Chapter 9

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Hi guys, I'm back!
Dedicated to zahra_ndako

Umar and his friends, Walid, Sa'ad, Fahad, Abubakr and Samir were sitting on a bench sipping their minerals when suddenly, Walid being the talkative amongst them all started talking about football and of course, when it comes to ball stuff, guys tend to argue.

"Oh she's so cute Maa Sha Allah" Umar said.

"Who are you talking about?" His friend, Walid asked.

"Look over there" He pointed her to Walid. She was coming down from the lecture hall with her friend. That was when he sighted her immediately.

He has been noticing her ever since she came to this University. He has seen and admired her several times to his friends. The first day he saw her, he believed it was love at first sight because that day, he has felt what he has never in his life felt for a lady.

He badly wants to know her and know her name atleast. He also wants to talk and hang out with her but he feels she might not want to. For all the times he used to see her talking with her only friend, he didn't get to hear her name probably. This is because he's always far from their sight. He doesn't want them to see him, or her in particular.

"Guy, you really love this girl don't you?" Walid and his other friends asked.

"More than you can ever imagine guys." Umar replied. Although he doesn't know her and anything about her, but he desperately wants her, not in the haram way but in the halal way. He didn't just love her without a reason, he actually used to observe her and he believes she's nice, decent, her way of interacting with people, how she behaves calmly and how she smiles genuinely. Not all girls behave like that.

"So just go talk to her." One of his friend, Sa'ad said. If Umar really loves her so badly, then atleast he should go tell her.

"No, I don't think it's a good idea. Let's just wait for the right time." Umar said. For all his life, he grew up to be a very shy type of person. He never opens up no matter what. Even about matters that are very important. He doesn't tell people especially his parents important issues affecting him. His friends always choose to change him but to no avail. He always choose to hide his feelings. So, for him to approach a girl and tell her his feelings is really a great task to him.

During his school days, teachers always report him to his parents or his school principal because he's always timid and stay silent during classes. But at the same time, he's very intelligent and scores incredible marks more than his fellow classmates which shock the teachers and his class mates. He's not all quiet for no reason.

But because he has grown up now, he has reduced been reserved with people. He should really man up and tell her exactly what he feels about her.... When the right time comes.... Or maybe later today. Whenever!


Nadiya and Zaliha just finished their lectures and are coming down from the lecture hall. They decided to sit in a nearby quiet place to study more and rest also. They found a perfect place and fixed their butts there. They started discussing about the lectures, the lecturers too, the school and offcourse, the course outline giving them hard time.

"I'm tired of Law you know. All this difficult course outlines, the annoying lectures, the sleepless nights in order to read and the tension of exams approaching." Nadiya said, feeling annoyed.

"So you've started saying such things. Please don't be like my cousins. Everything is going to be alright okay? Just pray... And read harder." Zaliha said to Nadiya, struggling hard to suppress her laughter which she couldn't repress, so she let it out.

NADIYA'S STRUGGLE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