Chapter 8

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It's my birthdayyyy 💃💃
For that, I've updated a new chapter very early.

It's been one month since Nadiya left this house. Nadiya's mother has never felt lonely in her entire life, even when her husband departed, she still can't compare with what she's feeling right now. Her only daughter. Her princess. She has missed Nadiya more than imagined. She wishes right now she can bring her back. Oh yes she can. She's her daughter after all. But did she make a mistake by sending her daughter away from her for fear of what "society" would say? No. She shouldn't be questioning herself for what she has done. Besides, it's not like she did something terrible. She has done the right thing.

She has done what every mother in her shoes will do for her child. No mother will wish bad for her child. Every mother wants what's best for her child and that is what she did. God knows she did it for Nadiya's happiness and she's sure right now that Nadiya is happy with her new family. She should call her daughter to talk to her. Yes, that is what she will do.

She dialled Nadiya's number but it was switched off. So she decided to call Hajiya A'ee.

After having numerous thoughts in her mind, she decided to call Hajiya A'ee. She brought her phone and dialled Hajiya's number and in one ring, Hajiya A'ee picked the call.

"Assalamu Alaykum Hajiya Hadiya." Said Hajiya A'ee immediately after picking the call.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam Hajiya, an wuni qalau? Hajiya Hadiya asked.
*Hope you're all fine*

"Lafiya qalau (fine) Alhamdulillah." Hajiya A'ee answered.

"How are the kids? I hope there are doing well?" Nadiya's mother asked again.

"They're all fine and how is your side?"

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah. Is Nadiya next to you? I really want to talk to her." Hajiya Hadiya said.

"She's sleeping right now because I think today she doesn't have morning lectures but if she wakes up, I'll call you and you will talk to her." Hajiya A'ee said.

"Nadiya has started going to University?" Hajya Hadiya asked, getting emotional at once. Her little baby is all grown up that she has started University.

"Yes Hajya. Not long ago." Hajiya A'ee responded.

"This is really a good news. I'm very happy. I hope you're taking care of her even though I can see that as you've enrolled her." Hajiya Hadiya said.

"There's no need to worry Hajiya. The last time you left her, she was really sad but I calmed her down and as we speak, Nadiya has started feeling free unlike before." Hajiya A'ee happily said.

"Thank you Hajiya. I'm really grateful. But has she started calling you mother?" Hajiya Hadiya asked.

"No, not yet. She's still calling me aunt but I think we should give her time. After all she's going through alot and now that she's studying, she shouldn't be getting stressed out." Said Hajiya A'ee.

"You're right Hajiya. I think I should hang up now. Don't forget to call me when she wakes up."

"Don't worry Hajya. I won't. Hajiya A'ee said and Hajiya Hadiya cut the call.


It's almost two and Nadiya woke up at the right time. As if she was told to, in her ears. Nadiya is never the one to wake up by herself unless she sets alarm or someone wakes her up.

She stood up straight to the bathroom to bath and to perform ablution as well. She came out with a towel around her body in order to look for her uniform; her white shirt and black skirt. She prayed and made her face look presentable. She also picked her black bag, inside it contains her phone, books, mint sweets and few amounts. She doesn't carry much things in her bag and she loves portable bags.

After that, she went downstairs to eat breakfast/lunch, anyone is the same to her as she has just woken up. But Nadiya picked lunch as it's around time for it and she's sure breakfast might be cold right now. She gobbled it quickly and drank a water. She was about to leave when she heard her phone ringing, but before she could answer, the call ended. She checked and saw that it was Zaliha.

Nadiya was about to call Zaliha back when she saw something she wishes to not have seen.... Her mother's missed call on her missed call list saved as 'LOML (Love Of My Life)'. Why would she call her?

What does she want from her now? After all this past days that she has forgotten her, she's now calling her. Oh Nadiya get it, this time around, she wants to send her off the country. Nadiya thought with so much anger filling her up.

Nadiya was enraged to see her mother's call that she decided the best thing she feels is right is by blocking her mother's number and left for school without a care in the world.

Greetings guys!

So Nadiya's mother wants to talk to her daughter but her daughter doesn't want to talk to her😔💔

Just wanted to inform you that this is gonna be my second to the last chapter before I shut my phone down. But MAYBE if I'm free, I MIGHT publish some chapters.
Till then, do the needful please. You know what I mean😉❤️

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