CHAPTER 35: All aboard

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/ You wake up in shock just to find Victoria next to you who let a bottle of Rum fall from her hand by your scream.

Victoria: Chris! Are you alright?
Chris: No, no, no. It's impossible. They can't. Why did they do that? They could have wait for me!
Victoria: Calm down. Take a deep breath. What did you see?
Chris: It's the Luxamy's knights and their prince. They have been caught by witches.

/ Just then Aria storms inside the room.

Aria: Chris! Are you fine? Your scream shakes the boat.
Chris: I'm...I'm. I need to take some air and process all of this.

/ You storm outside. Aria turns to Victoria.

Aria: What is he talking about?
Victoria: I'm not sure. Hey, Jax, picked up these bottle pieces and bring me another bottle. I'm going to have a long conversation with that boy.

/ You are downstairs looking at the calm seawater. You hear someone coming down the stairs. You see Victoria holding a bottle of Rum and glance at you.

Victoria: Don't look at me like that. You broke the one I was drinking.
Chris: Well, I thought maybe this time you will at least drink water.
Victoria: We are pirates. We navigate through water, we don't drink it.

/ You chuckle. And she stands next to you, she takes a sip and gives it to you. You take a sip as well and give it back. She holds your hand.

Victoria: Aria told me about everything you already know until here.
Chris: But I need to know what happened to the sea with that monster.
Victoria: Trust me, you don't.
Chris: What happened? I know you told Veronica about your location but I'm sure there is more to it. I want to hear your version.

/ Victoria takes a sip again and again until finally, she glances back at you.

Victoria: I and Veronica were friends. She saved my life once. Before I became a pirate I was the little princess who likes to hear tales instead of faces them. And like you know, in all tales. The witches are always harmful. So I hated the witches. All witches, the bad one and the good one. In my little world, they were all bad. Until one day when I was in the forest with my parents for a royal hunt. I don't know how but something coming from nowhere killed all guards and my parents. I remember that thing, it was unstoppable. I run and run until I could not hear a sound. I was sure that I'm far from that thing but also that I was lost. I started to walk, not know what to do or where to go. Until I heard it again and that I when I saw her. She takes me by hand and puts me behind her. She used magic in front of me. It was the first time I assist at something like that, something wonderful. There was light everywhere, I remembered the sensation of feeling safe next to her. The monster disappears into view. She turns to me with a smile and asks me how I feel. She was young and beautiful. No matter how safe I felt next to her, I start running away from her. She didn't even run after me. I remembered looking behind while I'm running. She disappears farther and farther away while I was running. I fall unconsciously after a lot of runs. When I wake up, she was next to me. She was taking care of me. She told me that she has no intention of harming me. I didn't believe her at first until she brought me home safely. It was after that day when I started to see the witches from another angle.
Chris: What happened at the sea? What happened to the Prince of Luxamina?
Victoria: Look at my eyes. I'm gonna show you.

/ You look at her eyes and sink in.

Victoria: All aboard. Now, you are free. Bring it up, Jax.
Jax: Yes, Captain.

/ You see Valerian who enters the boat nervously. Prince Haruna holds her hand.

Haruna: Don't worry, Valerian. I'm here.

/ She turns and hugs him tightly.

Valerian: Never leave me alone again, please.
Haruna: Not even when you ask me to.

/ Vlad and Princess Katharina enter just behind them.

Katharina: Aww, how cute.
Vlad: Your Highness, I think we should give them some alone time.
Victoria: Bollocks, we are all going to have a drink together and no one leaves. We are free. Besides, Haruna and Valerian going to have as much alone time as they desire but now, it's time to celebrate.

/ She opens a bottle and they all gather around to collect their drink and sink in a long happy conversation.

Victoria: Now, where do you want to go?
Haruna: I heard that you have several places that peoples are loyal to you.
Victoria: That's not wrong. I can take you to the most luxurious one.
Haruna: No, I mean, I was thinking of an ordinary place. Not a luxury one. If you agree, of course
Valerian: I'm going wherever you go, as long as we don't separate. I'm good.
Katharina: Aww...
Aria: Come on, Princess. You are disturbing the cute couple.
Vlad: You, the one who talks.

/ Aria rolls her eyes while Valerian leaves the conversation and heads at the bottom of the boat. Prince Haruna follows her. She extends her arm, looking up as the air brushes her hair and she smiles. Prince Haruna comes behind her and surrounds his hands on her waist. She closes her eyes when Prince Haruna kisses her neck.

Valerian: You are my flavor, my pure and simple feeling. With your smile, I faint while in your eyes I sink. You are the most precious thing in my eyes. Where should I hide you?
Haruna: In your heart.

/ Valerian slowly turns to face Prince Haruna.

Haruna: You read it.
Valerian: It was your favorite book. Which means is my favorite as well.

/ They kiss and Valerian pushes apart quickly.

Haruna: What is wrong?
Valerian: Something is coming. Look there.

/ Something is heading in their way. Something big. Fred (the witch) comes.

Fred: I have the sense that something is coming.
Valerian: I know. I'm gonna try to hold it. Tell to Victoria that we should leave, NOW!

/ Valerian raises her hand in the air while behind her Prince Haruna takes his sword when Vlad comes next to him and does the same.

Haruna: Where is Katharina?
Vlad: I locked her downstairs. She is safe.
Valerian: Are you two insane? Get back inside.
Victoria: You mean we three.
Valerian: Should you not navigate the boat?
Victoria: No, that's not the part of my job but Samson is on it.
Aria: I hear there was a private party up here to which I wasn't invited.
Jax: Should you not keep an eye on the princess?
Aria: She isn't a little girl beside Mal is with her.
Mal: What? And miss all the fun.
Valerian: Seriously, you are all here.
Fred: We are pirates, we don't run from the threat, we face them...
Octavia: ...And we don't take orders from you.

/ Just at that moment. The monster appears in front of them.

 The monster appears in front of them

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Valerian: That's Lou-ia. I haven't seen her in ages. She is the protector of Oxion.
Fred: And she is in an aggressive mood which means she is here to harm someone but who?
Vlad: Well, I'm not going to wait around to see who it is?
Victoria: Warm it up, and show her who we are?

Find out more in the next chapter.

Chapter 36: Lou-ia (The sea monster)

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