CHAPTER 17: Royal's pact

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/ In the morning while going to Luxamina Palace. You are walking.

Vlad: How long before we get there?
Haruna: With luck, we'll get there before sunset.
Galvert: I have never been to Luxamina before. I am both excited and nervous.

/ You think of all the possible ways that they are going to welcome you if they know you are lying about being a Luxamy.

Haruna: Don't worry, Galvert. They will like you.
Galvert: I say this on behalf of everyone here. Thank you, Your Highness.

/ Prince Haruna nods and then turns to the princess.

Haruna: Are you okay?
Katharina: Not my good day, but it's not your fault.
Haruna: I promise you we'll get justice for this.

/ Princess Katharina puts her index finger to silence Prince Haruna.

Katharina: (Promises can be the builder or the destroyer of the relationship.) Please don't make any promises to me.
Haruna: Using my own words against me. Very clever, Katharina.

/ Then they hug.

Aria: Can we now get on the horse, my feet are starting to sting
Vlad: We haven't stopped anyone. The princess wanted to walk so I have to, but you don't.

/ Aria and a few knights ride horses.

Aria: I know how to reach Luxamina. Meet you there.

/ And several knights follow her behind. But Vlad Cogred stops them.

Vlad: STOP!!! How can you leave the princess behind?
Katharina: Everyone's exhausted, Vlad. Let them go to rest and the Alverg forest is not so dangerous. I don't risk anything.

/ The princess gives them the signal to leave. But Vlad looks nervous. Princess Katharina squeezes his hand.

Katharina: Relax, you and Galvert are the people I need on my side right now.
Galvert: And it will be.
Vlad: Yes, we will be on your side, princess, and forever.

/ You feel like you are being followed but you continue anyway.

Haruna: Is everything okay, Chris?
Chris: Sorry, what?
Haruna: You seem silent today.
Chris: Yeah, just a tough night.

/ You look at Princess Katharina and smile, she meets your eyes but does not smile. You wonder if you did something that upset her.
While later, the feeling of being followed returns.

Chris: Stop everyone.
Haruna: Is everything okay?
Chris: I have a feeling that we are being followed.
Haruna: By who?
Chris: I don't know but give me a minute.

/ After a while.

Vlad: It's a waste of time, let's continue.
Haruna: Wait.

/ Right at this time. An arrow is aimed at you. With a perfect reflex, you dodge

Chris: Are those Vlanakian's pirates?

/ A cry comes above you. You see Mal who was hidden in a big tree leaps straight at you with a sword trying to kill you but you take yours off and block its attack. You beat Mal easily when you turn around to look around, you see it's chaos. Everyone is fighting. Suddenly you hear a voice behind you.

Victoria: Finally. Someone I wanted to kill.
Chris: Victoria, let me explain.
Victoria: Shut up and fight. We pirates settle things with the sword.

/ She raises her sword and begins to fight. You try to block it as many times as you can.

Chris: Hear me out first.
Victoria: You lied to me, that's enough to cut your head off.

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