CHAPTER 2: The Palace of Skiburg

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/ After processing everything Chris finds himself standing on the rail with a plate of drinks in his hand. He turns to Rose and...

Chris: so what am I supposed to do?
Rose: serve, bow, keep your eyes down, and most important. don't talk

/ She whispers her last word at him
People start coming( Royal, Mayor, Princes, and fancy people)
Chris catches a guy shouting at a servant and whisper at Rose...

Chris: what the deal with this guy?

/ Rose look at you and roll her eyes

Rose: there is no deal with The Prince of Lambart, he is just him

Chris: you mean cruel, reckless disgusting
Rose: that your opinion I don't judge.
Prince Silyart can be harsh sometimes think.
Chris: you mean Pain in the Ass

/ Rose eyebrows at Chris but not disagree with him
Chris scans the room and finds a young handsome man-eating everything pass by.

Chris: and who that hell is that piggy?
Rose: you still haven't told me your origin because the way you speak is annoying and is not noble to call a prince (piggy), but that a young Prince Willy from Platonia

Chris: young?
Rose: yes, his big brother next to him. Jasper

Chris: He looks like he can lift a table with one hand
Rose: of course, he not just a pretty face prince, he is also a leader of his Knights army
One day he even challenges Prince Haruna but lost. No one has ever won against Prince Haruna
Chris: And where is this Prince Haruna?
Rose: look like he is not here yet but if he comes you will know it because last time he came from the roof
Chris: look like he likes to make an entrance
Rose: that for sure but in a mid while don't approach those two!
Chris: why?
Rose: let just say Willy will want to send you for a food search which you don't know and Jasper is... how to put it... a Pain in the ass.

/ You laugh. Rose disappeared into the kitchen and the trumpets raised above while everyone staring at the stairs where the princess and the queen make their entrance

/ The princess with her elegant fancy blue long dress and silver jewelry with her black gloves and long red hair.

And the queen with her ensemble black and gold dress and gloves, black and white hair

Along the way stop by the princes who press their lips on the royal family gloves and bow at the princess
You drop your jaws eyes flash at the princess she catches your eyes and smile at you, your eyes go wide and gulp your saliva. Rose comeback

Chris: it the princess... it's her
Rose: look like you are lost there! Are you all alright?

/ Chris lost in thought.... try to process all

Chris: me, yeah...yeah I'm. I'm chilled

/ Rose raises an eyebrow at Chris

Rose: chill? I still don't get some of your nonsense words

/ Looking around you see a guy bow offer his hand at the princess to dance

Chris: and who is that?
Rose: that Prince Edward, Gorgeous, funny, brave, and brilliant

Chris: until now that is the first prince you appreciate, You have a crush, don't you?
Rose: that for sure not right. I just admire him and he is not the only prince I admire. Look across the piano

/ You scan the area until you find a man sitting alone, drinking, and looking around.

Chris: he is the one you should ask if he is lost, the man hasn't had fun tonight.
So which kind of prince is that?
Rose: That prince Cedrick. Handsome, Noble, Respectful, and Confident. One thing he doesn't like much is the talking. He is about to become the King but no one knows anything about him except Prince Haruna.

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