CHAPTER 36: Lou-ia (The sea monster)

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Victoria: Warm it up, and show her who we are?
Valerian: My love, go and protect the princess. We got this.
Katharina: I don't need protection and you said that to send Haruna away from the fight.
Valerian: Of course, I can't tolerate his pain.
Vlad: What are you doing here?
Katharina: Come on, Vlad. I'm not useless.

/ Valerian looks at Prince Haruna.

Valerian: Please go. I got this.
Haruna: I'll never leave you even in a blink of an eye. I'm ready, are you?

/ She nods. She raises her hands.

Valerian: What do you want?
Lou-ia: His blood.
Victoria: Whose blood?
Aria: It doesn't matter. Let kill her.
Valerian: No, she is a family. I will reason her.
Lou-ia: Get away from them, Valerian. Everyone who is on his way will perish.
Vlad: Who?
Lou-ia: I have specific rules. No to harm the princess and Valerian. But I will not harm any of you if you give me who I came for?
Haruna: Who?
Lou-ia: You, your Highness... You.
Haruna: Me? What did I do?
Lou-ia: What did you do? You are taking our heritage away from us. You are killing our legacy. You are stealing our future queen. What will we be without our dignity?
Valerian: No, you got it wrong. I choose to run away with him. It's not his decision but mine. I love him and want to be with him.
Lou-ia: I was afraid you were gonna say that. My queen said that if that boy is still alive. You will hear no one.
Valerian: Exactly, because love is blind. And trust me Lou-ia before you touch him make sure I'm dead. Otherwise, I will ignore that we are family.
Lou-ia: I accept this mission to protect my family and I'm planning to finish it.
Fred: Bring it on. We are ready.

/ Loui-ia sends a wave of water in your way but the wave freezes in place. Valerian murmurs some words and the wave of water turns into a wave of fire and heads back towards Lou-ia. Lou-ia tries to avoid it but it hits her on anyway.

Vlad: Aria, put on a poison potion on my dagger. So we can finish with this monster.

/ Aria takes her satchel and takes out the deadly poison and adds it to Vlad's dagger.

Aria: She still unconscious
Vlad: Not so long, she will come back and... I will be ready for her.
Victoria: Does anyone see her?
Fred: I don't feel her. It's like she is gone.
Valerian: She promises my mother to finish the mission... She is definitely not gone.
Katharina: Should we stay here? Because I don't want to wait till she comes back.
Victoria: She is right. Turn on the boat. Let's get out of here.
Haruna: Wait. That's what she wants. She wants us to move so she can attack us by surprise.
Mal: What do we do then?
Aria: I got this.

/ Aria takes out something from her satchel.

Vlad: What is that?
Aria: It a Loom... From Oxion.
Haruna: What? How did you get that?
Valerian: It's not the time, darling.
Haruna: After this, you'll have to explain this to me, Aria.
Samson: Let hope we have an after.

/ Valerian moves to let Aria get at the bottom of the boat. Princess Katharina whispers to Valerian

Katharina: How does this work again?
Valerian: She drops one drop on the water...

/ Aria drops a drop on the sea.

Valerian: ... And light will come out where the monster... I mean where Lou-ia is.
Katharina: I don't see any light.
Valerian: Yeah, that is weird... It looks like she's gone.
Vlad: Or dead.
Aria: You will need more than a fire wave to kill her.
Haruna: Like my sword!
Victoria: If your sword is one of the 5 legendary swords of Axilus then yeah.
Haruna: It is.
Aria: What? That's impossible. Rumors said that the swords of Axilus were buried with their Emperors at the battle.
Haruna: Who do you think repent that rumor?
Vlad: Let me guess, you?
Haruna: Actually, it was Cyloriuk.
Victoria: Are you not afraid that he got one of the legendary swords.
Aria: Afraid? She doesn't even look surprised. Or you don't know that those are the only sword that can kill a witch.
Valerian: No, I'm not afraid. I knew it.
Haruna: What? How?
Aria: Yeah, no one knows how the swords look like.
Valerian: I know. The one Cyloriuk has is for King Dewarux and the one you have, my love it's for King Trazus.
Victoria: Okay, I'm confused in here even the older witches don't know that, right?
Katharina: I have been through a lot of books than any of you in this boat but I don't even know a single name of one Emperor.
Aria: No, I'm confused too. Is she right, Your Highness?

/ Prince Haruna turns to look at Valerian.

Haruna: You know how the sword looks like and you even know their emperors' names.
Vlad: Should I say that it is impressive?
Haruna: More than impressive. If you know all of that, it means that you know someone very dangerous or you are...
Fred: Guys, I wouldn't like to break the fun but isn't that the light we were supposed to see?

/ The all turn to see that the light is coming very close to the bottom of the boat.

Valerian: Get out of there, Aria.

/ Lou-ia jumps out from the sea and cracks the bottom of the boat where Aria was. Aria flies through the boat until she ends up crash on the stairs. She falls unconscious. Princess Katharina runs over her.

Katharina: Aria! Aria! Wake up.

/ The rest gather around, prepare to attack. Valerian tries to move in front of Prince Haruna but he blocks her.

Haruna: You ain't going anywhere. Stay behind me.
Valerian: I can't, I'm the one with powerful powers. Let me pass, Haruna.
Haruna: You have protected me enough. It's my time now.

/ Lou-ia heads directly towards them and pirates throw arrows and swords at her which slow her down but she keeps coming and Vlad throws his poison dagger at her. She stops.

Lou-ia: This dagger contains the herbs of Luxamina. It's burning.
Haruna: What? How?
Vlad: Don't look at me like that. I get it from Aria.
Haruna: Damn it, Aria got a lot to explain when I come back.
Valerian: What?

/ Lou-ia moves under the sea but they see that she is heading towards them. Unexpectedly they all see Prince Haruna runs at the bottom of the boat then jumps. He meets Lou-ia in the middle way who jumps out of the water and opens her mouth to swallows, Prince Haruna.

Valerian: Nooo!!!

/ Chris falls to the ground.

Chris: Noo!!

/ Victoria takes out her bottle and takes a long sip until Chris gets up quickly.

Chris: What happened next?
Victoria: I think you know what happened next.
Chris: I know but...
Victoria: Cut it out, Chris. Love is blind and you know it... We just don't know how much those two lived with each other but that was the end of their love. Valerian jumps after he and I heard rumors that they were detected at one of the far shores.
Chris: And... Why did you not go search for them?
Victoria: Because after that attack I needed to have a long and serious conversation with Veronica. We get to the agreement to not get on each other ways. Pirates and Witches are now like fire and water. I know why you are here, Chris but I'm sorry

/ Victoria turns to leave but Chris calls her out. She stops but doesn't turn.

Chris: You don't get it. If you don't fight on my side. One valuable friend of ours will die. It can be Aria, Vlad, Cyloriuk, Prince Haruna, Princess Katharina, or even me
Victoria: In a battle is better to sacrifice one soldier for 10 than 10 for 1.

/ Victoria leaves without a look back.

Find out more in the next chapter.

Chapter 37: Lost in thought.

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