Hanging out

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Third Person POV
Ash and Elisabeth sat down to have lunch. They had called Saiki and he said he will be down in a while.
Well, a while was an understatement because Saiki took his own sweet time to come down. And he was definitely a mess.
He had tied his hair up in a ponytail and was wearing the same clothes from the night before: Shion's old pyjamas.
Now Saiki regretted even more to not have brought his own nightclothes.
Ash unsuccessfully hid a wide amused grin while Elisabeth hid a chuckle. Even Jacques couldn't help laughing at him.
They ate their lunch in silence. Ash found it unbearable and decided to break it.
"So, Monsieur Passé," Ash began. "Which year are you from again?"
"1729," Saiki said.
"Whoa how did the three-hundred-year-old genes be carried so perfectly into me?" Ash asked in awe.
"That's because my son, my grandson, and most of my descendants before you looked like me," Saiki explained. "Even your dad."
"I thought you were from my maternal side...?" Ash said, confused.
"Oh yeah, sorry," Saiki quickly apologised. "I meant her dad- your mother's father. Your grandfather."
"Oh right..." Ash said and continued to eat in awkward silence. He decided to break it again. "So, would you like a manicure?"
Saiki looked at his nails, then at Ash's. His nails did look plain compared to his descendant's...
"Sure," Saiki agreed. "I'd like that."
"You first need a shower," Elisabeth said. "And some clean clothes. Shion brought all of your stuff over, even the new riding crop you got me. And thanks, I like it."
Saiki smiled at that. Ash quickly finished his lunch and asked Saiki to go take a bath.
"Your stuff's over there," Ash said, pointing to a small bag on the living room couch. "So just take 'em."

Saiki walked out of his room and went up the hall to Ash's room. He knocked and a voice similar to his asked him to enter. He went in and saw Ash sitting on his bed with the nail art kit that he got from the future.
Ash saw him and patted the spot in front of him. Saiki understood and sat down in front of him. Ash held his hand out and motioned for him to show his hand.
"Your nails look okay, but the paint is a little chipped," Ash observed. "That's okay, we'll be able to fix it."
Ash took out some stuff and started removing the old lacquer. He neatly wiped it off and took out some base coat.
He asked Saiki to give him his hand again and started to work on his nails. He applied a few layers and in the end,  shoved Saiki's hand under UV light.
"Alright, Monsieur Passé," Ash said. "These nails will last long. To remove these, you either have to soak your nails in acetone or grind them off. I prefer the second option because it's more fun."
Now that sounded scary for Saiki. He imagined Ash forcing his hand onto a grinding stone with an evil smirk. He shuddered at the thought and decided to go for the other option instead.
Ash then worked on his other hand, doing the same thing.
"These nails would actually last you about six months," Ash said, working on his nails. "But I recommend that you remove them in a few weeks time because your nails would not be at the same length forever."
He worked on his nails and even planted a few decorative studs on them.
Soon, he was done and Saiki was admiring his manicure.
"How do you like them, Monsieur Passé?" Ash asked.
"It's amazing!" Saiki said in awe. "Thanks, Ash! Also, please stop calling me Mr. Past. Just call me Saiki."
"It sounds like psyche," Ash said, grinning. "Well, I guess it makes sense considering you have psychic powers..."
"Very funny..." Saiki said, annoyed.
"Anyway, you wanna hang?" Ash asked, much to Saiki's surprise. "What? It's not everyday I get to meet an ancestor. In fact, I think I'm the only one that actually got the privilege!"
"Wait, you're asking if I wanna hang myself?" Saiki asked in shock. "Ash, you will die together with me!"
Ash started laughing at him.
"By hang, I meant hang out," Ash said. "You know what's hangout right? Or do I have to explain that too?"
Saiki understood and actually agreed to it.

