Chapter 27

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Stress. Exhaustion. Tiredness. Busy day. This is exactly how one can define 'Monday' the moment the words slip out of his mouth. This particular Monday is rather filled with boredom and a bit of stress one must admit. Having class, going to buy some snacks you need for your grumbling stomach, all alone without an escort isn't facetious. Especially when you're used to hanging out with someone. That is an entirely different subject. The whole subject under consideration is the scorching sun staring at you with effect, baking your face with pleasure. Not to talk of the sweat dripping down your powdered face, spoiling the face with the sweat. Making you look like a zombie. Even if someone loves the beauty of the sunset and the sunrise—also the sun in a nutshell— he wouldn't admire this particular sunrise.

Walking out of the classroom, she brought out a book from her bag and shielded her face from the shining sun. One of the reasons why she hates afternoon classes is because of this. But who is she to say that? Most of her classes are in the afternoon, so she got to be used to it.

She misses her friend, Zaliha. For the first time since she starts schooling, Zaliha is not here with her. She is always around. Wherever, they go together and whatever, they do it together. Zaliha never misses classes but since she's ill, she sadly couldn't come. Nadiya must imagine how she must feel that she missed a class for the first time. Poor thing!

Nadiya knew her as a nerd since they were in Kindergarten. Zaliha at Kindergarten would always screech when pronouncing the alphabets that when you're close to her, you will flinch out of fear. Both in primary and high school, she's always been the same. Students bully her about been a nerd, but she never cares what you'd say about her. She always does what she thinks is right. She has been excelling and still do. That's why Nadiya chose her, she's nerdy as well as crazy.

While waking, a robust voice spoke behind her which sounds a lot familiar to her, which made her to turn.

"How are you doing Umar?" Nadiya said, smiling.

"Good, Alhamdulillah. How's studies?" Umar asked, now confidently.

"Alhamdulillah, we're doing great!" She said with a chuckle and he smiled.

"Where's your friend? I see you're alone." He tried bringing up a conversation to which Nadiya sincerely replied him.

"Zaliha. She couldn't come today. She's not feeling well."

"Oh. I wish she gets better soon." He prayed.

"Amin. Thank you Umar." She flashed him a smile.

After a couple of minutes of silence—to which strangely to Umar, lacks that awkwardness—Umar felt it's the right time to tell her what is in his mind.

They're now walking side by side with an enough distance between them.



They both spoke in sync and immediately looked at one another out of surprise. Nadiya scoffed mentally. She never thought those Indian movies scenes would happen to her.

"Uh you can speak first." Umar said, smiling slightly.

"Ohh it's actually nothing. I wanted to ask about your studies. You know, being in a final year and the seriousness in studying..." She trailed off, feeling a bit torpid.

"Oh." He said quietly in a sad manner. He thought maybe she'd say something he would be happy about. But what was he expecting her to say when there isn't anything between them? He's thinking too much, he thought internally.

After realising she's waiting for an answer, he spoke while clearing throat. "Actually, it's very hectic. One needs to really focus and study hard because it's not easy, but Alhamdulillah with God's intervention, it's going smoothly." He said with a sigh, joined with a smile altogether.

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