chapter 7

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Hi guys Sorry for the late update.
      I hope I will make it up to you.

"Alhamdulillah!" Nadiya screamed with enthusiasm. That is all she could muster. Finally, her dreams has been fulfilled. She can't believed that she's standing in the most wanted University of her dreams. She never thought Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, is more perfect when seen than imagined. The environment looks amazing. Nadiya couldn't help but stare at every corner of the school. Everything seems amazing. She's sure this is simply the best University for her.

Staring and admiring without a care in the world, someone just hugged her from behind which made her shudder. She quickly turned around to see none other than her best friend, Zaliha. To say she's happy today is an understatement. Firstly, she got an admission into the University of her choice and secondly, she saw her best friend after a very long time and last but not the least is the fact that they're course mates.

"Hi Nadiya, I'm very happy you're finally here. So when did you arrive?" Zaliha said, looking so happy like never before.

"I am too. Not long ago. I was just busy staring at the school ever since I came."

Zaliha laughed. "This is exactly what I did my first day here. Have you done all the formalities for the admission?" Zaliha asked.

"Yeah. Uncle has spoken to the level co-ordinator because he's his friend and he's helped with everything." Nadiya gladly said.

"That's perfect then. Let's hurry up before we miss the lectures." Zaliha said.

"Okay then."

Nadiya and Zaliha hurriedly walked into class and thankfully, the lecturer appeared shortly after they arrived. He began teaching while the class concentrated. After about an hour or two, he finished and left the class. Nadiya and Zaliha got out of the lecture hall and Nadiya felt thirsty. So she asked Zaliha to escort her to buy a sachet water and Zaliha agreed.

"Zaliha the lecture wasn't that hard to understand. People used to say that law is hard. I think Law isn't a hard course after all." Nadiya said.

"Nady, It's because we're into borrowed courses that's why if not law is kind of hard. I remembered observing my cousins when I went to them for holiday some years back. They were in level four then and they used to suffer a lot reading. They read overnight without sleeping. They don't get enough time to chat with me unless if by any chance they got a free day or maybe that course they're reading isn't that hard. One day, I asked them whether Law is hard or not. Do you know what their response was? Zaliha asked.

Nadiya immediately said no to hear what they have to say.

"They said of course cousin, it's very very hard. One of them, Safiyya, said she wished she didn't even go for law. Can you imagine what she has said? That means it's not a child's play. We just need to buckle up and we also need to build up our grade points (GP) as we're fresher's yeah?"

"Yes Zali, I understand and In Sha Allah God will help us through it." Nadiya prayed.

"Amin." Zaliha answered. Just then, they reached a mini shop and Nadiya bought the water she wanted and drank it all right there. Zaliha also bought coke and they left there.

"Nadiya?" Zaliha called.


"Actually, I need to go back to school. I need to go for tutorial. There is a course outline which I didn't understand last week. So I want to go and get tutorial."

NADIYA'S STRUGGLE Where stories live. Discover now