Chapter 13

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Khadijah quickly left his office and finds a place to sit at a corner, feeling extremely guilty for what she has done. Seeing him let out a tear all because of her isn't something she knew she would take. She had to admit there was no denying that she loved him. She loves him with all of her heart. But still, that feeling always rushing down to her, an odd feeling, like it's whispering to her that she's not ready yet. She's not ready to accept him. Even though the last thing she wants to do is to reject him. She knows she's been ditzy but she doesn't know what to do. She really doesn't. She didn't realize she was crying until she ran a hand through her face out of frustration.

Just as she was about to go back home, she felt a hand at her back. As she turned around to know who, her eyes met with Hikmah and she quickly stood and gave her a tight hug.

"Hikmah, I'm awful. I really am." She said clutching Hikmah's arms tightly while crying.

"Shhhh don't say that. Look at me, you're not awful okay?" Hikmah said releasing the hug for Khadijah to look at her.

"I rejected his proposal. Why wouldn't I be awful?"

"You have your reasons for that, don't you?" Hikmah tried to reason with her friend, though she really wants to hear from her.

"I do, but I think I'm just not ready to accept him, that's why."

"Listen to me Khadijah, you know I love you and I only want what's best for you. If you do love him like you say you do, then why not just accept him and stop letting this tear you up." Hikmah said, after wiping her tears from her cheeks.

"I don't know Hikmah. Everytime I wish to just be with him, I always choose not to. I mean he's a good guy and all, but in all honesty, I don't think I'm ready."

"I understand and I think if you're not ready to accept him, you should wait for the right time and Allah swt will guide you through the right path."

"Thank you so much Hikmah. I'm really happy to have a friend like you, you're too sweet." Khadijah hugged her so tightly that Hikmah had to pull off.

"Hey, what are friends for? I'll always be there for you whether in happiness or in sadness In Sha Allah."

"In Sha Allah." Khadijah replied.

"Oops, I forgot your man asked for your number and I gave it to him." Hikmah whispered softly, waiting for her reaction for she knows she would get one.

"Hikmah!" Khadijah exclaimed, slightly upset.

"Sorry! It's actually been long." And when Khadijah glared at her, she spoke again. "C'mon I didn't know all this is going to happen. Besides, there was a love chemistry between you two at first, so I couldn't deny him."

"Whatever. I just hope he doesn't call me."

"Duh, you know he will call up Hikmah said, winking at her friend.

"Be quiet. Let's be going."

"Let me drop you off." Hikmah said and Khadijah nodded. And soon, they reached Hikmah's car and drove off the school.


"...Yes and in Islamic Law, only relative with a legitimate blood relationship to the decreased are entitled to inherit. Thus, illegitimate children and adopted children have no shares in inheritance. In general, a full brother will exclude a consanguine brother, but no uterine brother. In case where a deceased man leaves a pregnant woman, the unborn child's share will be reserved. Also a woman in the state of Iddah after divorce is considered as a wife of the deceased for a purpose of Inheritance." Barrister Zayad ended his topic about Inheritance. Umar was listening attentively as some were making noise. He wants to understand this topic very well because his mom once told him that Inheritance and it's rules of inclusion and exclusion and most of all, how to share the wealth is very confusing. She added by saying, some scholars often make mistakes of dividing a property. They don't really have knowledge of it but they always claim they do and as such, it cause alot of problem from the family. Suddenly, Barr. Zayad spoke again and Umar was brought out of his reverie.

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