Chapter 11

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We meet again after a very long time.
I'm sorry I'm disappointing y'all.
Dedicated to asmee121❤️❤️


Indeed past is gone and will never return. Many people are happy presently because they've had a rough past. Some are extremely sad as they're facing alot of difficulty presently, but their past was smooth. To some, both the past and the present was not gentle.

But in this case, she wished she could turn back time and erase all that happened in order to start afresh and live a normal and fantastic life. She still couldn't believe it's been eighteen years since she last saw him. He has caused nothing but pain into her life. She wished she never knew him to begin with and all this would not have happened....

Her angel is away from her. It's been two years now and it feels like infinity. She can't access her own daughter and whenever she calls her aunt to speak with her daughter, she gives her baseless excuses. It is evident that her daughter doesn't want to speak with her.

Oh how she misses her! She knows that her daughter hates her a bit... Or even more. She has many reasons to hate her though. If only she knew what she, herself is going through right now and how she wants to tackle the situation and get her daughter back and live a normal and happy life with her. But she can't. She just can't.

Definitely, she will do anything in her power to see her daughter and tell her exactly what's going on. To tell her that her life is in danger. Not only her, but the both of them. Even if it means booking a flight to Abuja right now! This is a matter of her daughter's life.



Things are going smoothly so far. Exams is over and they're into new semester. She can't be more happier. Though level one's exams and the stress was not at all easy but they've passed it and are now in level two. They just hope level two should be different though.

Last year's holiday was very long as it joined with lockdown. It was very boring at home though Nadiya got to visit Zaliha. Sometimes for sleepover but still. And Khadijah at home, it couldn't get more boring; her noisemaking and all.

And yes, she won't stop disturbing Nadiya about her lecturer who's in love with her. Until now, their relationship is still hanging. She still haven't given him her reply. He always calls her and disturb not only her, but Nadiya also. But she enjoys it when Khadijah comes to her about her issues because it makes her feel happy and proud that she trusts.


It's been two years now and yet, he's finding it hard to pure out his feelings for her. He's scared she might reject him but then again, he's a man and he has to make a step first.

Moreover, she won't rush into his arms like a beloved should knowing fully well that she has no idea about his feelings. Heck, she doesn't even look at him. Especially when exams approached, he hardly ever get a chance to look at her, talkless of speaking to her.

Though sometimes, he gets the courage to talk to her about nothing and he's sure she knows him now. With the shyness and all, but still he's glad he communicated with her.

And darn, he has only one year in the University before he graduates and he really needs to bond with her or more like, have a relationship with her. He's going to do that soon and, very soon!

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