The two men walked around Place du Tertre, buying gifts, eating snacks and stuff like that. Most people mistook them for twins
Ash spotted the street artist that drew his picture the other day. He pulled Saiki over to him and asked him to draw a picture of them together.
The artist smiled and started drawing their picture. Saiki asked him to draw two copies of it so that he could take one back to his time.
"Glad that you liked the portrait I drew for you last time, garçon," the artist said, giving them the portraits he made. "Didn't expect you to bring your brother, though."
They both looked at each other. Brother sounded good. It's better for people think that way instead of seeing the truth.
So they just smiled and nodded before paying for the portraits.
"Wanna go to the cafe?" Ash asked his ancestor, carefully putting the portraits into a paper bag.
"Sure..." Saiki said.
He was surprised that cafes still existed. He realised that many things that were introduced in the past were already gone.
Ash led him to his favourite cafe. They both sat down and Ash ordered two sachertortes and two mochas.
"You like those, right?" Ash asked when their food arrived. "You gave me one of those the last time?"
"Yeah I tried some and it was good, I guess," Saiki admitted. "Glad to see that you inherited my love for chocolate too."
Ash couldn't help but snort at that. He suddenly heard someone calling him.
It was Gaspard. He had come alone because apparently all of his siblings either ditched him, or was too young to hang out with.
"Ash!" Gaspard called, running to him with a cup of coffee in his hand. He stopped short when he spotted two of Ash. Or so he thought. "Umm... which one of you are Ash?"
Ash shot Saiki a mischievous grin. Saiki understood and played along.
"Guess," Saiki said.
Gaspard looked closely at Saiki, then at Ash. He was confused at which one of them was his best friend.
Just then, he spotted Ash's freckles and the cheery twinkle in his eyes. He realised and sat next to him.
"You're Ash," Gaspard said confidently.
"Guess again, pal," Ash said teasingly.
This made him confused. He looked at them both again but stood his ground.
"You're Ash, I know it," Gaspard said confidently. "Don't lie to me, you can't fool me."
Ash chuckled and admitted defeat.
"You're right, it's me," Ash said. "Gas, this is my... cousin. Saiki."
"Psyche?" Gaspard repeated, confused. "Are you a psychic?"
Ash burst into laughter when his friend said that. The laugh kinda disrupted the peace in the cozy cafe, causing everyone to turn and look at them.
"Oh my gosh," Ash said, wiping the tears off his eyes. "I never knew I could cry from laughing..."
"You look just like Ash, Mr. Saiki," Gaspard said, studying the older man's face. "Were one of your parents twins with Ash's parents? Or are they both twins?"
"Yeah they're both twins," Ash said quickly. "That's why Saiki and I look so alike."
"Yeah," Saiki said. "We're practically brothers."
"Yeah okay," Gaspard said. "I have a couple of cousins like that. Same story. Twins married twins and their kids look like twins too."
The two of them just nodded.
"Hey, have you solved the case of Adalene and Georgina's mysterious stalkers?" Gaspard asked, sipping his coffee. "It's kinda scary, if you ask me..."
"Yeah, I have," Ash said, eyeing his ancestor. Saiki looked away, taking a sip of his coffee to busy himself. "Turns out it wasn't much of a mystery at all."
"Then?" Gaspard asked, interested. "Let me guess. It was Psychic?"
Saiki spat his coffee out and stared at Gaspard in shock.
"What?" Saiki asked, trying to sound confused. "Why me? It wasn't me!"
Ash chuckled and shrugged. Gaspard certainly hit the nail on the head.
"There was an imposter lurking around," Ash said, not denying Gaspard's answer. "I confronted him, that's it."
"What about the guy that kinda looked like me?" Gaspard asked, confused. "The guy didn't really look like me, his hair was longer. Also, it looked more like a girl."
This time, it was Ash who almost spat his coffee. He gave Saiki a questioning smirk.
"Shion," Saiki mouthed.
Well, Ash already knew the answer. He just wanted to confirm.
"Well, it really was a girl," Saiki said.
"It wasn't," Ash said blandly.
"It wasn't?" Saiki asked, his eyes widening in surprise. "Oh wow. Okay then..."
He still didn't know that Shion was a guy despite him being a member of his clan. And despite the fact he literally left with him for a couple of weeks now.
"You're so lame," Ash couldn't help but add.
They ended up having coffee with Gaspard. Saiki found this quite entertaining too and was proud of Ash for choosing a fun guy for a friend.

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