Chapter 6

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Immediately Nadiya kept her phone, she started feeling very happy. For a long time she has talked to Zaliha as she misses her alot. She was also very happy for her that she got her admission.

ABU Zaria has always been their favorite University to attend. They've always dreamt about it and wished to be in it one day. Finally, Zaliha's dream has come true. Nadiya wished to get admitted into the University so she can get to see Zaliha everyday. Khadijah also loves ABU Zaria but she always complains that her friends are telling her about how stressful the school is. But then, she still wants to be there.

Nadiya doesn't know how and when she will be there as her mom is not here. Who will even sponsor her? Do they even care? They didn't even sit with her and discuss about her future ambition, the University she wants, if she ever want to be in University, her grades.... Nadiya shouldn't think like that. Her uncle and aunt care for her but then, she didn't see any step taken. Maybe she will just be at home doing nothing. Whatever!

She checked the time and it's past 1. So she immediately went to the bathroom to perform ablution in order to pray. She prayed and in her sujood, she pray that Allah should guide her through out her whole life. She also pray that He protect her mother and ensure that she is healthy and well.

For all her mother did to her that got her upset, she still can't refuse to pray for her, after all she's her mom. She prays for her every single day. She prays that if what she did to her is the best for her as she says, let God succor her in all her endeavors. She can't fully say she believes her from what she said about the society stuff to her attitude, but then, as they say, "what elders see from afar, children will never be able to see it even if they get to climb a ladder".

She folded the praying mat and her jilbab and stood up to get some food as she's very famished. She went downstairs and headed straight to the kitchen to get food. She opened the food warmer and checked that food was already there. They cook fast she must say. Back then at home, mom and Nadiya cook lunch late, around 3pm because they normally wake up late in the morning and cook breakfast late. So it satisfied them that they don't need any other food at that time.

The food smells really nice. It's basmati jollof rice. She opened the kitchen drawer and brought out a plate, spoon and a serving spoon. She served myself and ate right there in the kitchen. She checked the refrigerator and found some orange juice. So she drank it and top up again. As she was done and about to leave, she. saw Aunt giving her a genuine smile that touched the heart. Literally.

"My dear you were hungry?" She asked, more like a sarcasm. Of course she was hungry. Why then would she come to the kitchen? Nadiya is still not comfortable with being around her for a reason she doesn't know.

"Yes, I.... felt very hungry... So I.... came here.... to get some... food". Wait, did she just stammer?

"It's okay dear. You don't need to feel awkward. This is also like your house okay?"

"Thank you auntie."

"It's okay dear." She was about to leave when aunt stopped her.

"Dear, I want to talk to you."

"Yes Aunt, what is it?" Nadiya asked feeling anxious.

"It's about your admission. I spoke to your mom today and she told me that they've started giving admission to Universities. So I want to know which University you would like to go?"

Nadiya felt emotional and at the same time, happy. She felt emotional because she disregarded her Aunt for not caring for her. Little did she know that it was on her mind. She really cared for her and Nadiya felt grateful. So grateful!

"Dear, what University is on your mind?" Nadiya was suddenly brought out of the air castle she was into.

"I'm so sorry. I was thinking of something. Yes, I would really like ABU. I love the University aunt."

"Okay dear, ABU Zaria it is then." And she left. Nadiya felt relieved and very happy, she began to dance. Alhamdulillah!


Hé guys! Short chapter huh?🙃

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Nadiya is finally coming to ABU💃

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