CHAPTER 33: Expect the unexpectable

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/ The boat starts moving and you get more and more closer to Vlanakian's boat. Ramtala is glancing at your boat that approaches and she smiles.

Ramtala: Well! Well! Well! This is the best surprise of the week. No, of the month. Actually, I can even say of the year. Aria...I miss you, darling.
Aria: Aww, I'm flattered. How is your leg?

/ You see Ramtala chewing her teeth then she smiles again.

Ramtala: Aww, you are worried about me. I'm fine by the way. You just got lucky the last time we fought. But now... I can't say the same. You are in the door of Hell. I just have to open it
Aria: The same sermon every time and who finish defeated.
Ramtala: Listen, you little aggressive bones. I'm gonna finish with you this time and I'm gonna savor my victory.

/ Ramtala lands her eyes on you. But you are distracted by watching Captain Victoria and pirates who are trying to free themselves.

Ramtala: Who that Hell is this?
Garo: This is Chris. I don't know anything about him but I have heard rumors that he is important.
Ramtala: Yeah, I have heard of him too. He is a thief and a Luxamy too. If you know how the witches are looking for you. Oh my God, with you Chris. Witches gonna pay me big.
Chris: Let me go or I'm calling my sword.
Aria: Chris, don't.
Ramtala: Your sword? Is that a person or a real sword?

/ They all laugh. At the moment Victoria is free. She takes her sword and calls Ramtala out.

Victoria: Hey you scumbag. Wanna play?
Ramtala: Oh, Victoria... Victoria. What should I do with you?

/ Before even she finishes with her sentence. All the pirates free themselves and take their swords, weapons and prepare to attack Ramtala and her crew. Ramtala smiles.

Ramtala: Wow... I like this... Attack.

/ Chaos takes place on the ship. You see that everyone is attacking whoever is near him. Pirates of Vlanaky are good but they aren't on the same level as Ramtala's crew. Her crew is fast and flexible. You lose all hope that Vlanaky's pirates might win this fight. Hopeless you raise your hand to call your sword but suddenly Aria stops you.

Aria: Are you crazy?
Chris: What?
Aria: You don't even know how to use it. Do you want to kill everyone on this ship?
Chris: What am I supposed to do then?
Aria: I don't know... Fight with another sword or something like that but not the Zyruk of mist... Understood?
Chris: All right, but I warn you if things get messy then I won't hesitate to...
Aria: ... Chris. It will only need one wrong move with the Zyruk to tear this ship into pieces.
Chris: I get it.

/ You take a sword and a gun then walk into the battle of pirates. You run toward one of Ramtala's pirates and hit on his knees with your foot then directly knock him off with the gun while he is still down. You rush fast and fight with another pirate then finds yourself back against the back with Victoria.

Victoria: What are ya doing ha'?
Chris: I need to talk to you, later.
Victoria: Ya just walk into the trap of Hell. I don't know if there will be a later.
Chris: Don't worry about that, I got a plan.
Victoria: Oh yay, and what ya plan?
Chris: Just wait.

/ You fight hard and fast until Ramtala notices you and you glance at her. She smiles then moves to attack Victoria behind her back, you warn Victoria and she sees it but it's too late. Ramtala tackles Victoria and takes her sword then suddenly, the fight fades away when the crew of Victoria throws their swords and surrender.

Ramtala: This is more like it. Now, where was I? Ah, first of all, I would like to kill Victoria because she is the one who starts this fight. Without her, her crew is screwed. After, I will kill you, Aria.

/ She points her sword at Aria while Aria yawn and rolls her eyes. Ramtala takes a gun and points it at Captain Victoria.

Chris: Don't do that, please.
Ramtala: What? Oh, you are right. This would be fast and I want her to suffer.

/ Ramtala puts away the gun and takes her dagger. She slowly starts to cut Victoria's throat. You see blood start to stream from Victoria's neck. You feel anger.

Chris: Stop Ramtala! I need her!
Ramtala: Wow. A little thief decides to raise his voice. It's like a butterfly tries to scream into an elephant's ears. You can't stop me, Chris. Just sit there and wait your turn
Chris: Actually, I can stop.
Aria: Chris...don't, please.

/ You raise your hand while thinking of your sword. But it doesn't show up.

Ramtala: What are you doing?
Chris: What is happening? Why it doesn't show up, Aria?
Aria: Chris...
Chris: ....stop, I'm gonna try again.
Victoria: So...this is your plan, Chris.

/ Ramtala and her crew laugh but Victoria looks away in disappointment. You close your eyes and try to focus again. Ramtala releases Victoria and starts to approaches you while you still raise your hand.

Ramtala: You know what, Chris. I never kill a Luxamy before. But have provoked me enough to make an exception.
Chris: I feel it. It is deep down in the sea.
Ramtala: What do you feel?
Galick: His sword.
Victoria: His what?

/ Ramtala looks at you when you open your eyes. There is thunder in your eyes. They are lighting which makes everyone afraid.

Galick: It coming.
Victoria: What is coming? Talk!
Galick: I throw it away but it comes back.

/ They start to see light coming from the sea. Like something is coming up and at that moment your smile starts to grow.

Aria: Use it carefully, Chris.
Chris: Oh trust me, I will.

/ It comes and lands on your hand then light surrounds you. When the light fades. Everyone sees it.

Ramtala: No, it's impossible.
Mal: Tell me it's not what I think it's.
Victoria: Is that...
Galick: ....the freak Zyruk of mist. Yes.
Chris: I told you that I can stop you.
Ramtala: You are Chris Harley. The legend of the past?
Aria: The one and only.
Galick: Forgive me, Chris. I...
Chris: You... Don't even say a word. Sshhh... Ramtala, Just go. And take your crew with you. I have no time right now.
Aria: I will deal with you when I see you again.
Ramtala: Very well. Let's go, guys.
Chris: See you soon.
Ramtala: I hope not.

/ Ramtala takes her crew and leave. You turn to look at Victoria's crew. They are looking at you seriously. You smile then they smile back

Chris: I miss you, guys.
Mal: We miss you too, Soxany.
Samson: You are...
Chris: Just forget that, Samson.
Jax: How? It's not an easy thing to forget.
Chris: Just remember that I'm still the same and your friend too.
Victoria: But what are you doing here?
Chris: I need your help, Victoria.
Victoria: What?
Samson: What can pirates help the legend of the past?
Chris: I don't know but I'm sure that I will need your help.
Aria: Chris! Chris... Are you alright?
Chris: I... I... What?

/ Something seems off and you see light then you collapse unconsciously on the ground.

It seems like Chris is powerful, it's just that he doesn't realize it. Now, why did he fall unconsciously? What is happening at Luxamina, right now? Find out more in the next chapter.

Chapter 34: Luxamina vs Oxion

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