The Futabas

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Terry told Hotaru to bring her brother to the field that he and his friends usually wait to pick them up.
Hotaru was thinking about how she would bring her brother there without suspicion.
And then she got an idea.

"Niisama!" Hotaru exclaimed, shaking her brother awake in the middle of the night. "I have some news!"
Gato sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily, annoyed at being woken up so suddenly.
"What is it?" Gato asked, sounding tired.
"I found news about our father!' Hotaru blurted out. "Come on!"
That was enough to make him sit up.
"Give me five minutes," Gato said, getting out of bed.
Hotaru nodded and left the room, grinning as soon as she turned around.
Gato got ready, determined get to his father.
"Niisama is getting ready," Hotaru quickly told Terry over the phone. "We'll be there in a half-hour."
Gato came out of the room and Hotaru quickly hung up.
"Where is he?" Gato asked, his fists clenching.
"Hinako told me that she saw him at Spine Street," Hotaru said. "She said he's still there, come on!"
So that's where they went. Gato wanted to bring his car, but for some reason, Hotaru insisted that they went on foot.
"Why?!" Gato asked in surprise. "We need to catch him in the act!"
"No," Hotaru said. "The street's deserted! If we bring a car, it would be obvious!"
Gato thought about it and agreed. After all, the place was pretty nearby.

They arrived at Spine Street and walked cautiously. They saw someone standing in the distance. Gato started running towards them.
The figure had a long braid, just like Gato and his father. Gato ran towards it and demanded an explanation, but the person stood as still as a statue.
"What made you kill mother?!" Gato demanded again and again.
But all he got was silence.
And then he suddenly went blank. All he could feel was himself crashing to the ground.
"What did you do to him?!" Hotaru shouted, running towards her brother.
A green glow appeared and illuminated a smug face.
"You..." Hotaru said, recognising the young man. "Ash! Why? Wait... you're still alive?"
"Don't worry, he's only sleeping," Ash said, crouching to examine him. "Come on, we have to go."
"Where?" Hotaru asked in surprise.
"To France," Ash said. "You wanted to hook him up with a girl, right? The girl's none other than our Betty!"
Hotaru looked surprised, but helped Ash and another man carry the unconscious Gato. She couldn't really see what the other man looked like since it was too dark. But he was big, very big.
A strange object materialised and the door opened, revealing Iori and Terry.
"Come on," Iori said, helping them carry Gato's leg with Terry. "Quick, before someone sees us."
They put him on the sofa and closed the door. Rock suddenly handed Hotaru a soda.
"You're here too?" Hotaru asked in surprise. "What is this thing anyway? Looks like a spaceship!"
"If he were to come alone, we could've taken him alien style," Zayn suddenly said from the cockpit. "There's literally a button here called abduct. Wanna try it out?"
"Who do you wanna kidnap?" Iori asked, amused.
"Cow?" K' said with a smirk. "I dunno, what's this thing about aliens always abducting cows? Like... of all things..."
"Did we leave anyone behind on South Town?" Zayn asked. "I really wanna try out this feature."
"What's actually going on?!" Hotaru demanded. "Who is this guy, and why is he riding this... thing?!"
"Rock, you better explain to your girlfriend," Terry said. "She needs to know."
Rock went to her and explained to her as best as he could. She listened, slowly sipping her soda.
"So we're not gonna abduct anyone?" Zayn asked, a little dismayed.
The man that helped Ash bring Gato in suddenly became smaller under his large coat. It's like he just deflated under it. Hotaru stared in surprise as he took his hood off and revealed to look exactly like Ash. She thought it was Ash at first, then she realised it was not.
It was Saiki.
"What's he doing here?!" Hotaru suddenly screamed. "Please, let me go!!"
"Hotaru, please!" Rock stopped her. "We can explain."
It was a good thing Isolde came with them and she helped by comforting Hotaru. Kula kinda helped too, by offering her with some ice cream.
"I brought your favourite chocolate ice cream," Kula said, scooping some into a cone for her. "Belgian chocolate ice cream. Here."
Ash suddenly appeared next to Kula.
"Can I have some too?" Ash asked with a grin. "I love chocolate ice cream too!"
Kula frowned a little but handed a coneful to him too.
"Thanks!" Ash said cheerfully. "So, how do you like your manicure?"
Kula nodded, busy scooping some ice cream for herself.
"You're not as bad as I thought," Kula finally said.
Kula turned the other way to talk to Hotaru and Ash saw the back of her jacket.
"Coeur de Diamant?" Ash read. "Diamond Heart?"
"Eh? How did you know?" Kula asked. "You can read french?"
"I am french," Ash proudly stated. "Kula, I'm from Paris..."
"Can you take me to the best sweet stores?" Kula asked hopefully. "Pleaaase?"
Ash nodded with a grin. Another excuse for getting more junk food.
"Sure," Ash said, grinning. "I'll take you there."
Kula giggled and licked her ice cream. Ash turned to the other side and was startled to find K's face inches away from his.
"Whoa what's up with you?!" Ash asked, trying to recover from his shock. "I almost dropped my ice cream!"
"Don't even think about stealing my girlfriend," K' said, glowering at him. "I'll make beef jerky out of you. Got that?"
"Yessir..." Ash said.
He got up and went to sit near Saiki instead.
"Whoa, Dash," Iori said, laughing. "I bet he just wanted ice cream!"
"Huh?" Kula said, not knowing why Ash actually left. "Ash, why are you sitting there? There's space here!"
"No thanks..." Ash quickly said. "I'm perfectly comfortable here."
K' gestured an 'I'm watching you' to Ash. Ash just held up his thumb.
"Ash, you are taking me to the sweet shops later, right?" Kula asked, biting a part of her cone off. "I really wanna try french candies!"
"Sure thing," Ash said and glanced at K'.
"And I'll be coming too," K' said, translocating himself next to Ash. "Right, Ash?"
"Whatever you say, boss," Ash simply said. "I'll take you to the slaughterhouse if you want too."
"Great, I always wanted to see french animals get slaughtered..." K' said, cracking his knuckles.
"Or maybe to I'll take you to Fricassee," Ash added. "It's meat heaven."
"Sign me up!" Iori added squeezing himself between him and K'. "Aiko's coming too."
"Fine by me," Ash said with a grin. Then he started whispering. "Oh my gosh, Yagami! I'm so glad you came! Monsieur Dash is piercing through my soul with that glare! If looks could kill I'd be dead!"
Iori snickered and asked K' to leave. K' gave one last glare to Ash before joining Kula.
"Sokay, don't worry," Iori told Ash. "We're coming with you. Let him amuse his Princess, we can hang out."
"Yeah, I'm coming too," Zayn called from the cockpit. "I think Kriz and Max would come too."
"Whatever it is, Kriz is definitely coming," Iori said. "Wherever there's butter sandwiches crackers, there's Krizalid."
"Glad I'm not alone with that white-hair..." Ash said, giving K' a glare. "No wonder all of his hairs are white. He's always sulky! You know how they say that people get old faster if they're always mad, right? There's an example right there!"
K' made a flame in his hand and launched it towards Ash. Luckily, Kula neutralised the flame.
"No flame indoors, remember?" Kula said, putting her hands on her waist. "This is a spaceship, not a battlefield."
"Oooh snap!" Ash said with a grin.

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