CHAPTER 42: This is a goodbye, for now

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/ You get inside Skiburg empire. You see and hear everyone cheering, singing and dancing. The gate opens you see light everywhere. Everyone is happy for the princess return. As soon as Princess Katharina gets off the horse. Guards and maids surrounded her and escorted her inside. You look for Aria and find her at the gate with her horse. She didn't get inside. You follow her.

Aria: Is everything alright?
Chris: Yeah, And you?
Aria: I'm good. I'm fine.
Chris: Are you not gonna come inside?
Aria: No. I have a thing. I have some unfinished business I need to take care of.
Chris: Yeah, Alright. I get it. I mean... cool.
Aria: Listen, Chris. I really like you but us. You from the future me from the past. It will never work. I want a partner in crime. Not someone who I know anytime will dissappear.
Chris: I understand you. I'm scared too. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do now. Like how will I know when it time to go home.
Aria: You have accomplished many impossible things since I met you. I'm sure you will figure it out. Goodbye, Chris.

/ Aria turns around and rides away. You watch her dissappear in the desert. You turn back inside to the party.
Inside you go in Rose's chamber and all memories kicks in. Galvert gets inside and you wipe your tears

Galvert: I miss her too.
Chris: She was something.
Galvert: She really was. I remember the day I found out she was a witch. It was the day of our Queen weeding day. I broke her crown and lost her weeding ring. She comes inside seeing me crying and she said to me. I will fix it. 3 minutes later everything was perfect. That's the day I suspected it but I never asked her because I knew she wasn't a bad witch.
Chris: Will I ever see her again?
Galvert: The universe have a funny way to work but it always try to figure it best positive way.
Chris: Wait, is that?
Galvert: Prince Haruna saying.
Chris: No, that's Bethoveen saying. Are you sure Prince Haruna is not from the future?
Galvert: Vlad was right. Sometimes it's impossible to understand you.

/ He leaves you there until you hear the bells. The princess is about to be crowned Queen. You run outside and see the crowd is full on the arena watching the princess above. Screaming


/ And they put the crown in her head and she stands up. She looks at you in the crowd and winks at you.


/ While later inside. You see Vlad drinking alone. You follow him.

Chris: Vlad?
Vlad: Chris?
Chris: Celebrating?
Vlad: And Grieving.
Chris: Of course.
Vlad: Why you still here? You don't miss home?
Chris: I do but this place is hard to leave.
Vlad: I know the feeling.
Chris: Will you miss me if I leave?
Vlad: You will probably go back to be comfortable again and leave this mess.
Chris: Yeah probably. But I was starting to get used to this mess.

/ You turn around to leave but he speaks again.

Vlad: And the mess was starting to like you. You are pain in the ass you know but you are the bravest person I have ever met. It was not bad to have you around. It was an honour to have meet you, Chris.

/ Chris turn around to look at him.

Chris: Wait, that was you saying that you will miss me.
Vlad: No, that was me saying my goodbyes to you.

/ Vlad stands up to leave then whispers to himself.

Vlad: I will miss you.

/ Chris goes upstairs to Princess Katharina's room but guards stop him. One maid stop the guard.

Maid: The Queen was expecting you.

/ Chris gets inside and see many maids inside just to undress her. She stops all of them.

Katharina: Everyone out. Order from your Queen.

/ Everyone leaves. Expect one maid.

Maid: At least let me help you undress first.
Chris: Don't worry. I will help her.

/ Katharina smiles. And the maid step outside and tell the guard to leave too. Chris approaches slowly and help her undress.

Katharina: You know you are not allowed to be in the queen's room the day she just been crowned.
Chris: Then why am I here?
Katharina: I heard what Prince Haruna said that you don't have much time left so I didn't want to lose time. I wanted to give you my gift before you leave.

/ She turns around.

Katharina: I have never sleep with anyone before but I know everything I need to know about sex. My gift for you is my virginity. Will you take my virginity?
Chris: Yes. I will love to.

/ The night fades with the two lovebirds until in the morning. Chris wakes up and sees that he still in bed with Queen Katharina and realise that maybe he will not leave. He is excited about his new life then he goes outside and sees Prince Haruna's horse.

Chris: Wait, Is Prince Haruna here? Where is your master?

/ But the horse bow like it want Chris to get up to it. He get up on the horse.

Chris: Are you taking me to Prince Haruna?

/ Before he even react. The horse rides away. He is not controlling it. The horse goes by itself. He tries to stop it but the more he tries to stop it, the faster it runs. It goes until it arrives at a river and suddenly stops and throws Chris off his back. He falls and stands up quickly.

Chris: That was not cool.

/ The river opens a portal and the horse rides away. Chris understands now that it's time to go home. He steps inside and everything fades white.
Chris wakes up on the street where he falls. He looks at his wrist and find no watch. The watch he had on has dissappear. He goes back inside his house and sleeps. He wakes up in the morning and sees to many people heading to the museum. He follows them and he sees it's a museum about past history of the realm. He smiles and gets inside. He sees Vlad dagger and memories kicks in. He sees Pirates and their Captain(Victoria) memories kicks in. He hears teacher asking questions to his students

Teacher: Who kills the Ziamon monster when everyone was in danger?
A student: Prince Edward.
Teacher: Correct.

/ Chris smiles and everyone looks at him.

Teacher: Is there something funny?
Chris: No, it's just that you said correct when he is totally wrong. It's Prince Haruna who kills The Ziamon monster.
Students: Who?
Chris: Prince Haruna? Prince of Luxamina? The heir son of Luxamina? The husband of witch Valerian?
Student: Valerian had a husband?
Chris: You guys don’t know him?
Teacher: Luxamina had a King who left it and the one who was keeping an eye on it was Cyloriuk until Princess Jennie comes home and crowned Queen of Luxamina. Luxamina has never had an Heir son. Or a Prince.

/ Chris hears that in shock and imagining if he was maybe dreaming until he heard a voice behind.

Haruna: Stop thinking to much. You are not dreaming, Chris.

/ He turns to see Prince Haruna.

Chris: Prince Haruna.
Haruna: Mmmh... not here. Here I'm Peter.
Chris: Peter? What a lame name. It doesn't even suit you.
Haruna: Hey. Peter is a decent name
Chris: I'm sorry. It's just that I couldn't imagine you like this.
Haruna: I'm from the future. You guess that right. Now what do you want? Do you want to stay here or go back?

/ He turns to look at something and you turn too just to find out is the watch. The watch that brought you to the past. The glowing watch. You feel the breeze of the ocean the scream of the battle the music and drums of the glory.

Chris: Go back! Definitely go back!

/ You look at each other and both smiles.



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