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The three Kusanagis sat down in front of Chizuru as she closed her eyes and chanted something. Aoi's sword glowed and levitated in front of her. The cousins just looked at each other.
Chizuru's eyes suddenly shot open, scaring the cousins.
"Try it," Chizuru said, handing the sword to Aoi.
Before Aoi could take it, the sword swiftly flew towards her and bonded with her. It caused a great impact, throwing her back, knocking her out.
"Aoi, are you okay?" Souji asked, running to try and revive her. "Aoi? Snap out of it, idiot!"
To his surprise Aoi growled started strangling him. Her eyes were glowing red, which can only mean one thing.
She was under Orochi's spell.
Souji pushed her off with some force. But Aoi quickly recovered and flew at him again.
"You leave me with no choice," Souji said, beginning to use his powers. "I apologise in advance!"
He used his most powerful attack which threw her back. While she was recovering from the trauma, Chizuru took the moment to extract her sword. Aoi instantly snapped out of it, but at the same time, weakened.
Souji was kneeling down on the ground, breathing deeply. Kyo ran to help him.
"Souji, are you okay?" Kyo asked, trying to help his cousin.
To his surprise, Souji suddenly roared and shoved him off, his eyes glowing white. He was facing a similar condition as his sister did.
"Souji...!" Kyo said, getting up and trying to snap him out of it. "Snap out of it!"
Souji didn't. Aoi, though weak, saw the state of her brother and stretched out her hand to try and stop him.
"Souji..." Aoi said, trying to fight the urge to pass out. "Don't do this..."
Aoi tried very hard to get up and walk towards her brother. Chizuru could not do anything because if she lets go of Aoi's sword, it would rush back to Aoi, causing more damage.
She was too weak to even get up. She leaned forward and crawled slowly towards her brother with all her might.
"Aoi, no!" Kyo shouted.
Aoi didn't listen. Summoning all the strength she had left, she got up and punched her brother in the gut. He fell back with a grunt. Aoi fell down too and repeatedly punched her brother until he passed out. She passed out too, laying on her brother's chest.
"What do we do now?" Kyo asked, seeing his unconscious cousins on the ground. "Orochi's presence is strong. She might go crazy again."
"I'll try to do something," said Chizuru, sitting down. "I cannot leave this sword, it would rush back to Aoi. But I cannot hold it for long too. And I cannot take it like what Ash did, since I can only support the Yata Mirror at one time. I'll keep it sealed in this pot."
She performed a ritual and sealed it in a pot.
"It's a good thing Yagami lifted the curse," Kyo said as he watched her seal Aoi's sword. "Or else we would be doomed!"
"I agree," said Chizuru, sealing the pot. "I will see if there is another way to lift the curse."
She checked using the Yata book of rituals. She recently found this in Maki's old stuff. Maki never showed the book to anyone, afraid it might land in the wrong hands and ends up being misused.
She flipped through and finally stopped at a page. She stared at it with a frown. Souji woke up and found his sister on top of him. His face hurt and he could practically feel the bruises all over him and mainly on his middle.
He gently pushed his unconscious sister off and walked over to the others.
"What happened?" Souji asked, rubbing is head. "What happened to me and Aoi?"
"You used your power to snap Aoi out of her spell," said Chizuru, looking up from the ritual book. "Then I extracted her sword, weakening her."
"But then you went berserk!" Kyo said, annoyed. "You attacked us and Aoi summoned up enough strength to punch you and knock you out."
"And then she fainted on you," said Chizuru. "You two seriously need some help..."
"I know..." Souji said regrettably. "Is there a way to free us?"
"I found something for Aoi," Chizuru said. "It says here that if the ritual does not work, only the Hakkesshu who tainted her powers can cleanse it."
"Which means..." Souji said, realising. "Shermie...?"
"Yes," said Chizuru. "But if you came here when she was still dead, the ritual may have worked."
Aoi groaned and sat up. She crawled over towards them.
"Souji, are you alright?" Aoi asked, sitting next to her brother. "You started attacking us!"
"Sorry, I have no idea what came over me," Souji said apologetically. "But what happened to her sword?"
"I sealed it in a pot for now," said Chizuru. "Shermie is the only one that can lift your curse."
"Will she agree?" Aoi asked hopefully. "She will, right?"
"No." The others said together.
"But she's your only hope," said Chizuru. "You better go see her."
Without much of a choice, they left and went back to Kyo's car.
"So what do we do now?" Kyo asked, starting the car.
"C-Can we go see Shermie?" Aoi asked hesitantly. "If it's okay, that is..."
They agreed and drove to the Three Heavenly Kings' home. The three of them got out and stood in front of their front door.
Kyo wanted to ring the doorbell but hesitated.
"You do it," he said, turning to Aoi.
Aoi sighed and rang the doorbell.
Yashiro came out right after having his tantrum with Shermie. His scowl went deeper.
"What do you want?" Yashiro asked, annoyed. "Punks!"
"Hey!" Kyo wanted to shout but Souji stopped him.
"Is- Is Shermie home?" Aoi asked nervously.
Yashiro rolled his eyes and turned back into the house to call the redhead.
She came out, recovering from her laughing fit. She came to Yashiro and looked at the callers. Her smile turned to an annoyed scowl.
"Why are you here?" Shermie asked, annoyed. "Came to kill us again?"
"No." The guys said. Aoi nudged them to keep quiet.
"We just wanted to ask if you could lift my curse and... turn my flames back to normal?" Aoi asked, trying to not sound too pleading. "We would really appreciate if you do?"
"No, can't do," the redhead said bluntly. "You asked for it, you got it. There's no going back."
And with that, she pulled Yashiro in and slammed the door on them.
"Aoi, just come," Souji said, pulling his disheartened sister away. "Come. Lets go back to Kyo's."
Aoi reluctantly came. She looked as if she could cry at any moment.
She sat on the backseat, her brother next to her. She burst into tears as soon as the car took off. Souji put his arm around her comfortingly.
"Don't worry, Aoi," Souji said comfortingly. "We'll figure something out, don't worry."
"Besides, Kagura has your sword," Kyo said. "You'll be fine, you just don't have your powers, that's all."
Aoi nodded, still sobbing. She felt hopeless. She deeply regretted her decision.
Kyo felt like he should do something to cheer her up. Instead of driving home, he drove straight to the mall.
The guys tried all they can to cheer her up. They even brought her for ice cream.

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