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Chizuru hosted the party at her mansion. They actually called Ash and the gang, and they actually came.
Just for the party.
"You can drop us back tonight, right?" Elisabeth asked. "I really wanna look around the place."
"Sure," Iori said. "How's Hungary?"
"It's actually really nice," Ash said. "I learnt Hungarian-style nail art!"
Ash flourished his new manicure. Saiki, Elisabeth and Jacques showed off their forced manicure too.
"Say, Yagami," Ash suddenly said. "Wanna have your nails shaped? You scratch a lot..."
"No thanks," Iori said, hiding his hands inside pocket. "I like my nails the way they are."
"How about a buff?" Ash asked. "I'll make 'em shiny!"
"Pass..." Iori said. "You can ask K' if you want."
As soon as K' heard that, he spit his drink all over Zayn.
"First on Iori, now on me?!" Zayn exclaimed, looking down at his clothes. "Dash!"
"I'm sorry, I was just shocked," K' apologised. He went to Iori and shook him by the collars. "If you don't want a manicure, don't push me into it!"
"Relax, Monsieur K," Ash said, shortening his name too. "I won't paint your nails if you don't want."
K' thought about sitting with Ash, his hand in his, to get his nails done. He promptly shook his head and pulled Kula over instead.
"Would you like to have your nails done?" K' asked her.
"Sure!" Kula said. "Can I have snowflakes?"
"Why, of course, Mademoiselle diamond," Ash said politely. "I can even give you diamond on your nails, if you want."
"Can I have one too?" Isolde asked. "Same as Kula."
"Sure, Mademoiselle Isolde," Ash said. "Who else wants a manicure? It's free!"
"Wow, he really loves doing nails," Iori said, watching him do a seemingly free auction. "Hey, Aiko! You want your nails to be done too?"
"Sure, I guess," Aiko said, examining her nails. "As long as the polish doesn't melt."
"Wow, you're the first girl I've seen that controls flame," Krizalid said with a chuckle. "I don't know why NESTS associated guys with flame and girls with ice. Ice kinda suits them, do be honest."
Shizuka made a noise, followed by pointing her naginata at him with one hand and a flame in the other.
"You got a problem with girls controlling fire?" Shizuka asked threateningly.
"Nope, never," Krizalid quickly said. "By the way, it was nice talking to you."
He grabbed his plate of lemon and crumble bars and went off to join Maxima and K' instead.
"Who else wants a manicure?!" Ash demanded. "Come to me while it's still free!"
"I think you should open a nail salon when you grow up," Kyo suggested. "You'd enjoy your job, and at the same time, earn a living."
"I know right!" Ash said excitedly. "Betty! Let's open one together!"
"I'll open it for you," Elisabeth said. "And I'll be your regular customer."

Yashiro hesitantly went towards Iori after Shermie and Chris pushed him.
"Can we do another collab?" Yashiro asked begrudgingly. "It was fun before."
"Sure," Iori said. "I'm okay with that."
"You are?" Yashiro asked in surprise.
"Well, yeah," Iori said with a shrug. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Where should we do?" Kyo asked, coming in with a stick of shioyaki. "Here or somewhere."
"I didn't get my Hungarian holiday..." Iori said, pouting. "Can we go back there?"
"Oh yeah I wanna watch your concert for once!" Ash said excitedly. "What do you say, Betty?"
"Sure," Elisabeth said. "You're gonna drop us off at Hungary, right? Why don't you guys come along?"
They actually did and decided to play at a theatre. They had to go to South Town first to get Terry and gang. There were many people there and they gladly came to watch out of curiosity.
"So I'll be playing DJ again?" K' asked.
"Yep," Iori said. "Who else would be?"
"I'll be here just in case," Shingo said with a smirk.
"Same," Benimaru said. "I'll stick around with Shingo."
Aiko chuckled and Iori gave Benimaru a sign as if to say 'I'll be watching you.'

Jhun saw Athena's latest post that she was in Hungary.
"ATHENA'S IN HUNGARY!!!" Jhun said excitedly. "Kaphwan, lets go!!!"
"Fine..." Kim said, annoyed. "I'm only coming because you're taking the criminals with you."
"Let's all go, pops," Dong said with a smirk. "I wanna learn some Hungarian Magik!"
"Where did he get that from?" Kim asked, surprised. "I didn't know that Hungarians were magicians!"
"It's from that sitcom," Jae said. "There's this Hungarian guy that tries to perform magic tricks, but failed miserably."
"Yeah!" Dong said. "Let's go! Maybe it's real!"
"Hey even I know how to do that magic trick," Jhun said with a smirk. "All I need is a piece of paper!"
Dong happily handed him a page from some old newspaper and Jhun started his 'performance'.
He began tearing the paper while singing something incoherent and stuffed the pieces of the paper into his fists. Then he blew them dramatically and opened them, causing the pieces of paper to scatter around the ground.
"What's this?" Kim asked. "Nothing happened. How's that a magic trick?"
"That's the joke of it," Dong said with a grin. "The character failed miserably."
"Which sitcom is this?" Kim asked. "It sounds incredibly stupid."
"No, it isn't stupid," Jhun said, offended. "It's just that you don't know how to take a joke."
"Very true," Dong said in a low voice, hoping Kim wouldn't hear.
But he did.
And he started chasing after Dong with his belt.
"Well..." Jhun smirked, watching his friend run after his son. "Kaph never changed."
Well, they still went to Hungary anyway. Not before Jae and Jhun rescued Dong.
"Why do you take everything seriously?" Jhun asked his friend, annoyed. "Like... can't you at least have some humour?"
"Humour is for something that's actually funny," Kim said. "Dong is not humorous!"
"Yeah and you're a fishmonger," Jhun said, rolling his eyes. "Face it, you're far too serious..."
They walked around the village of Aggtelek, trying to find the theatre where the BOF were gonna perform.
"I'm only here because the other members of BOF are performing," Jae said. "But Athena's cool too, I guess..."
"You bet she is," Dong said excitedly. He suddenly started whispering to Jae. "I'm only saying this because Jhun is here. I'm just here for the girl behind the keyboard and Yagami's saxophone."
"Yeah right..." Jae said teasingly. "Last time I checked, Yagami's sister plays the sax."
"I know," Dong said with a smirk. "That's why I'm here."
"Well, let's see how Brother Yagami would react when he sees that you flirting on Sister Yagami," Jae said with a smirk. "Good luck, hyeong. Hope you survive."
Dong frowned at his brother and they continued finding the theatre. They found it at last and went in.

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