CHAPTER 28: The prince and the witch

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/ Prince Haruna and Valerian are walking side by side in the forest, talking and laughing until they arrive at the palace of Lambart.

Haruna: Here we are. It was nice to meet you, my lady.
Valerian: Are you leaving me here alone after all that we went through.

/ She says it in a flirting way. Prince Haruna smiles.

Haruna: You know, it hard to leave you.

/ He approaches her and looks at her deep in her eyes. And he takes her hand to kiss it.

Haruna: I want to stay with you as long as I can but I have somewhere else to be, Valerian.

/ When he turns to leave someone calls him.

Man??: Hey you. Stop right there.

/ Prince Haruna turns and sees a man on a horse with several knights behind him. The man gets down from the horse and approaches Prince Haruna. Suddenly, Valerian bows.

Valerian: Bow, Haruna. That's Prince Silyart. The prince of Lambart.
Haruna: I know that.
Silyart: If you don't want to bow. At least, you must know how to fight.

/ Prince Silyart takes his sword and attacks Prince Haruna. But Prince Haruna takes his sword quickly and blocks his attack.

Haruna: Why don't you find out.

/ Prince Haruna pushes Prince Silyart and prepares himself to attack. Their swords hit together. Prince Silyart tackles Prince Haruna on the ground. And raises his sword to hits his head but Prince Haruna moves quickly on left then hits him on his knee with his fist. Prince Silyart kneels on one knee then Prince Haruna stands up behind him and puts the sword on his throat.

Haruna: I will always be the stronger.

/ Valerian shocks how the knights do nothing while their Prince has a sword on his throat. Prince Haruna releases Prince Silyart and helps him to get up. They hug then laugh.

Valerian: Do you know each other?
Silyart: Yes, my lady. We are childhood friends?

/ Prince Silyart approaches Valerian and takes her hand to kiss it.

Silyart: Where did you find such a beautiful lady? I haven't seen her before.
Valerian(giggles): I'm not a lady.
Haruna: She is new and today is her mother's birthday. She is here to surprise her mother. They haven't met in a decade.
Silyart: And what is your mother's name?
Valerian: Veronica, your Highness. She works in the palace.
Silyart: Yes, Mrs. Veronica Mary. I will escort you to her.

/ Prince Haruna approaches Valerian and kisses her hand. She blushes.

Valerian: But you haven't told me who you are.
Haruna: One day you will know.
Valerian: Promise me that we will see each other again soon.

/ Prince Haruna smiles at her then hugs Silyart before leaving. They still meet each other sometimes. On ceremonies, competitions, and so on...but Prince Haruna keeps avoiding her.
One day. Valerian finds Prince Haruna in the same tree reading a book

Valerian: At least, you aren't hard to find.

/ Prince Haruna looks down to find Valerian grinning at him. He gets down the tree.

Haruna: You know that no one knows that I'm here. This is my private hiding place.

/ Valerian sees the expression on his face. He is serious.

Valerian: I'm sorry, I will leave you alone.

/ She turns to leave but Prince Haruna catches her by her arm and pulls her to him.

Haruna: But for you, I can make an exception.

/ Their faces are literally close to each other.

Valerian: What kind of exception?
Haruna: Any kind as long is with you.
Valerian: From who are you hiding for?
Haruna: Everyone but mostly my father.
Valerian: Me too, I'm hiding from my mother.
Haruna: Yes, they want to control us...
Valerian: ...To guide and teach us everything they know...
Haruna: ...Because we are their heritage.
Valerian: But right now, I don't want to think about them.
Haruna: That makes the two of us.

/ Prince Haruna cups her face with both hands. They kiss passionately.

Valerian: I wanted to do this since I saw you fighting with Prince Silyart.

/ Prince Haruna grabs her waist harder and kisses her, licking his way on her neck then slowly sucks her. Valerian moans.

Valerian: We could have done this before but you keep avoiding me.

/ Prince Haruna stops kissing her and looks at her.

Valerian: Oooh, I ruin the moment, didn't I?
Haruna: Do you know who I am?
Valerian: You refused to tell me but I'm sure you are someone powerful.
Haruna: I want you to come home tonight.
Valerian: I don't even know your origin. Which empire do you come from?
Haruna: Luxamina.
Valerian: Wow, you come from where all-powerful ancestry comes from.
Haruna: I was avoiding you because of my family. They are a little hard with me, they control my every move. I didn't want you to get involved in...
Valerian: ...when should I come?
Haruna(exciting): Come at any time, and don't worry. When you arrive enjoy the city. I will find you.

/ Prince Haruna speaks while leaving.
In the evening in Luxamina. Valerian enters the kingdom. Warmth music of Luxamina Welcomes her. She starts to walk around and enjoys herself. She starts to buy things. Moving from one shop to another. She even forgot that she has an appointment with Prince Haruna. Until she walks behind the one shop and sees two men fighting, she thought it was a little fight until they took out their sword. The fight became intense until one old lady gets between the fight and one man stab her in the stomach and runs. The other men catch her and yell for help. Valerian approaches him.

Valerian: Stop yelling.
The man: Why?
Valerian: I'll help you but you have to keep the secret.
The man: Anything. Please, just save my mother.
Valerian: She still alive which means it going to be easy.
The man: What do you mean?

/ Valerian ignores him and starts to murmur. A light starts to come out of her hands. The man shakes.

The man: YOU ARE A WITCH!!!...
Valerian: Calm down, I'm saving your mother.
The man: ...IN LUXAMINA!!!

/ Valerian finishes her treatment and the man starts to yell again.

The man: A witch!! A witch!!
Valerian: Calm down.

/ The man keeps yelling, Valerian puts on her cap stands up to run away but the knights already arrive. The mother wakes up. Cyloriuk comes behind Valerian

Cyloriuk: Please, turn around.

/ Valerian slowly turns and takes her cap off. Cyloriuk looks at Valerian for a long time.

 Cyloriuk looks at Valerian for a long time

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The mother: I was stabbed. How am I still alive?...
Cyloriuk: Take her, and the mother too.
The man: Noooo, not my mother, please.

/ You just look at the knight take them away while the man crying.

Chris: Oh boy, I totally forgot that he can read people's minds.

Valerian has been caught on Luxamina's empire doing magic while it is forbidden. Will she be punished or not? Find out more in the next chapter.

Chapter 29: My empire, my rules.

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