CHAPTER 24: Who is the Prince of Luxamina?

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Cyloriuk: Keep thinking about her so we can catch her.

/ At that moment Rose's voice fades away.

Chris: I think I lost her...

/ Cyloriuk runs to the throne chamber. You run after him.


/ You see Cyloriuk takes his swords and leads several knights outside. He stops and looks at you.

Cyloriuk: Don't worry, Chris. We gonna find her.

/ You tremble when he leaves. But on the balcony, you see Prince Haruna rests his arms on the edge while looking at the sky with a cup in his right hand. He looks relaxed. You approach.

Chris: Your Majesty?

/ He turns with a grin on his face.

Haruna: Chris, come here

/ While you approach you heard him sing.

Chris: Are you alright?
Haruna: Of course, why wouldn't I?
Chris: It's the first time I heard you sing and you seem drunk.
Haruna: I'm not drunk and It the mood of a pirate I'm singing.
Chris: Wait, I'm sure I have heard that before.
Haruna: They won't catch her.
Chris: What?
Haruna: They won't catch Rose. She is smart.
Chris: Do you know her?
Haruna: I know everyone.
Chris: No, I mean...did you know that she was a witch?
Haruna: I don't know what you are talking about. Enjoy the sky, my friend.

/ He takes a sip of the entire cup then keeps singing.

Chris: I know where I heard it. I heard Victoria sings the same song when we were on her ship. Why do you sing the mood of Pirates? You aren't a pirate.
Haruna: It the mood of a pirate.
Chris: You already say that. You aren't drunk but very drunk.
Haruna: No, the name of the verse is called "It the mood of a Pirate." And the reason I sing it... It is because I miss my little sister Jennie.
Chris: I remembered Shyx mentioned her. She was half Luxamina and half Vlanaky.
Haruna: She wanted to be a pirate and I was against the idea. I was against her desires that why she decided to run from home. I told her she's a princess and not a pirate. I was harsh with her. It's my fault if something happens to her. It's all my fault.
Chris: Don't be hard on yourself. You are protecting me and all Luxamina. You are a great Prince and you will be a great King one day. I trust you.
Haruna: Emotions build trust but trust is not an emotion. Trust yourself and wake up all emotions because nothing is powerful than someone in full emotions. Don't put all your trust in me. In one way or another, I'll disappoint you as I did with Jennie.

/ You see him takes another sip of the whole cup. You don't understand then he rests his hand on your shoulder.

Haruna: Enjoy the Sky, my friend.
Chris: Now with no doubt you are drunk

/ Just then you see a vision of Valerian

Valerian: I love you...

/ Prince Haruna removes his hand from your shoulder. The vision fades away. You jump

Chris: What the hell was that?
Haruna: What? Where?

/ Prince Haruna hides you behind him protectively. And takes out his sword.

Chris: Nothing, My bad. I'm sorry.

/ Prince Haruna puts back his sword in the holder.

Haruna: Ohh, you scare me.
Chris: Even drunk you still sharp.

/ He drinks his whole cup again.

Chris: That's weird. It is the third time you finish that drink. Am I the drunk too?
Haruna: For all my power this is by far my favorite.
Chris: What?
Haruna: Look.

/ You see the cup filled itself.

Chris: What kind of power is that?
Haruna: Teleportation.
Chris: Can you teleport?
Haruna: No, I can't but I can teleport small things like a cup full of drink or a whole bottle.

/ A bottle of Rhum appears in his hand. He laughs and takes a big sip.

Haruna: I didn't have this power before but I had it after coming back from that sea.
Chris: What happens in that sea?
Haruna: Did I say sea? You are right, I'm drunk.

/ He takes another sip. You try to take the bottle from him. Just as your hands touched... You see another vision of Rose.

Rose: Thank you...

/ The vision fades away as your hands separated.

Haruna: Are you sure you are alright?
Chris: Yes

/ You try to touch his hand-friendly. You see another vision of Prince Haruna jumps on the sea, swallowing by a monster and Valerian follows him behind and falls too.

Valerian: Noooooo...

/ You see another vision of Valerian and Prince Haruna kissed

Valerian: I love you, Prince Haruna.

/ You see another of Rose.

Rose: Thank you for keeping my secret, Prince Haruna.

/ You see another vision of Princess Katharina cuddling with another little girl while watching Veronica killing her father. The vision fades away and you see Prince Haruna holding his sword in your throat.

Haruna: You have seen enough.
Chris: What was that?

/ He puts his sword in the holder and opens the door to leave but he stops.

Haruna: The last vision wasn't mine and not yours either. Whose vision was it?
Chris: I saw it before when Princess Katharina was kissing me.
Haruna: Who is that little girl who was with Princess Katharina?
Chris: I don't know.

/ Just then someone opens the door of the balcony brutally and you see Cyloriuk storm in with knights behind him.

Cyloriuk: I detected mind reading in here. Where is she?

/ Prince Haruna looks at you for a moment then leaves. Cyloriuk sighs.

Cyloriuk: We lost her.

/ The knights leave. Before Cyloriuk leaves, he looks at you.

Cyloriuk: Did you read Prince Haruna's mind?
Chris: I think so but they were confusing. They were vague visions
Cyloriuk: They are both logical, you just don't have full stories.

/ He looks at you deeply in the eyes.

Cyloriuk: Mmmm, I don't know why you saw that vision again. Who is that little girl with Princess Katharina?

/ Before you answered.

Cyloriuk: Never mind. I see that you were about to ask me the same question?

/ He leaves. You try to think of Rose. At the moment you hear her like she's singing.

Chris: Why everyone is singing that song?
Rose: Chris? Is that you? How did you find me so fast?
Chris: I ameliorate.
Rose: I can see that, with no doubt. And it's not a song, it's a verse called " It the mood..."
Chris: "...of a pirate" I know.
Rose: You should learn it. It's helpful.
Chris: I will but I have an important question.
Rose: Wait.

/ She keeps quiet for a moment. Then you hear her sigh.

Rose: I'm seeing your visions. Sorry, Chris... I won't answer any of your questions? But here is mine. Who is that little girl...
Chris: ...with Princess Katharina? I don't know. Why everyone keeps asking the same question?

/ Her voice fades away. You hear another voice.

Valerian: No matter how powerful you are, Christopher. I'm coming for you. I'm coming to take what belongs to me. And there is nothing no one going to do to stop me.

/ You hear her laugh slowly fades away.

Chris: Oh, boy...

Chris has seen so many visions that confused him, he has discovered that maybe he's powerful than he thinks. Why Prince Haruna was keeping Rose's secret? Were Prince Haruna and Valerian in love? Who is the little girl who was with Princess Katharina when her father was being killed in front of them? Find out more in the next chapter.

Chapter 25: This is a threat.

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