Paris hangout

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For some reason, Elisabeth had the urge to go down to the kitchen in the middle of the night.
She didn't know why, but she felt like she had to.
As she neared the kitchen, a slight sound of rustling was heard. The kitchen was in total darkness, but there was a sound.
Elisabeth tiptoed into the kitchen and slowly turned the light on.
She saw someone's backside peeking out as someone was digging in the larder.
Elisabeth instantly recognised the backside and gave it a backhand.
"Oww!" Ash cried, rubbing his back. "Betty! Why?! Oh wait.... uh oh...."
"Yep, this exactly why I didn't tell you," Elisabeth said with a chuckle. "What do you expect to be in there?"
"Food?" Ash said with a shrug. "Meat pies? Tasty bacon? Sachertorte!"
"What do you think?" Elisabeth said with a grin. "This isn't one of those olden days books where they keep food in the larder instead of a fridge! Ash, all we keep in there are the dry stuff like canned food and spices!"
"That's it?!" Ash asked in shock. "So it's just a pantry?"
"Then why do you call it larder?"
"Ask Jacques," Elisabeth said with a shrug. "He's the one that calls it that."
Ash frowned and closed the door. He made a beeline for the fridge instead. He opened it and took out the large apple pie that Jacques saved. Elisabeth suggested that they ate it for breakfast.
"Oi!" Elisabeth cried, snatching the pie. "No midnight eating!"
Ash frowned. But then his face broke into a mischievous grin.
As quick as a flash, he snatched the pie and ran out of the kitchen, up the steps and into his room. He locked the door and looked at the pie in his hand. It was still really cold.
Yeah like that's a problem.
He heated the pie up with his green flame and started devouring it.
"You're just like me sometimes..." a voice suddenly said.
Ash almost dropped the pie tin in surprise. He turned around to see Saiki watching him with his arms crossed, a tiny smirk on his face.
"Hey Psych!" Ash greeted. "Want some pie?"
He looked down at the pie only to see a piece not thicker than an inch.
Even that was consumed by Ash.
"Sorry, there's none left," Ash said. "See ya! I wanna sleep."
He went downstairs and put the tin in the dishwasher before going back upstairs. He pushed Saiki out of the room and went to bed.

Jacques was surprised to find the apple pie gone and the tin in the dishwasher.
"Master Ash, what happened to the leftover apple pie?" Jacques asked. "I put it in the fridge last night, but now it's gone."
Both Saiki and Elisabeth stared at Ash. Ash just shrugged.
"Don't know," Ash simply said. "I had nothing to do with it. Nope."
"Really?" Elisabeth said doubtfully. "I thought I saw a pie running up the stairs late last night."
"I should've known," Jacques said with a smile. "Master Ash, you could've asked me. I would've snuck it to you."
Ash grinned.
'Next time I know what to do,' Ash thought.

"Should we do another concert here?" Terry asked while they had breakfast. "I mean... we still need to recover from our last."
"Yep," Iori said. "You wanna ask Snow-head?"
"I heard that, Red-hair," Yashiro said from his table. "I'm not miles away, and your voice is not soft."
Iori growled at him playfully.
"So you wanna do it or not?" Iori asked.
"Sure, I guess," Yashiro said. "As much as I hate you, you're still a good bassist."
"Hah!" Iori said in triumph. "You hear that, guys?"
"Yeah but what about us?" Kyo said, slightly annoyed. "We play too!"
"Fine, you're all good," Yashiro said. "So when?"
"Give it a few days," Kyo said. "Or else people are gonna get suspicious of us not taking flights or something."
"Oof..." K' said a little amused. "Someone's finally realised."
"Dash..." Iori said, shaking his head. "But yeah. Kyo's right. We need to give it some time. Also... let's hang out a bit in Montmartre."
And so they did.

