Spy plans

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K' waited as Iori picked up the phone.
"Iori?" K' said when he picked up. "What's with the spamming?"
"Oh K' I'm glad you finally answered," Iori said while getting dressed. "It's an emergency!"
"What is?" K' asked. "And what's that sound? Are you changing or something?"
"Yeah I am," Iori said, trying to button his shirt with one hand. "It's Aiko. That blond Casanova wants to go on a date with her!"
"You mean Benimaru?" K' asked, putting the phone on speaker mode so that Maxima could hear too.
"Yeah," Iori said. "He suddenly showed up with flowers and chocolates!"
"And then?" K' asked.
"He asked Aiko out on a date!" Iori said, fuming. "I was FURIOUS!"
"Did you burn him?" K' asked, amused. "Come on, tell me you did. He's a real pain in the neck!"
"I wish I had," Iori said. "All I burned was my kitchen door."
"Now that's lame," K' said, annoyed that Iori didn't burn Benimaru alive. "So what's the problem now?"
"I wanna go spy on their date," Iori said, combing his hair. "It's tomorrow night. Wanna come?"
"Why don't you take Kyo or something?" K' said. "I'm in Texas."
"Wait what?" Iori asked. "When are you coming back?"
"Tomorrow," K' said. "We're probably leaving early in the morning. We might only arrive tomorrow night. Anyway, why aren't you taking Kyo instead?"
"He has his cousins over," Iori said. "He's busy at home."
"Why don't you take one of your cats?" K' asked. "You seem to be crazy about them."
"Which one?" Iori asked, spraying some cologne. "Rio or Yua?"
"Whichever you like," K' said. "I can't possibly get back in time. The flight is like twelve hours..."
Iori groaned but then he suddenly got an idea.
"What happened to the spaceship?" Iori asked. "You can come in less than an hour if we use that!"
"It's in the same place where we last left it," K' said. "The keys are with Diana and Foxy."
"Okay I'll go get it first thing in the morning," Iori said. "Get ready to leave."
"We have to tell the others first," Maxima said suddenly. "Because we actually came here with the Ikari plane."
"Alright," Iori said. "See you guys tomorrow."
He hung up in triumph. He went out to see Aiko already ready and waiting for him in the living room.
"You're unusually late today," Aiko said. "What took you so long?"
"I had a phone call," Iori said truthfully. "Come on, lets go."
They went for the movie and Aiko really enjoyed it. Iori kinda did too, but his mind was wandering around, thinking about his plan to fetch K'.
They went home after dinner and just sat around.

K' managed to convince Heidern and his soldiers about their departure. They didn't really mind because they were gonna leave anyway.
"Take good care of Seirah," K' told Clark before leaving. "I don't trust Ralf."
"I will," Clark said, and the pulled Ralf closer with his elbow. "You hear that, Ralfy? K' doesn't trust you around his sister!"
Iori snuck out early in the morning around six. He took Diana and Foxy by surprise.
"What are you doing here?" Diana asked, her hair an even bigger fur ball than it normally was. "It's like six in the morning!"
"Sorry, Miss Diana but I just need the keys to the spaceship," Iori said. "I'm gonna pick up K' and his gang from Texas."
Isolde sleepily came out of the room and Diana asked her to go get the keys.
Iori thanked them for the keys and ran off in his car to find the spaceship. He parked somewhere near the place they last parked it and tried to find it.
He looked around and couldn't find the spaceship because it was invisible. He looked at the keys and saw that there was a button saying 'distinguish'. He pressed the button and the spaceship materialised a few hundred feet from him.
He ran to it and unlocked it. He went in and flew it to Texas. He keyed in K's coordinates and went straight there. It was still evening the day before there.
K' was waiting there with Maxima, Krizalid and Zayn. Iori landed in front of them and unlocked the spaceship for them. They climbed in and the first thing they did was turned the air conditioners up.
"That feels nice..." K' said. "I know I wield fire and all, but I can't stand being sweaty because of the desert heat!"
He made his way to the refrigerator there and grabbed a few sodas for everyone. He was about to throw one at Zayn but he quickly stopped him.
"No don't!" Zayn said, running to K' and taking the soda himself. "You'll make a mess!"
He told them about the time when Isolde threw a soda at him and it exploded when he cracked it open.
"Yeah sorry about that," K' said, passing a soda to Iori. "Anyway, the fridge needs to be restocked. These are the last ones."
"Thanks K'," Iori said, taking the soda and opening it. "And I really need your help."
Iori set the spaceship on autopilot mode before making it invisible.
Igniz saw it with the telescope in his observatory. He looked at it in awe and satisfaction.
"The rumours aren't wrong..." he said, watching it while eating a space granola bar. "Look at it go..."
Little did he know it was one of his own spaceships, or at least, his old company's spaceship. He watched it disappear when Iori changed the setting.
Iori explained to them about the Benimaru incident.
"I wanna spy on their date," Iori said. "K', would you come?"
"Sure," K' said. "I dislike that jerk just as much as you do, maybe even more..."
"Can I come too?" Zayn asked before taking a sip of soda. "I wanna see too. Kriz?"
"Nah I'm feeling a little lazy," Krizalid said. "I wanna hang out with Maxima."
"Really?" Maxima asked. "Gee, thanks Kriz."
Nameless told Isolde about their mission and she agreed. But on one condition.
"You're taking me out for ice cream as soon as you come back," Isolde demanded. "And out for a movie."
"Go watch Mishima Bloodline," Iori suggested. "I watched it last night with Aiko. It was good."
"What's it about?" Zayn asked.
"I ain't giving any spoilers," Iori said with a smirk. "I don't wish to ruin the movie."

In the evening, Iori excused himself and told Aiko that he would be at a friend's. He packed a disguise and went to K's place.
"Your disguise is so lame..." K' said, annoyed. "But it kinda works?"
"Yeah I know," Iori said. "That's why I'm still doing this."
"What should I do?" Zayn asked. "What should I wear?"
"I don't think you need to do much," Iori said. "Aiko has never seen you before."
"But you definitely need to do something with your glove," K' pointed out. "It doesn't look normal..."
"That's alright," Zayn said. "I just discovered that this glove can be disguised as a regular hand."
He pressed a button on the side of his wrist and the glove kinda vanished. His hand looked as normal as his other hand.
"Fascinating, isn't it?" Zayn said, showing his hand. "I accidentally pressed it the other day when I was getting out of bed."
"I think you should also clip your bangs back," Iori suggested. "Here, wear this. I brought an extra."
He handed Zayn a cap. Zayn clipped his hair back using a hair pin that Diana provided. He put the cap on.
"How do I look?" Zayn asked.
"You look great," Iori said. "Come on, lets go."

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