An impersonation

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Ash couldn't really concentrate at school that day. He kept thinking about the sachertorte in the limousine's fridge. He felt both tempted to eat it and at the same time creeped out by it.
What was actually up? Who is doing all of this? And why him?
Gaspard nudged him.
"What's wrong?" Gaspard asked, a little concerned. "Why are you so deep in thought?"
"Just thinking about eating a sachertorte," Ash said, rather truthfully.
Gaspard chuckled and turned back to the teacher explaining at the front. Ash tried to concentrate in class but sorta failed.
He panicked when the teacher asked him a question. He turned to Gaspard and asked him for a clue, since all he could say was 'uhhh....'.
Gaspard gave him as many hints, but thing is, all of them were wrong answers. So it's safe to say that Ash was doomed.
"Monsieur, could you please repeat the question?" Ash decided to ask instead. After all, he didn't exactly hear the question itself...
The teacher repeated the question and Ash actually knew the answer because it was only by chance that he read about it the day before. He tried to get his mind off the alleged imposter and actually decided to study after going out that night.
He answered it correctly and sat down, heaving a sigh of relief.
"What were you trying to say?" Ash asked, annoyed. "You took the question, screwed it up and just poured it on me!"
"To be honest, even I didn't hear the question right," Gaspard admitted sheepishly. "Sorry..."
Ash snickered and decided to concentrate on his class now.

Meanwhile, Elisabeth tried to check the security footage at home. She and Jacques sat in front of the computer in the study. They checked the footage one by one from the night before.
"Fast forward," Elisabeth ordered.
Jacques did and she saw something pass the camera.
"Wait!" Elisabeth cried. "Rewind."
Jacques rewound the footage and they both watched it again. They both waited for whatever it was that passed the camera.
As quick as lightning, a black smoke-like figure passed the camera, leaving the cake at their doorstep. It was early in the morning, around six.
Elisabeth quickly paused and rewound it a minute earlier. Then she slowed it down. They watched it again, and saw that the smoke was actually a person. They couldn't see who it was since it was still kinda dark and also, the smoke really shadowed them.
"Is it Duo Lon?" Elisabeth wondered aloud. "But no... Duo's smoke isn't that black, his is more like dark grey and it's more like a dusty sort of smoke..."
"It looks kinda like Master Ash's fire, only it's black and not green," Jacques pointed out. "Does this mean...?"
"I'm afraid so," Elisabeth said grimly. "He's up to no good again. Only... why is he sending Ash cakes instead of torturing the world?"
That bit kinda confused them both.
"We need to keep guard and catch him," Elisabeth suggested. "We need to put an end to it."
"But we mustn't kill him," Jacques said. "Because if he dies, then..."
"Ash would be erased," Elisabeth finished. "You're right, we better make sure he's just as safe as Ash is. Or else, we won't only get rid of him, but Ash too."
They made a plan to capture him, provided that there were more cakes coming, that is.

Adalene and Georgina walked out of their school gates to wait for Georgina's father to pick them up. All of a sudden, someone tapped Adalene on her shoulder.
Surprised, she turned around and saw Ash. Only, he looked... different.
He looked a little older and his face was free of any blemishes. He was slightly paler too and for some reason, he looked a lot more smug.
His hair was a little paler too and his fringe was longer. His hairband was a light grey instead of the usual dark colours that Ash always wore. He was wearing a light grey pinstripe suit, contrasting to his usual colour scheme.
"What happened to you?" Adalene asked, annoyed. "Just because you concealed your freckles and did something to your hair, that doesn't mean that I can't recognise you, freckle face."
Ash just smirked.
"Did you like the flowers?" He asked with a smirk. His voice sounded slightly different too. It was a little deeper, just a tad bit.
"So it was you!" Adalene spat out. "Why?! You want me to get in trouble? What did I ever do to deserve this?! My parents sent me to an all-girls school to avoid stuff like this and you're doing just that! What's wrong with you?!"
He smirked and let out a chuckle that Adalene simply hated.
All of a sudden, all the waiting girls gave excited gasps and murmurs. Adalene and Georgina turned to look too and saw a limousine drive up to the school. Ash asked Jacques to drive up so that he could get an explanation for the cake. He still kinda had some doubts that it was indeed her that sent the sachertorte, but since she had super speed, she could've maybe rigged something up for the smoke.
Adalene looked too and was surprised to see Ash get out of the car, looking like his usual self. She turned to the Ash that spoke to her just a moment ago.
But... he wasn't there! He disappeared just like that!
"Where did he go?!" Adalene asked in shock. "Georgie, did you see where he went?"
Georgina shook her head and looked around. Ash ran to them, and Adalene was surprised to see him. He was wearing a black and red suit and he was wearing a red hairband. His freckles shown clearly and his hair was it's usual pearl blond, not the platinum blond she just saw a few moments ago.

"Hey, you owe me an explanation," Ash demanded, coming towards them

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"Hey, you owe me an explanation," Ash demanded, coming towards them. "What's the point of the cake?"
"Cake?" Adalene repeated, confused. "What cake?"
"Sachertorte," Ash said, putting his hands in his waist. "Austrian apricot chocolate cake."
Adalene looked confused.
"Now why would I send you a cake?" Adalene asked, annoyed. "I don't even know if you like them. Besides, how am I supposed to send it to you? I don't even know where you live!"
Ash looked confused. If it wasn't her, then who? The letter was signed under her name too...
"Hey you owe me an explanation too," Adalene added. "How did you change so fast?"
"E-Excusez-moi?" Ash said, confused. "What do you mean by that? I've been wearing this since this morning!"
"B-But you were just here!" Adalene blurted out. "You were wearing makeup, you concealed your freckles and then... your hair! It was lighter and your bangs were slightly longer! There, Georgie saw you too!"
Georgina nodded in agreement.
Ash looked shocked. He said nothing and started pulling Adalene towards the limousine.
"Where are you taking me?" Adalene demanded, trying to free her arm. "Hey! Let me go!"
"This is a serious matter," Ash said shortly. "I need you to come with me."
He dragged her to the limo and opened the door before pushing her in. Adalene looked at the interior in awe.

She couldn't even say anything as she looked at the luxurious interior of the limo

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She couldn't even say anything as she looked at the luxurious interior of the limo. Elisabeth sat there, waiting for Ash. Adalene immediately recognised her.
"Mademoiselle Blanctorche?" Adalene said in awe. Elisabeth looked up at her and gave her a small smile.
"It's good to finally meet you, Adalene," Elisabeth said. "Please, have a seat."
Adalene sat down in front of Elisabeth. Ash soon joined them with a two bottles of soda. He handed one to Adalene and sat next to Elisabeth.

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