Murders and the fest

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"So where are we headed now?" Ramon asked. "You said there's a special mission right?"
"Yeah," Vanessa said. "A criminal is on the loose in South Town. My town. I can't allow it."
"Sounds good," Ramon said. "So what are we working on?"
"We have a serial killer," Vanessa said. "We're working alongside Mary Ryan and SWAT officer, Kevin Rian. It's kinda personal for them and they want all the help they can get."
"Aight what else?" Ramon asked.
"Mary suspects that psycho may be Freeman," Vanessa said. "You know that whack right? That red haired weirdo with long hair?"
"Who can ever forget that?" Ramon asked. "Okay, lets get moving."
They went around trying to hunt for the killer.

'So they're onto me, huh?' The murderer thought to himself. 'Well, lets see how they get me this time.'
He went out in the dark night. The darkness acting as a mask for his dark figure lurking around. The darkest parts of the city are the back alleyways. Those were his favourite spots to find his unsuspecting victims.
He found his next target, a tall man who walked alone. He was aware of the danger he was in but at the same time, he decided to ignore it for the sake of running late.
The cold-blooded murderer took his time with killing the man. He knew he was never gonna make it now.
The murderer left him there and decided to reward himself. He returned to the beautiful home of one of his past victims. That poor woman was all alone and no one even realised that she died, not even the police.
He claimed her stuff too and now, he opened what used to be her laptop and searched the latest album by Megadeth. That was his all time favourite band and 'Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?' still remains as his favourite album till now.

The next day, he took the life of a beautiful woman. He enjoyed seeing her beautiful face contorted with horror and fear. The poor woman begged for dear life, but she got it taken away. He decided to finish her off quickly just because he thought her screams of terror were too ear-splitting.
"Lucky witch..." he muttered, leaving her body behind.
The sound of sirens suddenly filled the night. He smirked as he saw a hole that was big enough to fit his head.
He slid through it like the flexible snake he was and made his escape.
The cold-hearted monster casually returned to his base and decided to pop bubble wrap as a pastime as if he didn't just kill a human-being.

"Urgh he got away!" Mary said, dismayed. "Kevin, how can he be this slippery? We practically heard the last of her screams!"
"That's what I'd like to find out too," Kevin said through gritted teeth. "Next time, we're having more of our men in here, armed."
"Roger," Mary said. "That psycho doesn't deserve to live."

Meanwhile, the BOF members were getting ready for their performance. Aiko brought her saxophone and violin while the others brought their instruments too.
"Are you sure the violin is necessary?" Iori asked, watching her lug two instruments together. "I don't think we need it."
"Oh come on, we might," Aiko insisted. "Besides, it might add a nice chords to it."
Iori and Aiko decided to wear matching outfits for fun. Iori didn't really care about concealing his eye colour.
"Eh I'm tired," Iori said lazily. "What for? I can't hide forever, can I?"
"That's true too," Kyo agreed. "But I feel like you should at least try."
Iori made an irritated sound and ruffled his bangs to cover part of his eyes. His friends started laughing.
"You look like a male Shermie," Kyo laughed. "Till now, no one has ever seen her eyes."
"I actually thought she was your sister," Terry added. "Then when I found that she's french I was just like 'what?'"
The others pointed it out too. Iori groaned.
"Fine then what do you want me to do?" Iori said, annoyed.
"Just come," Athena said with a grin.
They went to the venue and prepared the instruments. Konosuke said they would be first. People started coming in and their friends were all there. Even K' and gang. He actually came in with his beef jerky.
Krizalid brought his butter sandwich crackers and was handing them around to his friends. Maxima was snacking on some candy too with Kula. Zayn and Isolde shared a bag of sliced fruit.
"Those two are so lame," Krizalid told the rest. "Like, look at them! Fruit off all the tasty snacks in the world!"
"At least we're healthier than you," Zayn pointed out. "Like, look. You guys eat nothing but junk food!"
"More like hunk food," Maxima said with a smirk.
"Uncle, what's that?!" Kula asked curiously. "What's a hunk food?!"
"Good luck explaining, Max," K' said with a smirk. "Anyway, I wanna take a look at the food trucks."
"Can I come too?" Kula asked cheerfully. "Pleeeeaseeee?"
"Sure," K' agreed much to their surprise. "Come on."
Kula cheerfully tagged alongside him. They went around the food trucks and saw a familiar girl with pink hair. They couldn't really see her face because she was facing the other way.
"Is that...?" Kula said, spotting her. "I think it's Honoka?"
"It looks like her, but we may be wrong," K' said with a shrug.
He turned to Kula and was surprised to already see her going towards the pink-haired girl. K' tried to stop her, afraid that they might be mistaken.
But Kula was sure she was Honoka and gave her a jump scare.
"Boo!" She exclaimed, clutching at the girl's shoulders.
She almost dropped the stick of Takoyaki she was eating when Kula did that. But she brightened up when she saw Kula's cheerful face.
"Kula!" Honoka exclaimed, jumping up and throwing her arms around Kula. "You came!"
"Of course!" Kula exclaimed happily. "Free concert!"
"And food!" Honoka exclaimed. "Want some Takoyaki?"
Kula cheerfully accepted her offer. They both went back to K'. He decided to buy some yakiton sold at one of the food trucks. Honoka brightened up and bought some too.
K' handed one to Kula and the three of them ate together while walking towards the crowd of people. Honoka had bags of food in her hands and was trying to eat all of them at once.
She greeted all of her friends from the KOF tournaments. She was happy to see all of them again.
"I still remember how we suspected you of being a stalker, Kriz," Honoka said with a grin. "It was really funny how all of us thought you were stalking us!"
"I thought you guys were stalking me!" Krizalid pointed out. "I kept fleeing the state and you kept showing up. I panicked! All I wanted was peace!"
"Yeah at least you got it," Zayn said, eating a stick of dango. "You're with us now."
"Yeah at least you turned your back on NESTS," Isolde added. "That place is scary..."
"Yo!" Someone exclaimed behind them.
They turned around and saw the BOF coming towards them with sticks of food.

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