Chapter 40

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Yayy we're in chapter 40!!🥹 🎉🎉Alhamdulillah
Thank you for your support and love guys💗☺️

"Darn it! I'm sick of this cell. I need to get out of this place." Usman exclaimed through greeted teeth. He has been in jail since he got caught and ever since, all he does is complain to get out. They're all together with his men too, his ego bruised beyond imagination. He has always been the almighty Usman who killed, commanded his men and insulted them, but here he was, together with them and not just anywhere but in jail for the same crime! He couldn't order or command anymore! He lacked that power and authority. They're all acting like he's nothing to them, or rather a stranger, who's also here for the same crime committed as them and not minding him at all. They don't oblige to his orders, not giving a damn about him. Anyways, they can't even if they all tried to help. No chance for them all as it looked like they're all going to rot in jail with no bail. He doesn't have anyone who could help him out of here, no family, no friends. He only has himself and the men who have now turned against him completely.

"Just shut the f**k up! Do we all look like we're happy here? We're in this situation because of you. Had I known I would end up here, I wouldn't have worked for you in the first place. I've left my family and come down to Nigeria, working dirty! Actually, all my life! Heck, I didn't even get to tell them one last goodbye as I left without their knowledge. I'm now in this goddam jail and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna rot in here!" Danni seethed, sending a hot glare right Usman's way.

"I've always warned you Usman! I had but you didn't listened to me. Where has your stubbornness brought us to? Jail! I shouldn't have abide by your orders, I really shouldn't. My wife was right, you may be my boss and a friend, but you were Nigerian after all and that actually proved something worthless!" Freddy said with so much frustration and sadness. He seemed to be the one who's regretting all that has happened the most. He had always been the one to warn Usman of not involving himself in any case regarding his family, especially his daughter. He had always said to him that "let them live, you've ruined your life don't ruin theirs" Yet, he regretted ever working with him regarding the plan he had to kidnap his daughter, unbeknownst to him which made him to foolishly follow him to Nigeria. He should've known that was what he was planning when he asked him to come with him to Nigeria and the rest of them. He was the oldest and the one with less wickedness in him and he had pity, but he didn't use it wisely though as it ended him in jail.

Usman listened with his head downcast as his supposed loyal men insulted the life out of him. He felt disgusted, pathetic and ashamed! All the dirty words ever existed, he is feeling it inside of him. He has failed! Miserably. He is ruined. His life is ruined. His foolproof plan shattered terribly. He couldn't believe it. His family have won against him, he has lost. His men have turned against him. They don't value or respect him anymore. In fact, they're all cursing and blaming him for what happened. He couldn't in his wildest dream imagine that this would ever happen to him. He felt worthless and stupid. Right now, he felt like killing himself due to how frustrated and ashamed he is. He couldn't look into anybody's eyes especially because of their facial expressions. It looked like they're about to murder.

He can't sit here and listen to them insulting him every single day! No he has to do something about it. His life is ruined already he's disgusted and ashamed, and on top of that his men are now insulting him. The same people who once worked under him, worship him, pleading for mercy are now the ones who have the audacity to insult and curse him.

No, he can't stand this anymore. He won't be able to endure it.

He has already figured out what he'd do!

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