Chapter 3

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"Nadiya get up, I told you yesterday that we're going out and you're still  sleeping koh." Hajiya Hadiya said.

Nadiya and her mom were supposed to catch a flight today but Nadiya is busy sleeping and refused to wake up. Her mom got ready around 9:00 and they're supposed to board by 11:00 and now it's 10:48.

"Nadiya I'm serious now, umma (wake up).

"Mamaaa! I really want to sleep. Let's leave it till tomorrow now." Nadiya said with her thick voice, everyone will know she woke up from sleep.

"A'a (no),  I've told them already that we're coming over to their house." Said her mom.

"Toh mama, wait for me in the parlour, I will quickly get ready." Nadiya said.

"Okay but be quick." Said her mom.

Nadiya got up from the bed and quickly bathe, apply her Dove cream and a deodorant. She look for a clothe to wear and got a green and brown A-shaped gown, she wore it and apply her favorite perfume Etoile Aromatic perfume. She checked her wardrobe and found a green veil which match with her clothe.

She did a light make-up by applying a brown powder, lip gloss and kohl. She loves applying kohl because she believes it's good for a lady to apply it and she also believe that it brings out the beauty in you. It's so natural which is why Nadiya loves putting it in her eyes. Nadiya also loves anything natural, she doesn't want anything heavy in her face; like all that heavy make-up. Zaliha once force her to apply it and that's how she got black spots and it ruined her face, and from then, she has never let anyone bake her face.

Nadiya is all set and she looks beautiful with her natural self. She took some selfies in Snapchat and did some short videos. That's when she heard her mother's call.

"Coming!" Nadiya quickly wear her flat brown shoe and hop downstairs.

"You look beautiful dear." Her mom said.

"Thank you mom, and you too." Nadiya said and snap a few pictures with her mom.

They got into the car and the driver zoomed off to the airpot. They planned on visiting Nadiya's uncle's house, Alhaji Sani Dukku. Nadiya has missed that house. It's now that she realized that it's been long she has got out from their house ever since she starts her WAEC exams apart from going to Zaliha's house.

They finally arrived at the Alhaji Sani Dukku's residence after calling a cab to drive them to their destination. Nadiya scanned the house and couldn't help but say It looks gigantic just like how she recalled it. The painting has changed, before it was yellow and coffee brown, but now it's milk and golden in colour.

The trees spread wide all over the house and it looks beautiful. The gardens are unspeakable. It is a carpet grass garden with brown chairs and a shielded timber tree which covers the chairs in the garden. There are so many cars in the garage, so many expensive ones. Not to talk of entering the house. The Sani Dukku's house is extremely beautiful; beautiful is understatement even.

Nadiya kept on snapping the trees in the house because she loves natural things and  she has never seen such beautiful nature sight. She took alot of pictures of the house, one could think she wants to even sell the house. She also took the garden side. She took myself too.

"Nadiya, zaki saida gidanne" (do you want to sell the house). Her mom said laughing, interrupting her snapping.

"Mama, sare on vodi fah." (Mama the house is fine).

"Yes. Ours too is fine." Said mom.

She's right, theirs too is fine, but not like this.

We entered the house and Alhaji Sani was the first person we saw.

"A'a Hadiya, jabbama, jabbama". (Welcome, welcome). Alhaji Sani welcomed us.

"Bismillah war jodu" (come sit). "A'ee zo gasu Hajiya Hadiya sun zo." (A'ee come, their Hajiya Hadiya are here).

Nadiya and her mother sat in the parlour and they exchanged greetings.

Hajiya Hadiya greeted as soon as she sat.

"Jam Alhamdulillahi" (fine, praise be to God), "noi sare?" (How's the house). Alhaji Sani asked.

"Alhamdulillah." Said mom.

"Ina wuni." Nadiya greeted after they finish greeting each other. She doesn't normally speak Fulani unless it's necessary.

"Jam." Allhaji said smiling. "Hajiya, is this the Nadiya I know?"

"Yes she is the one." Nadiya's mom, Hajiya Hadiya said.

"Ikon Allah, she has grown fah, the last time I saw her, she was so small fah Hajiya." Alhaji Sani said looking surprise.

"Haka yaran yanzu suke fah, saurin girma" (that's how children of nowadays are, early growth). She replied looking at her daughter with a smile which she reciprocate.

"Haka ne (that's true). Said Alhaji Sani.

Just then, Hajiya A'ee came into the parlour with a smile on her face.

"A'a sannunku da zuwa" (welcome). Hajiya A'ee said to them.

"Good Afternoon." Nadiya greeted her.

"Afternoon Nadiya, 'yan mata an girma."( Young lady has grown).

They all laugh which Nadiya didn't even find funny. They exchanged greetings, and Hajiya A'ee told the maids to bring refreshments for them. Alhaji Sani, Hajiya A'ee and Nadiya's mother started chatting and Nadiya was feeling bored, so she excused myself. She started strolling around the house looking for my cousin, Khadijah. She's missed her alot and she can't wait to see her. She went to the balcony and started taking pictures. Nadiya got tired and sat. She began chatting and just then,Khadijah showed up from nowhere.

"Nadiya! It's you, I can't believe it. You've finally come". Khadijah rushed to her with a tight hug. She missed Khadijah alot. She's one of her best cousins ever. They've been together since childhood and circumstances break them apart when Khadijah's father got transferred to Abuja and since then, they've not seen each other, and after so many years, they met. There is going to be alot of craziness!

"My Khadijah, I miss you alot, I can't even describe how." Nadiya said.

"I miss you too wallahi. Alot. You're just getting fatter everyday. What are you eating like this?"

" Hey I'm eating nothing, infact I'm not enjoying at all. I know you're considering this your huge house, everything you want will be provided for you." Nadiya said, matter of fact.

"It's true though but you know me, I don't use to eat very well, that's the problem."

"You don't use to eat you say? I think I will be given the CEO of food because I eat food like there is no tommorow." Nadiya said with a laugh. It's the absolute truth.

"That's why you're always getting fatter. Mama must force me to eat every single day. A while ago, I was forced to eat. Maybe before you leave if you will wait till night, I will be forced to eat".

"Girl, please try and be eating. Look how thin you are." Nadiya said with a chuckle.

"I will try. Are you guys sleeping here?" Khadijah asked.

"I don't know really but maybe we aren't."

"Please stay till tomorrow. You know our house is very far from yours."

"So what then? You're very funny I swear. That's why there's a flight for a reason." Nadiya said glaring at her playfully.

"Okay just snap us."

After 30mins, they're done snapping and Nadiya told Khadijah that she has to go, maybe Mama will be looking for her.

She went to the parlour but she didn't see her mother. She checked the rooms but she isn't there also. She asked the Dukku's but they aren't giving her answers. She went out and check whether the cab they came with is there but surprisingly, it isn't there.

She's gone!

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