CHAPTER 37: Lost in thought

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/ At Oxion. A witch storms inside a cell where Prince Haruna is tied arm above his head. The witch takes a bright stick. Prince Haruna opens his eyes.

Haruna: Aagh, Avaluz.
Avaluz: Aww, disappointed to see me. To bad because I was planning to stick around a little bit longer.
Haruna: Where are my knights?
Avaluz: Mmhh, dying one by one.
Haruna: I swear to you that...
Avaluz: What? You swear what? Should I remind you that your arms are tied above your head with a Blodyian cord? And that your feet are stuck in a Blodyian mud.
Haruna: What?
Avaluz: Oh, let me tell you that it was Valerian's decision. I was also surprised why she did this. She told us nothing, just that now you have some kind of abilities. Abilities that nor a normal cord or normal mud could keep you. So I thought that a normal stick can't hurt you that is why I'm going to torture you with a Blodyian stick. Now, tell me what... are those abilities that scare my princess.
Valerian: I'm not afraid of him.

/ Avaluz turns and bows.

Avaluz: Your Highness, do you desire anything?
Valerian: Yes, I need to talk to him. Alone!
Avaluz: As you wish, my princess.

/ Avaluz leaves and Valerian closes the door and looks at Prince Haruna.

Haruna: I'm ready, Valerian. Go ahead.

/ Valerian approaches Prince Haruna very close and kisses him.

Valerian: What do you think I came to do here?
Haruna: I have asked myself a lot of questions lately. And the one that troubles me so much is, was all of it real, or were you manipulating me?

/ Valerian fires a blast of fire on the wall.

Valerian: Stop!
Haruna: You didn't answer my question.
Valerian: You think you are the only one who has questions. I have a lot more questions than I deserve answers to.
Haruna: No. You manipulated me. You humiliated me. I trusted you.
Valerian: Really? You trusted me. You leave me. You broke my heart. You broke me. You left me with nothing at that shore. My dignity and value, my gratitude and love all gone the day you decide to wake up and leave. I left everything behind for you. I was starting to build a life with you. For the first time in my life, I was feel fulfilled. I wasn't alone against the world.
Haruna: Valerian...
Valerian: ...No, shut up. I trusted you more than I trust anyone. I love you and you broke that love. Let me tell you, Haruna. You are the only and last person to hurt me. I won't allow anyone to hurt me anymore and that's a promise.
Haruna: You love me, not loved?

/ Valerian turns and leaves. Before she closes the door behind her. She looks at Prince Haruna

Valerian: I know torturing you will only make you stronger but I know the best torture for you is to hurt you emotionally just like the way you did to me. Your knights will pay for your mistakes.
Haruna: Valerian!!! Noo!!

/ But Valerian is already gone. At the boat

Aria: So, what now?
Chris: I don't know but I'm not gonna wait here while Prince Haruna and his knights are stuck in Oxion.
Aria: But you here Shyx. Don't fight without Victoria at your side.
Chris: I know but what can I do? She doesn't want to put her crew in trouble and I understand that.
Aria: You know that I'm with you, right?

/ Victoria storms inside.

Victoria: We...we have a treasure to hunt. We got to go. Where should we leave you?
Aria: At Sychos jungle.
Victoria: What?

/ She turns to look at you.

Victoria: So, you have decided. I guess nothing can change your mind?
Chris: The Prince, the Princess, and their knights' lives depend on me. With or without you, I have to save them.

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