chapter 2

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Nadiya's bio

Nadiya is 17 years old and has finished secondary school and is waiting for admission into the Ahmadu Bello University in Abuja which she wants to study Law. She is the only child of her parents. She has an anger issue because of the people—the society—she interact with whom have such mentality which Nadiya can't tolerate. Or so her mother thought.

She is a woman of her words;meaning she sticks to her word no matter what. She is fair in complexion, and she has a pointed nose, big eyes which illustrate her beauty, thick eye brows that are very fine, her lashes are bold enough for someone that is far from her to see, or maybe a bit exaggerated but there are long though. Her natural pink lips makes her even more beautiful than she is already. She is beautiful. She is fearless.

Before she finished her secondary school, she fight alot because some insult her, upset her when they call them dullards because they are art students or something students do to look for trouble. She thanked God that she can fight them all because she is fatter and taller than some of the class members. She is one of those students who sit at the back seat because they are huge.

Upon her stubbornness, she's very intelligent and when teacher is teaching, she keeps her stubbornness aside in order to learn and understand the teaching. She also fight boys and beat them up. Some students use to fear her because of her braveness. She once got suspended for two weeks but that didn't stop her from doing what she wants. She only have one friend called Zaliha because the students don't want to befriend her. Zaliha too is like her, fearless like her, that's why she likes her. Nadiya is older than Zaliha, she's also taller than her, like four inches difference. Nadiya loves her alot and they are in the same street, just five house distance.


Nadiya wore an orange peasant sleeve shirt with a blue tight jeans and a blue veil that match with the tight jeans. She applied a light make-up;she applied kohl and a lipgloss with a brown compact powder. She is going to Zaliha's house today it's been long she has seen her and she also wants to surprise her.

She sighted her mother in the parlour looking all paled up. She can't believe it's because of her her mom is looking so worried and not like how she is before. She wants to see her mother happy like before and not looking sad because of what 'society' will say.

She brought a cushion opposite her mom and sat. "Mama why are you looking so worried?". Nadiya knows why but at least, let her break mom's deep thought.

"My dear it's all because of you, I don't want to see you behaving like this and society keep pointing fingers at you, I can't bear to see your life getting ruined at this your age." Her mom is crying out her eyes which makes Nadiya break into pieces.

"Mama, don't let all this worry you, I can fight them all, I'm not a weak child. I'm not born to be weak and by the grace of God, my life will be perfect as it should be and okay mom, if you want me to stop being stubborn, I will stop if that makes you happy." Nadiya knows she's just saying this to calm her mother down, she can't simply just see what is wrong in her perspective and just let it be.

"Okay my child, mi yetti bingel debbo am, mi yidima." (Thank you my lady, I love you).

"Mimma mi yidima masin mama." (Me too I love you so much mom). Nadiya said hugging her mom with so much happiness.

"Mama Zanje gidansu Zaliha, stop worrying, I will back soon."(I'm going to Zaliha's house). Nadiya said after convincing her mom to stop worrying.

"Toh se awarti" (okay, until you're back).

She left the house and called out to the bike man. She climbed and before she knew, they've arrived, then she got down and gave him 50 naira and he zoomed off.

She entered Zaliha's house and saw Mall. Bala, their security guard.

"Ina wuni Mall. Bala." ( Good afternoon Mal. Bala). She greeted him while smiling.

"Lahiya lau 'yan mata." (Fine young lady). Mall. Bala said feeling excited.

She entered inside and greeted Hajiya Fatuma, Zaliha's mother.

"Jam banduna Mama" ( good Afternoon mom). Nadiya said and hugged her.

"Jam(fine) Nadiya, noi sare?" (how's your house). Her mom said reciprocating the hug excitingly.

"Fine Mama. Said Nadiya.

"You came to see Zaliha right?". Her mom said.

"Yes mama". Said Nadiya.

"Okay she's upstairs". Said Zaliha's mother.

Nadiya thanked her and ascend the stairs to Zaliha's room. She haven't seen her for a while now and she missed her alot. She misses her nuisance, she's the only one Nadiya can tolerate. She can't wait to see her and give her a tight hug, she thought. She entered the room and found Zaliha's making a voice note, definitely WhatsApp, Nadiya thought, because the girl likes WhatsApp alot.

"Hey." Nadiya entered the room excitingly.

"Oh my God Nadiya it's you!" Zaliha said with so much happiness which made me laugh even.

"No, it's Ahmad." Nadiya said with a bit of a laugh mocking Zaliha because Ahmad is actually her boyfriend whom she love. She's just waisting her time, Nadiya thought because she doesn't believe in love, or maybe at this her age.

"Please stop it Nadiya, you can't involve him in this silly thing okay?! Zaliha said boldly but feeling shy too.

Nadiya smiled, with her eys overrunning with laughter which she can't hold any longer and before she knew it, she was laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny about what I said? You think I'm joking right? Zaliha spoke, her anger is about to show too but she's trying to repress it.

"Okay okay I'm sorry toh, it's just a mere joke ahhh." Nadiya said.

"Forget that, ya kike toh" (how are you doing), "how is my mama?" *referring to Nadiya's mom*. Said Zaliha.

"We're all doing fine but mom has been worried about me ever since I went to that stupid tailoring shop". Nadiya started narrating the whole incident that happened, how she slapped that Fatima girl and how she ended up getting slapped by her mom.

"Woahh, this is a whole bunch of a story". Said laughing Zaliha.

"I can't believe you're laughing about this whole story I've narrated, I was not actually worried at fast, but when it affected my mom, it made me worried as well. You know I can't bear to see mama worried." Nadiya said.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't just laughing about the whole story, I was laughing when you said you slap the Fatima girl and dealt with those four ladies and the boss, you're really a stubborn girl. I was really worried at Mama by Allah and please try to ease Mama's mind please, stop making her worried this girl." She smacked Nadiya's head with her laugh, making Nadiya laugh too.

"Okay, In Sha Allah I will try not to make her worried." Nadiya said and they hug each other.

Nadiya and Zaliha been the bestest friend they are, chat, smack each other, laugh, take pictures. Zaliha brought drink and snacks for her, she ate and they continued their never-ending chat, most of it about Zaliha's boyfriend, Ahmad.


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