Chapter 22

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Khadijah's POV

I entered my room furiously and threw my bag and removed my veil aggressively. After banging the door off course. I'm so upset! Ahmad made me look like a fool back there and what baffles me was the way he was speaking with Zaliha so calmly without even sparing me a glance. Zaliha didn't even want to speak with him! I know I get jealous on silly things sometimes but this is totally justified because Ahmad appeared to love me but immediately he saw Zaliha, he forgot about my existence. Maybe all the love he showed was a pretence!

My intention earlier was to apologise to Zaliha, but what I saw today totally changed my mind and I will never apologise to her, neither am I going to forgive Ahmad for what he did to me. If at all he loves someone else, why then did he informed me his love for me? He would've been with Zaliha and I wouldn't have been in the picture in the first place. Now I look like the obstacle in their relationship even though I hate the duo for what they did to me!

My mind isn't concentrating, neither is it calm. I would've gone to my mother and tell her everything but I don't want her to find out about it as she doesn't know I was once with Ahmad. So I brought my phone and messaged the only person who can cheer me up as well as advice me, to come over because if I start talking on the phone, I'm afraid I might break down. I'm sure if she sees the message, she will come immediately and be with me. That's one of the reasons why I love her a lot.


She sat on her prayer mat and held her tasbih in her hand, reciting her dhikrs, as well as her evening azkar. She just finished Asr prayer and today she has decided, no more looking for trouble, no more loudness, only peace. Peace is what she wants right now. Life is going great and for once, Hikmah is reluctant of her own behaviour and is thinking of changing. She thought to herself and smiled afterwards. She won't change! The house will die down once she changed. That will even be the last thing on her mind right now. A person hardly changes his behaviour once he's used to it. It's just like telling Governor El-Rufa'i to stop demolition.

(El-Rufa'i's fans, don't kill me please😂).

Hikmah stood up and folded her prayer mat with her Hijab and kept them in her wardrobe. She laid down in her soft comfy bed, after turning the AC and brought a blanket to cover herself. Her phone pinged so she brought it out and saw a message from Khadijah saying,

Come over please! I need you :(

If Khadijah needs her, then it's important. So she lazily stood from the bed and wore a plain black kimono gown atop navy blue jeans and a wine coloured top and rushed out.

Nobody is at home. Mom is in the court, dad is busy in the hospital, Umar has gone for the lectures he was informed earlier. So she locked the main door and brought food to their security man as he can't access the main door. She headed to her car and left.


"Hey!" Hikmah exclaimed immediately when she entered Khadijah's room.

"Wa'alaykum Salam." Khadijah sarcastically said.

"Oh sorry about that but I was worried when you sent me that message. What's wrong?"

"I'm in a very bad mood." Khadijah said.

"What happened?" And Khadijah began telling her all that happened from the moment she went to apologise to Zaliha for everything to the part where she saw Ahmad pleading with Zaliha and where Zaliha told him to leave her alone if he's here to break her heart, to where Khadijah walked away from him, down to when Khadijah glared at Zaliha earlier. She also told Hikmah that she hates Ahmad and Zaliha for what they did to her.

"Lo! Where was I when all this happened?!" When Khadijah raised a brow at her, she added. "No I mean, I would've given Professor Ahmad a dirty slap. How could he?!" Hikmah exclaimed.

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