CHAPTER 23: Who is Rose Weyer?

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/ While you are walking back to the palace. Vlad takes Princess Katharina and leads her to her room.

Chris: What are we going to do if the witches come to Luxamina?
Cyloriuk: I don't know but Prince Haruna always has a solution.
Chris: About Prince Haruna. Is he a mix too?
Cyloriuk: No, he's 100% pure Luxamy.
Chris: Is a pure Luxamy powerful than a mix?
Cyloriuk: No, the most powerful species are the mix of half Luxamina and half Oxion. But you have nothing to worry about, they don't exist yet.
Chris: Why when Shyx was talking about the mix of half Luxamina and half Oxion, he was glancing at Prince Haruna?
Cyloriuk: I don't think, I have permission to tell you that. I don't have all information about that anyway. But since Prince Haruna came back from that sea, he appears to be much more powerful than usual.
Chris: Is he dangerous then?
Cyloriuk: Only when he gets angry.
Chris: Are you afraid of him?

/ Cyloriuk laughs.

Cyloriuk: Everyone was afraid of Prince Haruna even before he falls from the sea but not me. Now, I'm afraid of him too because I don't know what is he capable of...Like you.
Chris: You have two swords but I never see you use the other sword. Why?
Cyloriuk: I use it but only when it's necessary needed.
Chris: Is it a magic sword?

/ Cyloriuk stares at you for a long time. Then he motions you to a door.

Cyloriuk: Here is your room, Chris. I will bring you, food.

/ You enter a big beautiful room with a nice bed and all the necessary things that need in the room. Cyloriuk brings you food and puts it down on a table.

Cyloriuk: It's not a pizza or hamburger but it's delicious. Enjoy your meal.

/ You smile and he smiles back before heads outside. You eat and then you rest. While you are sleeping you hear someone calling you in your head.

Girl???: Chris! Chris! Chris!
Chris: Who is this?
Girl???: How are you, Chris?
Chris: How am I? You are talking to me through my head and I don't even know who the hell you are. I thought movies were lying.
Girl???: Seems like you haven't changed and I still don't get some of your nonsense words. I hate your attitude but I like you because you are special, Chris.
Chris: Rose?
Rose: Yes, it's me, Chris. How are you?
Chris: I'm fine, how are you? And where are you? How the hell are you doing this?
Rose: I'm fine and I'm here in Luxamina. And talking through your head it's out of my power. It's your power, Chris. You are doing this.
Chris: What?... How?
Rose: You just wanted to talk to me so much maybe. You push me to answer you. You are much more powerful than you think, Chris.
Chris: You're here at Luxamina, where?
Rose: Chris! There must be important questions you want to ask me more than that.
Chris: Yes, we talk about you so much these past days.
Rose: I know that. Do you want to know why I took the bracelet? And if what they are talking about me it's true?
Chris: Is it true then? Are you a witch?
Rose: Yes, I'm a witch but not like Veronica and Valerian.
Chris: How?
Rose: I'm a mix of half Oxion and half Skiburg...
Chris: What? That is the...
Rose: ...The 2nd dangerous level. I know that.
Chris: The haircut?
Rose: Yeah, it was a protection against the monster of Oxion.
Chris: I know it's a protection but why?
Rose: I took the bracelet because you aren't ready to fight the witches yet. I'm the only one of my species. No one knows me. My mother hides me because of that. Everyone thinks that if the 2 last-level species are born, it's the end of the world. I don't know what Cyloriuk tells you but don't trust him.
Chris: But Its species is the most loyal.
Rose: Probably. By the way, how did you find out about the haircut? Only a very powerful witch like me could see it.
Chris: I didn't. It was Shyx who told me.
Rose: Ohh, meet Shyx.

/ You hear like suspicion in her voice.

Chris: Yes, do you know him?
Rose: He is the executioner, everyone knows him. I see that you have so many questions, Chris. Lucky for you. I'm the only one who has answers to all of them.
Chris: What the hell am I doing here?
Rose: It's your destiny to be here. You have to defeat the witches. And by defeat means kill them all.
Chris: That's exactly what Shyx says too.
Rose: Seems like you had a long conversation with him.
Chris: Not really no. Prince Haruna brings me to him to handle me the Zuck sword.
Rose: The Zyruk of mist.
Chris: Yeah, yeah...but then he didn't want me to take it. He even becomes aggressive.
Rose: I know, you must have been terrified.
Chris: Yes, everyone was. Cyloriuk says that it has something to do with when he falls in the sea.
Rose: Yes, he falls in the sea and now he's the third powerful soul in the kingdom after me.
Chris: Who's the first powerful person?
Rose: Chris, now that you are here I'm no more the most powerful one. It's you the most powerful soul now.
Chris: How can I go home?
Rose: Kill the Queen and the Princess of Oxion and everyone will be under your knees.
Chris: You mean Veronica and Valerian.
Rose: Yes.
Chris: Is there a mix of half Luxamina and half Oxion?
Rose: No, there are none yet but it wasn't far to happen.
Chris: Shyx was glaring at Prince Haruna when he says that. Does that have anything to do with him?
Rose: That is a discussion you must have with Prince Haruna. I stop reading his mind since he comes back from that sea.
Chris: You are a mind's reader too?
Rose: You as well. Did Shyx say something about me?
Chris: No, he sounds like he doesn't know you.
Rose: That's good.
Chris: Wait a minute. You know who I was since I arrived here, right?

/ Rose sighs frustrated.

Rose: Yes. I stole the watch in Oxion then I separate the watch and its bracelets, I put the bracelets at Vlanaky so that they lose trace and bring the watch to Skiburg. And I just pray hard for you not to land at Oxion. Chris, I'm the one who received you but if I would take a risk to explain to you at that time when you were terrified, would you believed me?

/ You hear her sniffs.

Rose: I will bring you the bracelet when you will be ready, Chris. But now, the witches have lost track of it. Princess Katharina isn't a killer, it's just that she doesn't know who to trust anymore, and you should do the same. Don't trust anyone even Cyloriuk except the Prince of Luxamina. He is the only one who is capable of preparing and protecting you. Now, I have to go before Cyloriuk hears us. Bye, Chris.
Chris: Bye... Why are you still in my head?
Rose: Because you're still thinking about me.

/ You focus on not thinking about her but you still hear her. Her breath becomes harder.

Chris: Are you running?
Rose: Chris, You have to stop thinking about me.
Chris: I can't.
Rose: So do I, Chris. It's because of... Let's just try again.

/ Someone opens the door. It Cyloriuk. He looks at you.

Cyloriuk: Keep thinking about her so we can catch her.
Chris: Oh, boy...
Rose: That's the word.

Find out more in the next chapter.

Chapter 24: Who is the Prince of Luxamina?

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