.
He snickered and went off to his room. I wonder if he liked that manicure kit I gave him.
Also, I think I need to get something a little expensive for Rose. I gave her father a decanter set, and I'm gonna give Adel a watch and I gave her a teddy bear and chocolates.
I think I'll get her a nice jewellery set. A ruby necklace set. Yeah!
I went back to my room and the only thing I felt like doing was getting some sleep. I felt so dizzy that I might pass out any moment...

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