A phone call

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Kyo gave Iori one last glare as he left with Daimon.
"You'd know if you had a sister," he heard Iori mutter, followed by the front door closing.
Kyo sighed as he climbed into the bigger man's car.
"Let's go see if Ben's okay," Kyo said as he closed the car door.
"That's what I was thinking about doing too," said Goro, starting the car. "Kinako even made some Udon for him."
"That's so nice of her," Kyo said, looking at the backseat where a heat-preserving container full of food sat in a tote bag. "I feel like Beni actually need it now, especially since he's getting over a hangover. Mom made some sweet-sour spaghetti too."
He showed Goro a bag that he kept between his legs. They both rode to the Nikaido mansion. Benimaru's car was parked in the porch instead of the garage.
"Must be Yagami's work..." Kyo noted as Goro rang the doorbell.
Benimaru opened the front door as if he came straight out of bed. His hair was a mess, his eyes were bloodshot, his clothes were all wrinkled and he looked tired.
"Beni!" His friends exclaimed at the same time, surprising the blond.
"What happened to you?" Daimon asked, examining Benimaru. "You look like a zombie!"
"I feel like a zombie," Benimaru said in a weak voice. "I have no idea how I ended up home. Last thing I remember was drinking at the bar. I kinda remember seeing the Yagamis though..."
"You did," Kyo said, entering as Benimaru widened the doorway. "You went there and tried to attack them. Then you passed out, and they brought you and your car here."
"Oh no..." Benimaru said, closing the door. "Did I say anything I wasn't supposed to?"
"Well, you told Yagami's sister that you love her," said Daimon. "And that she's the only one that saw you as a regular guy and not a model."
"I get it," Benimaru said, slumping down on the couch and burying his face in his hands. "I emptied out my heart to them. Oh gosh... what's gonna happen to me? How am I gonna get a job after that viral incident?"
"Don't worry, Beni," Kyo said, sitting down and rubbing the blond's back comfortingly. "We'll figure something out, don't worry."
Benimaru nodded, not taking his hands away from his face.
"Hey uh... Kinako made you some Udon," Daimon said, holding up the bag he was carrying. "She thought you might want something nice after... last night."
"Yeah and I brought you some sweet-sour spaghetti too," Kyo said, putting the bag on the sleek black marble coffee table. "Eat up, okay?"
"Thanks, guys," Benimaru said, looking grateful. "You guys are the best."
"It's nothing," Goro said. "Oh and Yagami left your car in the porch. Do you want me to park it in the garage for you?"
"Nah it's okay," said Benimaru. "I'll do it later."
"Eat, get some rest and more importantly, freshen up! You look like you dug yourself out of a grave!" Kyo said, getting up.
"I know and I will," Benimaru said, giving them a tired grin. "I need to take a hot bath..."
"Well, go do that first," Daimon said with a chuckle. "Bet you stink!"
They laughed as they bid their fair well. Benimaru watched them leave before closing the front door.
Just as Kyo and Daimon were at the junction, Kyo received a call from a certain priestess/ heiress.
"It's Kagura!" Kyo shouted, showing his phone to the driving Goro.
He answered the phone and put it on speaker mode.
"Hello?" Chizuru said. "Kusanagi, are you there?"
"Yes yes, I am," said Kyo. "Any updates on Aoi's curse?"
"There is, but..." Chizuru trailed off. "Can you just come here? Bring your cousin along with you. She's still staying over right?"
"Yeah they are," said Kyo. "We're on our way."
He hung up and turned to the big man. Before he could say anything, Goro spoke.
"I'll drive you guys there," Daimon offered. "Where is your cousin?"
"At my place," said Kyo. "They're staying over until tomorrow. They'll leave on Sunday."
Goro nodded and drove straight there. Kyo got out and ran into his house, dragging his cousins out. They got into Goro's car.
"She really found a way?" Aoi asked eagerly. "Come on, tell me!"
"She did," said Kyo. "Goro, lead the way!"
"Oh sure, now you're instructing me," Daimon said, rolling his eyes.
"Well, you're the one that insisted," said Kyo, grinning.
"I was just playing around," Goro said, making a u-turn. "Anyway, come on."
They drove to the Kagura Estate and saw that Chizuru was waiting for them.
The Kusanagis thanked Goro and left the car. They went to Chizuru.
"You found the cure?" Kyo asked.
"Yes I did," said Chizuru. "But the chances of it failing is higher than it being a success."
"It's worth the shot," said Souji. "Please, Miss Kagura, help my dim witted sister!"
"Oi!" Aoi shouted, giving her brother a sharp nudge.
"Guys, behave yourselves," Kyo whispered. "Kagura is a very proper heiress!"
"Sorry..." the siblings said together.
They went in and Chizuru extracted Aoi's sword, which instantly caused her to lose consciousness. Souji quickly caught hold of her.
"Don't worry, she's fine," said Chizuru. "She just lost her powers, don't worry."
Aoi nodded weakly and they set her down on the nearest couch. She soon fainted.
"How long do we wait?" Kyo asked. "Will it take long?"
"A few hours," said Chizuru, letting Aoi's sword hover above her hand. "You guys wanna go somewhere while then? You can leave the girl here, she'll be safe."
They decided to go and have something to eat. They left the Kagura estate, telling Chizuru to call them once she's done.
Goro was waiting for them, seeing his phone.
"So what did she say?" Goro asked when the cousins climbed in. "Will she be cured?"
"Don't know," said Kyo. "Chances are low but it's worth a shot."
"Alright, so where to now?" Goro asked.
"Home," said Kyo. "I need to get my car. Thanks Goro, but I don't want to burden you with my family affairs."
"Very well," Daimon said, driving out of the street. "I'll leave you home."
Goro drove them back to Kyo's house.
Kyo greeted his parents, grabbed his keys and left once again.
Saisyu and Shizuka looked at them, confused.
They decided to have some lunch and decided to buy some for Aoi too. After all, she passed out right in front of them.
Souji was kinda worried for her, but didn't say anything to his cousin.

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