K', Zayn and Iori decided to hang out in Place du Tertre. They walked around and even had their pictures drawn by the local artists. Well, it was more like torturing the local artists...
"And draw one with all of us together," Iori said with a grin. "We'll pay you extra if you draw two of it. You guys are okay to share one right?"
"No." They both said.
"Okay then, make it three," Iori said with a chuckle.
The artist sighed and started working on it. They already asked him to draw a portrait for each guy, but now they're asking him to draw more. Well, at least he's getting paid.
"But I want one with you too!" Iori said, putting his hands on K's shoulder. "Like... just both of us."
"And I want one with you guys too!" Zayn said. "And I want one with Isolde too..."
"Come tomorrow, garçon," the artist said. "I'll do it for you."
"Yeah and I want one with Kyo too," Iori said. "And one with Aiko."
The artist finished the three more paintings . Iori pulled K' closer and took a picture with him.
"Draw this too, Monsieur," Iori said with a grin. "Make two copies."
"Send it to my phone," the artist said, pointing to where he stuck his phone number on the easel. "Anything else?"
Zayn pulled K' down a little and took a picture with him too. Then he went to Iori and pulled him down too before taking a picture.
"I'll send these to you too," Zayn said, noting the artist's number. "Make two of each."
"Busy day..." the artist said. "By the way, you look familiar, un roux."
"What does that mean?" Iori asked, confused.
"Redhead," the artist said in English instead.
"Ah," Iori said with a grin. "That's me. But yeah. I'm a bassist. You might know my band. It's called the Band of Fighters."
"BOF?!" The artist repeated in shock. "Mon dieu! You're performing here?! In Montmartre?!"
"Yep," Iori said with a smirk. "In a few days time. We just landed here, earlier today."
"And this?" The artist asked, pointing to K'. "Who are you, garçon?"
"I'm the DJ," K' said, equally smug.
"Mon dieu!" The artist said in shock. "You do not have to pay! I do it for free! All I want is a picture with you!"
"No, Monsieur," Iori said. "We refuse to not pay. But as for the picture, sure."
So the artist took a picture with them.
"We'll come back later to collect our pictures," Iori said. "We wanna hang out a bit."
The artist graciously agreed and started working on the drawing pictures. Iori chuckled and they continued walking around the square.
"Let's go to the cafe," Zayn said. "I'm kinda hungry..."
"Same..." K' said. "Yagami?"
"No, anyone but you," Iori said, annoying. "It just sounds so weird hearing it from you!"
"Okay fine," K' grinned. "Iori."
They entered the cafe and sat down with a coffee.
"Mmm this is the best coffee ever..." K' said, drinking his cup of cappuccino. "It's really good."
"Yeah..." Iori said, taking a sip of his mocha. "How's the Charlotte, Zayn?"
Zayn scooped some of his Charlotte and passed the plate to Iori.
"Try some," Zayn said, passing him the dessert. "It's really good."
Iori tried some and offered the cake to K'. K' refused.
"Pass," K' said. "Not too keen on sweets..."
Iori shrugged and passed the cake back to Zayn. He called the waiter and ordered a Mille-feuille for himself.
"It's actually really good," Iori said. "Zayn?"
Zayn tried some too. And as usual, K' refused. They tried to make his mouth water by giving him very pleased expressions, but failed.
"What are you gonna eat, then?" Iori finally asked the younger man. "Are you even gonna eat?"
"Yep," K' said. He called the waiter and ordered a slice of tourtière. "How's this?"
He actually ate that alone. Iori and Zayn ordered a slice of lamb casserole and shared it among themselves too.
"You want some?" Iori said, shaking it near his face.
K' sighed and surrendered to have a bite too. They finished their food and left the cafe after buying a bunch of pastries for  later.
They went to a provision shop and bought some necessities that they forgot to bring.
"Remember the last time we did this in Ireland?" Zayn asked with a smirk. "I won't be surprised if another hooded guy walks in."
But why was he when it actually happened?

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