CHAPTER 13: How did it happen?

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/ You watch in horror as Vlad Cogred walks up to Victoria with the sword in her throat, but Victoria doesn't even back away or look scared.

Chris: Wait,
Vlad Cogred: What again? She knew the consequences of her kidnapping.
Chris: But ...
Victoria: Don't worry honey, I want to see where this is going.
Silyart: Me too. But I need to be somewhere.
Chris: Wait Silyart, do something.
Silyart: I wish but there is no mercy and she knew it.

You see Silyart gets on his horse and leaves.

Chris: Vlad if I speak as a Luxamina civilian. Can you free her?

/ Vlad Cogred turns to you as Victoria looks at you with more affection

Vlad Cogred: No, that wouldn't help.
Katharina: What if the princess orders her release?
Vlad Cogred: But ...
Katharina: Didn't I say it was an order?

/ You see everyone bow as Princess Katharina walks up to Victoria. Victoria looks Katharina up and down as if she doesn't need her help.

Katherina: You can leave my empire now, Captain!

/ Victoria looks at her crew behind her. They are trembling and she spits on the ground next to the princess's feet. Vlad Cogred gets up but the princess raises her hand and he bows again. Victoria looks directly into the eyes of the princess.

Victoria: I'll see you again, honey
Katharina: I think you've caused so much trouble for your crew and yourself, so I advise you to stay away from me.
Victoria: Oh my princess, don't take it the wrong way, but I wasn't talking to you.

/ Victoria tilts her head a little to look at you behind the princess then she winks. Aria's eyes widen as everyone looks at you. You swallow and Aria next to you whispers.

Aria: Wow, did she wink at you?

/ Before answering, the princess refocuses on Victoria and speaks again.

Katherina: Stay away from my empire and my friends too.

/ Victoria ignores the princess and takes her pistol from the holder and throws it at you.

Victoria: Take this, honey. It will come in need. We never know.

/ She looks arrogantly at the princess then turns around. She walks around shaking her ass sexually then turns her head to smile at you like she's teasing you. Aria's jaws drop.

Aria: Shit, I think she likes you.

/ You smile as you speak.

Chris: I can't believe I make cry a woman who doesn't even move a step from a sword.

/ Princess Katharina turns to look at you in confusion as Vlad Cogred rests his sword on the horse's stand and walks up to you.

Vlad Cogred: Are you saying that you both did ...?

/ Vlad Cogred is embarrassed to say the word in front of the princess so he gestures to you.

Chris: She's charming, isn't she?
Aria: You mean crazy.
Chris: Sure, but she'll be crazier if she finds out I took this from her.

/ You take the glowing bracelet out of your pocket and show it to everyone.

Aria: How did it happen?

/ You chuckle and Vlad Cogred walks up to take it from you, but you quickly put it back in your pocket.

Vlad Cogred: What?
Chris: I promise Prince Haruna to return it.
Aria: Wait, you mean Prince Haruna is the one who gave it to you?
Chris: Yeah, at the palace.
Katharina: Again, Chris.
Chris: Wait, you'll see him in Skiburg.

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